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The website content presents "My Thirteenth Poem: A Coastal Serenade," a poetic reflection on the enchanting beauty of a beach at different times of the day, inviting readers to explore the poet's other works.


The poem "My Thirteenth Poem: A Coastal Serenade" captures the essence of a beach's beauty throughout the day, from the vibrant dance of the waves under the azure sky to the tranquil transformation at twilight. It paints a vivid picture of children playing, the sun setting, and the stars emerging, creating a serene and timeless atmosphere. The poem concludes with an invitation to readers to delve into the poet's previous works, which include themes of nature, wanderlust, life's echoes, personal growth, love's journey, and celestial dreams, offering a diverse collection of poetic experiences.


  • The poet holds a romanticized view of the beach, seeing it as a place where nature's beauty is on full display and where the soul can find peace.
  • The poem suggests that the beach is a canvas of ever-changing beauty, with the tides, sunset, and night sky each contributing to its allure.
  • There is an appreciation for the simple joys in life, such as children's laughter and the building of sandcastles, which are seen as integral parts of the coastal experience.
  • The poet implies a connection between the natural world and human emotions, with the beach serving as a sanctuary for the spirit.
  • The inclusion of links to previous poems indicates the poet's pride in their body of work and a desire to share a broader poetic journey with the reader.


My Thirteenth Poem: A Coastal Serenade

Beach’s Beauty Unveiled

Photo by Aaron Kato on Unsplash

Beneath the sky, where the azure meets the gold, A realm of beauty, in stories yet untold, Upon the sands, where the ocean’s whispers reach, Lies a tapestry of wonder, the beach’s beauty to teach.

The waves, they dance, a waltz of endless grace, Their foamy fingers tracing every sandy place, As seagulls soar, their calls like nature’s song, In this coastal paradise, where hearts and spirits long.

The sun, a fiery jewel, descends with a gentle sigh, Painting the horizon in hues that mystify, Amid the twilight’s glow, and the sky’s vibrant array, The beach transforms into a dream at the end of day.

Children build castles, laughter fills the air, Footprints disappear, as if time does not dare, Shells and treasures hidden in the sands they find, A testament to the beach’s beauty, forever intertwined.

Seashells whisper stories, the tides reveal their lore, In the ebb and flow, secrets they implore, The beach, a sanctuary where souls find their release, A haven of tranquility, where all troubles cease.

As the stars twinkle, in the heavens so high, The beach’s beauty remains, beneath the moon’s soft sigh, In the still of night, by the ocean’s gentle song, The beach’s timeless beauty lingers on and on.

Check out my Other Poems…

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