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3 Signs You Have The Gift of Spiritual Discernment

At the heart of discernment is spiritual warfare

The lines between good and evil are being blurred more and more every day. (Photo: prettysleepy1)

1. You Can See The Hidden Intentions Behind Words

Whether you believe it or not, there are spiritual forces out there behind the scenes that we cannot see. There are forces of light and darkness both seeking after the human heart.

Discernment is the ability to see, hear, and understand spiritual things that are not readily seen, heard, or understood. It allows you to identify when there are spiritual forces at work and if they are of the light or the darkness.

At the heart of spiritual discernment is spiritual warfare.

The lines between good and evil are being blurred more and more every day.

Take a step back and look at how things of evil are being normalized by society. There are many things presented as normal when they are not. You see, the enemy is very experienced. He has been deceiving people for thousands of years.

People have abandoned God and are following deceiving spirits without even knowing so. Many are teaching false ideologies and doctrines with the goal of tricking people into the darkness. And many false prophets have gone out into the world.

We are warned to see to it that no one takes us captive through hollow and deceptive philosophies which depend on human tradition and the elemental forces of this world.

There are forces and powers in the world that are beyond our line of natural sight. We do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.

Spiritual discernment brings you in tune with those forces and helps you to navigate them.

It helps you distinguish the source of what’s been presented to you to see if it’s divine, demonic, or just mere human teaching. It helps you recognize lying and deceiving spirits and to identify false ideologies and doctrines.

When there is no discernment, the truth can be distorted. Spiritual discernment gives you the weapon to use against evil forces so you're not easily deceived.

With discernment, you can test worldly thoughts and ideas, foreign philosophies and doctrines, and the words that come out of the mouth of teachers, influencers, celebrities, and even religious leaders.

Discernment helps you see what’s in the heart of a person. It gives you the ability to see the hidden intention behind the words and actions of a person.

With the spirit of discernment, you don't just believe what people tell you. You question everything. You don't just believe every spirit you cross paths with. You test every spirit to see if they are of good or have evil intentions.

2. You Can Discern Between Various Spirits

Discernment is not intuition or your gut feeling. It’s not something that comes from one’s self. It’s not something that comes from being a good judge of character.

It is a gift from the Spirit of God given to you for spiritual purposes.

Another term for spiritual discernment is spiritual insight.

You may find yourself at divine appointments where you are at the right place at the right time. You can discern what type of atmosphere is being created by a movie, a show, a song, or a game. You are able to discern the energy of an object you bring into your home.

Spiritual insight will have you asking questions like, “Who created this movie and with what intention was it created, or what is the spirit inside this person singing the song?” It will have you asking, “Where did this antique object originate and what does it mean?”

We live in a physical world where there is a constant spiritual activity.

You will often hear people say, “I sense the presence of God here,” or “Something about him or her is off or makes me uncomfortable,” or “Something about this whole thing does not sit well with me.”

These phrases speak of an ability to discern things that are unseen, unspoken, or hidden.

As a person with the gift of discernment, your spiritual senses are highly attuned to the activities of spirits, negative energies, and vibes. You are very sensitive.

You can quickly tell when there’s a shift in the energy in the room. You're sensitive to spiritual atmospheres and can pick up on the presence of both benevolent and malevolent spirits. You're adversely affected by any demonic activity.

If you're sensitive to the energies around you; if you're an empath or a highly sensitive person, you may be gifted with the spirit of discernment.

3. You Strongly Desire and Asked For The Gift

When you want something, you desire it and when you desire it; you work for it, and when you work for something, you can get it.

The Spirit of God will give you the gift of discernment if you desire and ask for it. You can’t ask angels or archangels or spirit guides or ancestors or spiritual teachers.

Angels can’t give you the gift of discernment unless they are ordered by the Spirit of God. Spirit guides can’t give you discernment because they are not God. Ancestors and deceased loved ones have no power and spiritual teachers and gurus are merely human.

The only way to get the gift of discernment is through the spirit of God.

When God appeared to King Solomon in a dream and asked him to name whatever he desired, Solomon asked for the spirit of discernment to govern his people and to distinguish between right and wrong, and so it was given to him. He was given a wise and discerning heart.

We can do the same.

You can desire the gift and ask for it, but you must ask with the right motives and not just so you can feel gifted or spiritually superior to others. When you ask humbly and with faith, with the desire to use your gift to help all of humanity and to bring about the will of God, you will get what you ask for.

Note: This article is only meant to provide spiritual guidance and lighthearted content.

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