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My Fourth Poem: Under the Moon’s Soft Glow

Photo by Luca on Unsplash

Beneath the silver moon’s soft glow, In a world where dreams freely flow, A tale of wonder we shall weave, Where hopes and aspirations heave.

In meadows kissed by morning dew, A canvas painted with skies so blue, The dawn’s first light begins to break, Awakening life, a day to make.

Upon the shores where waves embrace, Footprints of time, we gently trace, As tides of change forever churn, In nature’s beauty, we discern.

Through forests deep and pathways wide, With every step, we find our guide, The whispers of the ancient trees, Reveal the secrets of the breeze.

In city streets, a bustling maze, Where dreams are born in countless ways, We chase our goals, our hearts entwined, In the rhythm of life, we’re defined.

Among the stars that grace the night, We dream of futures shining bright, With every wish upon each star, We’re reminded of who we are.

So let this journey never end, With each twist and every bend, In this symphony of life we play, Embracing each and every day.


Check Out My Other Poems.

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