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The article discusses the dangers of trusting spirit guides without discernment and provides three reasons why you can't trust your spirit guide.


The article begins by explaining that true spirit guides are cosmic helpers sent to help us, but not every spirit guide is who they say they are. It warns that when we first wake up to the vastness of the universe, we attract both good and not-so-good spirits and energies. The article then provides three reasons why you can't trust your spirit guide: 1) When you've just woken up, you attract things, thoughts, feelings, and ideas that are out of this world, and demons driven out of people ran in waterless places, looking for shelter. They pretend to be a guide just to get inside your head and use you in their own selfish, evil ways; 2) Do not believe every spirit that reaches out to you, but test the spirit to see whether it is good. When you aren’t sure of a spirit guide; when it doesn’t sit right with your spirit, you must exercise caution and use discernment; 3) Someone has really angered you. You are f

Guides, fakes, and tricksters

3 Reasons You Can't Trust Your Spirit Guide

“The devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour”

How do you know you’re communicating with a spirit guide or a devil in disguise? For the most part, you can’t. (Photo: cocoparisienne)

1. You've Just Woken Up

Our true spirit guides are cosmic helpers sent here specifically to help us. They are ascended masters, advocates, archangels, guardian angels, earth angels, spirit animals, soul guides, and departed loved ones. They may visit every now and then or stay with you every step of the way. They are wonderful to have because they empower you. They move you to action the right step after the other.

But be careful. Not every spirit guide is who they say they are. When you first wake up to the vastness and the connectedness of the universe, your eyes are wide open and so are your mind and your heart. You become open to the universe and you attract the good and the not-so-good spirits and energies.

When you first wake up, you attract things, thoughts, feelings, and ideas that are out of this world. Demons driven out of people ran in waterless places, looking for shelter. They pretend to be a guide just to get inside your head and use you in their own selfish, evil ways.

Tricksters and decepticons among the guides lure you into the darkness by putting strange thoughts and feelings inside your head and body. There are malevolent and spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms who come to take your light, destroy your purpose, and steal your joy.

Be alert. The devil can disguise himself as one of God’s angels and his demons as guides. They come as false seers and prophets in sheep’s clothing. They come to test you to see where you truly stand.

They pretend to be your friend, then use you for their own selfish gains. Make them too comfortable and they go and bring in seven more who do more evil than them and they lead you to your death. When you first wake up, you’re meeting new spirits and must therefore use discernment in who or what you trust and allow into your mind. Nothing is as it seems.

As you grow in your spirituality, you can easily notice a true guide who has been sent just to help you and you’ll be able to cultivate a loving relationship with them. You grow solid in your roots and can therefore see right through a malevolent spirit and rebuke them away.

You do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.

2. It Doesn’t Sit Right With You

Do not believe every spirit that reaches out to you, but test the spirit to see whether it is good. When you aren’t sure of a spirit guide; when it doesn’t sit right with your spirit, you must exercise caution and use discernment.

You must think long and hard before jumping into situations. You must pray or call on your higher self to help you discern and decide things that don't feel right.

If it doesn’t feel right in your mind, kick it out of your head. You must stand strong in your power so you can stand against the devil’s schemes. Use your intuition and your own inner guidance to make spirit decisions. There should be a strong inner knowing.

If you're asked if you trust your spirit guide and you have to think about it, you’re probably being deceived. You're being tricked. If it's good, you'll know, and if it's bad, you'll be confused.

Your true spirit guide will move you to act and move you to get away from a certain situation that is not good for you. They'll whisper in your ears to take caution when doing something important. They'll never be upset that you are taking caution. They will be proud of how wise you are.

Do not believe every spirit that reaches out to you, but test the spirits to see whether they are good.

3. They Use Extreme Signs and Wonders

“The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how the devil works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie.”

Someone has really angered you. You are fuming smoke out of your ears. You're debating whether you should give this person a piece of your mind or go kick their butts. And all of a sudden, the lights flicker like crazy. The glass that was nowhere near the edge of the counter falls off and the book falls off a counter. You may be amazed at a power display like that and tempted to entertain that thought and the spirit who brought it but any spirit — good or bad — can make the light flicker. Any spirit can knock the glass off the counter.

When a book falls off the shelf, it could be your spirit guide bringing a message or it can be a trickster trying to impress you. Question those who do signs and wonders, especially if you’re practicing divination or playing strange board games.

When they’ve entered your mind and you're afraid, don't be afraid to pray for protection. Ask to be sent true guides to come and help you break the shackles around your feet and the cords around your neck.

Command any uninvited spirits and negative entities to get out and then proclaim your space as sacred, so no tricksters, fakes, and disguises can enter! They must listen because it's your free will. Then call in your true spirit guides to come in to guide you out of the situation.

Your true guide won’t startle you. They will be subtle in their communication unless you’re in danger.

Final Thoughts

Malevolent spirits prowl around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. They hide under the surface of your everyday interactions. They hide in the shadows, clouded in mystery and confusion.

When you've just woken up, be alert and of sober mind. You should be cautious of trusting anything in the spirit world. The spiritual world has many wonderful mysteries to be explored, but let it be your own exploration. Don’t blindly follow a spirit.

Trust your instincts and use your intuition. Trust your intelligence and wisdom as it reflects the spirit within you. Use your five common senses.

Pay attention to the way you feel when a certain spirit is around. A true guide will empower you. A fake will try to impress you. A trickster will startle you and a true guide will be kind, gentle, and subtle in their ways.

The greatest mistake you can make is to underestimate the power of certain spirits. They don’t have the ultimate power, but they are not powerless.

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