avatarElin Melaas


Nutrition and Health

The Power of Nutrition for Health: Insights from a Certified Nutritionist in Norway

I feature memorable, credible, and insightful content of Dr. Mehmet Yildiz, highlighting the game-changing impact on our health and well-being.

Photo by Yaroslav Shuraev from Pexels

We are what we eat. As my passion for personal and professional growth, in my journey as a biophysicist and nutritionist, I’ve delved deep into nutrition science methodically with diligence to support my clients.

Armed with a master’s degree in biophysics from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology and a bachelor’s degree in nutrition science from the University of Oslo, I’ve dedicated my career to the nutrition field for years.

My professional voyage began at the Norwegian Cancer Registry, where I honed my skills from 2007 to 2010. Since 2012, I’ve been serving as a certified nutritionist in the community of Drangedal, Telemark, where nutrition holds a significant role for our citizens.

Recently, I stumbled upon a transformative story penned by Dr Mehmet Yildiz titled Here’s Why I Focus on Nutritional Biochemistry Rather Than Diets.’ This narrative deeply resonated with me as it perfectly encapsulated my mission as a nutritionist — to educate and empower my clients.

As an avid reader, writer, editor, and curator, I’m delighted that Medium’s curators recognized the profound impact of this story, giving it the visibility it rightly deserves by boosting it.

As a holistic health advocate, Dr. Yildiz’s narrative emphasizes the shift from generic diets to a nutrition-centric approach, transcending divisive debates and enabling us to make informed choices for our well-being. Like him, I look forward to moving from Medicine 2.0 to Health 3.0.

He wisely states, ‘Instead of getting caught up in the diet wars, we must find what suits us best. It’s about understanding our bodies, seeking guidance from trusted healthcare professionals, and tailoring personalized plans.’

I wholeheartedly agree that ‘Shifting focus from generic diets to understanding nutritional biochemistry empowers us to optimize our health and well-being.’

Like Dr. Yildiz, I believe that ‘By considering intricate biochemical mechanisms, we can customize our nutritional approach to meet unique needs, support physiological and psychological functions, and address imbalances effectively.’

Dr. Yildiz’s collection further explores various diets, nutritional approaches, and the significance of empowering foods. His focus on the use of biomarkers as tangible measures is exceptional and is worth exploring.

Another outstanding piece reflects his focus on healthy fats, which are often neglected and cause severe physical and mental health issues.

He explained The Critical Role of Healthy Fats in Cellular, Hormonal, and Mental Health. His journey from low-fat to high-fat diets, notably ketogenic, provides valuable insights into diet customization.

For example, low-fat diets in his younger years gave him nightmares. However, adding more fat to his diet (a ketogenic diet) and consuming 200 grams of healthy fats daily in a time-restricted eating style helped him thrive. This remarkable transformation can give us valuable insights into customizing our diets.

Dr Yildiz informed us, "People in Belgium consume 95 grams of fat daily on average. Germans eat 86.5, Finnish, 81, Dutch 80.4, and Swedish 80.3 grams. As fat-phobic people exist in each country, these average numbers are pretty high.”

His recently boosted story, A New Clinical Trial Found a Low-Carb Diet Better Than the Dash, increased our confidence in keto diets.

Like Dr. Yildiz, I am passionate about promoting healthy eating habits from whole foods, even though topics like saturated fats and cholesterol are still considered antagonistic.

In addition, his emphasis on bioavailable proteins as the body’s building blocks and his guidance on optimizing muscular maintenance and longevity through carefully activated mTOR pathways offer invaluable lessons.

His story titled Optimizing mTOR, AMPK, and Ketones for Better Healthspan and Lifespan is an eye-opener, so everyone needs to read and understand these ideas to improve health and longevity.

Following an omnivorous diet myself, I know the importance of both animal and plant sources for nutritional balance.

I admire Dr. Yildiz’s approach to nutrition because he considers all types of diets with an open mind and compassion to empower his readers, whether herbivorous, omnivorous, or carnivorous, by focusing on ketosis.

He sheds light on the benefits of ketones (β-Hydroxybutyrate) as a clean energy source for the brain to increase BDNF (Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor). He informs that fasting can change brain chemistry thanks to ketosis.

One standout story is his exploration of the nutritional powerhouse, beef liver, in a piece titled ‘Despite Its Poor Reputation, Beef Liver Is My Favorite Food for Health Reasons.’ Inspired by his insights, I wrote my own story about nutritious beef liver.

This post is just scratching the surface. Therefore, if you are interested in nutrition, health, and wellness, I encourage you to explore Dr. Yildiz’s collection, brimming with knowledge on nutrition, diets, foods, essential nutrients, and healthy lifestyle interventions for enhancing healthspan and lifespan.

As a content curator, I found some of his relevant collections. So, I provide the links to his lists, making it effortless for you to quickly access relevant stories that align with your interests and needs. Happy reading!

Collection 1: Nutrition and Customized Diets

Collection 2: Valuable Nutrients and Supplements

Collection 3: Brain Health and Cognitive Function

Collection 4: Fasting, Ketosis, Autophagy, Mitophagy

Collection 5: Weight Loss / Muscle Gain

Collection 6: Ketosis and Ketogenic Lifestyle

Collection 7: Major Health Conditions

Remarkable stories in these collections not only cover nutrition but all other critical lifestyle interventions such as restorative sleep, regular exercise, rest, recovery, fun, improved relationships, and meaningful social connection,

As a prolific writer and post-doctoral scientist, Dr. Yildiz is the author of multiple books, scientific papers, and patents. He wrote over 2,000 articles on Medium, which he mainly hosts in his personal publication EUPHORIA. You can learn about Dr. Yildiz from his editorial bio on Medium.

You can also find more information about me from my recent editorial profile authored by ILLUMINATION editors. I compiled available editor bios in a collection, hoping you might learn more about them, explore their stories, and connect with them.

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Nutrition Science
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