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My Eighteenth Poem : Eternal Wanderer

Endless Odyssey of the Cosmic Nomad

Photo by Ries Bosch on Unsplash

In realms beyond the reach of sight, A tale unfolds, both day and night, Of an eternal wanderer, boundless and free, In search of realms yet unseen, he’ll be.

Through dimensions unknown, he roams, In quest of secrets, in silence he combs, The corridors of time, both near and far, He’s the celestial voyager, an astral star.

In the garden of memories, he tends to sow, The seeds of forgotten tales that no one knows, His footsteps echo in the labyrinth of dreams, Where reality and fantasy merge at the seams.

He walks with shadows, hand in hand, In twilight realms, where illusions expand, To the whispering winds, he lends an ear, For the voices of the past, he longs to hear.

With every step, a new world unfolds, A canvas of wonders, of stories untold, He’s the witness to empires’ rise and fall, A silent observer, at the heart of it all.

Through enchanted forests where mysteries reside, He seeks the answers, his heart as his guide, In the darkest caverns, beneath the earth’s crust, He discovers the gems of wisdom, in trust.

The songs of the stars, he learns to sing, He rides the comet’s tail, on celestial wing, He’s the keeper of forgotten constellations, In the symphony of the cosmos, he finds his station.

He bathes in the river of endless time, Where past, present, and future entwine, For the eternal wanderer, the voyage never ends, As through the cosmos, his spirit transcends.

In the tapestry of existence, his threads are woven, With stories of lives, from beginning to the chosen, He’s the eternal wanderer, forever in quest, For the universe’s secrets, he never takes rest.

With the cosmos as his canvas, and stars as his ink, He paints the universe’s story, in a timeless link, An eternal wanderer, boundless and free, Forever seeking the truths of eternity.

Check out my Other Poems

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