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The provided text discusses the Holy Spirit as an ever-present force of creation, life, and guidance, integral to both the genesis of the world and the ongoing spiritual journey of individuals.


The text delves into the concept of the Holy Spirit, beginning with its role in the biblical creation narrative, where it is depicted as the active agent of God's creative power, transforming chaos into order and life. It emphasizes that the Spirit of God is not confined to the past but is omnipresent, infusing all aspects of nature and human existence. The Spirit is described as a source of inspiration and creativity, encouraging believers to partake in God's work by reflecting His character and fulfilling their purpose. The text also addresses the personal experience of the Holy Spirit, likening the human body to a temple that houses this divine presence. It suggests that by aligning one's life with God's will, individuals can cultivate a dwelling place for the Spirit, leading to a life marked by freedom, love, and the fruits of the Spirit such as joy, peace, and self-control. The narrative concludes by asserting that living with the Spirit requires a daily, intentional pursuit of God's character and an obedience to His commands, which in turn empowers believers to respond to life's challenges in a manner that honors God.


  • The Holy Spirit is portrayed as the active, creative force of God that was present at the creation of the world and continues to be a guiding presence in the lives of believers.
  • The Spirit is seen as a gift that empowers individuals to create, reflect God's character, and live in a way that honors Him.
  • Human beings are considered temples of the Holy Spirit, and as such, they are called to nurture their spiritual lives to allow the Spirit to thrive within them.
  • The text suggests that the Spirit's presence within a person can lead to a transformation in character and actions, aligning them with the teachings and example of Jesus Christ.
  • It is believed that the Holy Spirit provides comfort and advocacy, particularly in times of weakness or suffering, and helps individuals to overcome fear and darkness.
  • The author posits that obedience to God's commandments, driven by love rather than obligation, is key to experiencing the fullness of the Holy Spirit's influence in one's life.
  • The text implies that the indwelling of the Holy Spirit leads to a life characterized by freedom, love, and the manifestation of spiritual fruits, distinguishing it from a life led by the human spirit alone.

Holy Spirit

What Is the Spirit of God and Where Is It?

To understand, you must take a trip back to the beginning of creation

Spirit is The Source of Creation. (Pixabay)

In The Beginning Was Spirit

Imagine the spirit of God hovering over the face of a formless, empty earth filled with nothing but void and darkness. God comes up with the greatest idea and breathes out the words, “Let there be light” and in a blink of an eye, everything changes.

There’s light where there was once darkness, void, and emptiness.

The light sweeps across the surface of the deep, piercing every darkness and leaving in its place the light that helps us see. God sees that the light is good for the earth and he separates the water under the vault — which he called “sky” — from the water above it.

He moves the water from under the sky and gathers them in one place — naming it the seas — to let the ground appear so you and I can walk on dry land. On the land, he put vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees so it could bear fruit.

God thought you and I deserved so much more!

So he created more light — the sun, the moon, and the stars — to separate us from darkness in the vault of the sky, which serves as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years.

God then created the magnificent birds of the sky and the wondrous beasts of the land. He didn't forget to create the magical fishes of the seas.

He wasn't done.

He commanded the land to produce wild animals and livestock, each according to its kind.

He still wasn’t done. He had save the best for last. He created man from the dust of the ground and breathed life into him so he could rule over the fish in the seas, the birds in the sky, and every creature that moved on the ground.

God didn’t make man like he made the animals, he made us exactly in His image and likeness. Then he rained blessings on man.

He said, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish, the birds, and every living creature that moves on the ground.

All of that creation was done through the Spirit of God that hovered over the face of the earth in the beginning of time.

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.

The Spirit Didn’t Leave After Creation

The Spirit of God never left. It’s still here. It’s all around you.

It’s in the air that cools you. It’s in the water that quenches your thirst. It’s in the ground that supports you and in the fire burning deep within your soul.

Believe it and you get to experience it.

It’s in every darkness and every void, every drop of water and every ground, every sky, every sun and every day, every moon and every night, every other star, every bird and every animal that walks on dry land, every fish in the seas, every tree and every plant.

It’s everywhere.

And one more place? Look inside yourself. The Spirit of God was breathed into your nostrils, and it stays there forever as long as you give it space to thrive.

It was and will be.

It was there with Moses, leading the Israelites through the wilderness and the deep seas. It was there with David, empowering him to defeat giants and lead nations. It was there with the prophet Isaiah, giving him the right words to say. It was there with Jesus, setting Him apart as heir of God.

The Spirit of God never left. It’s still here. It’s all around you.

It Moves You to Create

The Spirit of God is the source of creation. It empowers you to create. When you have God’s Spirit coursing through your veins, you can’t not create.

You l were created to create.

Spirit gives light and life and empowers you to also create life and light.

It is known to empower people to take part in the plans of God by reminding them what they are made of and of their purpose.

The Spirit of God is a gift and by receiving that gift, it empowers you to live in a way that honors the God that lives and breathes in you.

God made you in his likeness, so his Spirit in you makes you reflect his character.

It brings you into sonship or daughtership giving you the power to do what his son could do. If you can do what Jesus can do, then in that sense, it makes you son or daughter of God. If you’re a son or daughter of God, that makes you co-heir with Christ.

Inside a person, Spirit uses him as a vessel to help bring about the words and the works of God.

The Spirit of God is a gift and by receiving that gift, it empowers you to live in a way that honors the God that lives and breathes in you.

How to Experience Spirit

If your body houses the spirit of God, that makes your body a temple. To experience Spirit, you must give it a place to thrive.

The Spirit of God is abundant in every baby when Spirit has just breathed life into them. When we grow up, we become distracted by the world and forget to feed and provide a home for the Spirit God gave us.

We drive the Spirit of God out by our actions and it is replaced with the human spirit of the world. But when we mature and come back to our senses; change our lifestyle so the Spirit of God can thrive, it gladly returns and dwells in our hearts and minds.

Anyone who believes in the son of God could receive the Spirit of God. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate to help you and be with you forever — the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.”

When you draw near to Spirit, you get close to it and it draws near to you. You become aware of God’s power in everything he created. You become aware of His presence in his Spirit that is all around you.

The Spirit of God is in every darkness and every void, every drop of water and every ground, every sky, every sun and every day, every moon and every night, every other star, every bird and every animal that walks on dry land, every fish in the seas, every tree and every plant.

The Advocate Bring Light to the Darkest Parts

When you have the advocate of God advocating for you, then — even in your darkest moment — you are never alone.

When you are weak, the advocate empowers you in your weakness. When you feel so broken that you cannot pray, the advocate himself intercedes for you through wordless groans.

It breathes light into the darkest parts of you. It makes you fearless and helps you conquer the darkness. “The Spirit you received does not make you slaves so that you live in fear; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him, we cry, “Abba, Father.”

But knowing the Spirit of God and going through life with the Spirit of God are completely different things.

Living with Spirit requires intentionally seeking God every day. It is through getting to know his character from the beginning of time and creation that you become familiar with his power, presence, and authority.

Being a Temple For The Spirit of God

When you obey the commands of God out of love and acknowledge His love for his son, you allow the Holy Spirit to thrive inside of you.

Where the Spirit of God is, there is freedom. Where there is freedom, there is love.

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.”

When the Spirit of God was upon Saul, he was able to spare and forgive his enemies. He was kind and compassionate, even toward his enemies. But after the Spirit of God left him, he sought to kill his friends and family members.

The human spirit has the tendency to react to the pain caused by our enemies and to fight back. When we feel attacked, our natural tendency is to defend our name and fight the battles that aren’t ours to fight.

The Spirit of God helps you not to react to people’s negative comments or adverse actions, but to pause and respond in God’s way. It helps you with processing negative feelings when you are judged, criticized, attacked, undermined, and overlooked.

With the Spirit of God, we respond in a way that pleases God, even when we are truly hurt.

Without the Spirit of God, we are focused only on ourselves, feeling entitled, easily offended, extremely jealous, living for the applause of man, ready to give up upon hearing the slightest criticism.

With the Spirit of God, we disregard what man has to say about us and we care about what God says.

With the Spirit, we lay hands on the sick and heal them, cast out devils and demons, save the lost and impact the world.

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you.”

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