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How to Find the Spiritual Code That Unlocks Your Destiny

You can be anointed and not know that you are


I. The Secret That Releases The Hand

It’s not enough to know you are called. It’s not enough to know you have a mantle or an anointing. You must also know the formula to unlock and protect that calling, mantle, anointing, and your destiny as a whole.

Because mantles trigger battles, every mantle is protected until you are ready to unlock it. Every destiny has a spiritual code of operation that protects it.

You can be anointed and not know that you are. Without discernment, you cannot know what activates the workings of the Spirit within you to release your anointing and you will find that your life will look like you’re not called.

There are many different formulas that God gives those he calls, chooses, and gives a mantle to. These formulas activate the anointing. For one person, it may be to hold hands with their spouse and for both to agree and it will be so. For another person, it may be to pray powerfully in spirit and in truth while fasting and their anointing flows down their face. For yet another person, it may be generosity and acts of kindness that releases their anointing and for the next, it may be acts of audacious faith or courageous acts.

One formula for one person may not be the formula for everyone. By discernment, you can figure out the secret code that activates your unique destiny and release the hand of God in your life.

Because mantles trigger battles, every mantle and every destiny has a spiritual code of operation that protects that mantle or destiny.

II. The Discernment That Identifies

Those who lack discernment will struggle to fulfill their calling. They can’t tell that they’re anointed. Without discernment, a person may find themselves in a place they should never have gone. They may find themselves with a person who steals their mantle.

Lack of discernment will have you working in an industry that leads you further away from what you are meant to be doing with your life. Many will push away the person who holds the key to a closed door in their life and then wonder why that door will not open no matter what they do. Many will drive away their destiny helpers because they do not have the discernment to recognize them as such.

But discernment isn’t just about good and bad. It’s about being in the will of God.

Who told you it’s God’s will for you to be in ministry? Who told you it’s God’s order to travel abroad? Who told you you’re meant to be what you are now? Who told you you’re meant to be with that person?

Who told you?

Many of the problems we face in today’s world is due to the inability to properly discern. The lack of discernment will lead to many good things feeling like a burden.

God will only take responsibility for what he initiated. If you do things by your own will without consulting God, it means you have the power to manage the outcomes whether good or bad.

Many do things in search of greener pastures but greener pastures isn’t a physical location. It is wherever the voice of God leads you.

It truly is not about the knowledge or even the wisdom a person has. It’s about the ability to discern the will of God, Spirit, Allah, Buddha, Jesus, Universe, Source, Most High, Divine, or whatever you call it.

Great men and women are able to do many great things because they believe in a much higher power. They do nothing of their own will. They inquire to be sure it’s God’s will.

You should be able to thank people for what they say and then go home to inquire of God. What God says is much more important than what he or she says.

Discernment is good but you must know that there is a risk when you decide to take the way of discernment. With discernment, you see things for what they truly are and not what they appear to be. Because of that, there will be a lot of disruptions to what you once thought was orderly. If you’re not willing to endure the disruptions, then you can forget about the gift of discernment.

Discernment is a prerequisite to success.

Being successful is not about your abilities and your capabilities. It’s not about your knowledge or even your wisdom. Being successful is about your ability to discern. It is the ability to discern the voice of the one who has called you.

Being successful is not about your abilities and your capabilities. It’s not about your knowledge or even your wisdom. It’s about your ability to discern.

III. Speed As a Function of Clarity

When you’re visiting someone in a neighborhood you haven’t been to before, you don’t speed past the houses. You do that and you may miss the house. Then you would have to turn back around. The distance you may need to turn back may be too long you will miss your assignment or appointment.

What you do is slow down so you do not pass the house and have to turn back around wasting precious time. You slow down so you can read the signs or ask for directions to the right house. The moment you’ve seen a sign and the direction is clear, there is no limitation in the spirit realm to the speed at which you can go.

Speed is not the same as rushing. Speed is a function of the clarity of direction. When you know where you’re going, you can speed to get there.

Many people have not seen the signs or gotten the directions for their unique calling or assignment and yet they speed and rush to get there. They rush to get things done. Our generation is so used to everything happening fast. Everything is scientific and intellectual. We reject the wisdom of God. We can’t be still to hear the voice of God,

But there’s no need to rush in life.

You must slow down and be sure of the voice of God before you take steps in your life when it has to do with your calling or destiny. When you speed, you risk crashing.

The mercy of God shields the chosen but discernment must be used so you do not fall into a pit. Discernment helps you identify the voice of God leading you where you’re destined to go.

And you must be careful about your overdependence on science and intellect. It can make you disregard spiritual wisdom.

The way of the spiritual person is often very strange. Most times you may be embarking on a journey and you don’t even know where exactly you are going but you know you must go. You go because you are able to discern clearly the voice of God leading you to fulfill your calling.

Speed is not the same as rushing. Speed is a function of the clarity of direction.

© 2023 Kimberly Fosu. All rights reserved.

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