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3 Super Abilities Most Empaths Are Gifted With

Don’t let anyone make you feel bad for feeling

Empathy is a gift from the universe and for you to use it effectively, you have to see it as a gift and develop it as such. (Photo: chiplanay)

1. The Gift of Healing

Most empaths have the ability to heal.

This isn’t a magical ability to heal complicated sicknesses and diseases per se, but it’s a touch so gentle that it can send healing where they direct it.

Empaths have the ability to make troubled waters still. They can help soothe anxious minds and calm worried souls.

As an empath, you are like a magnet. Most people draw strength and inspiration from you. When you’re there, people can find the strength to rise above their problems.

Your energy can make others feel okay, no matter what troubles are disturbing them. You can reassure others that it will be okay and they can believe it. They can believe you and your words.

Your presence alone can make people feel serene. The light that shines within you is so bright that it invites others to become brighter just by being close to you.

Although your presence can provide healing, you still choose to distance yourself from others sometimes. This is because, as an empath, you can absorb the energies around you.

You’re like a sponge and can absorb people’s emotions and sometimes even the ailments and frustrations of others. This can leave you feeling drained.

Although you’re a good person who seeks to heal all those who need it, you distance yourself when things become too overwhelming for you because your health and wellness also matter.

When you heal yourself, you heal the world.

When you take care of your own mental health, you can use your gifts better.

This isn’t a magical ability to heal complicated sicknesses and diseases per se, but it’s a touch so gentle it can send healing where you direct it.

2. The Gift of Perception

Every empath has the gift of perception.

You can find the deeper meaning to things others cannot even perceive. You can see life in a way others can’t see. You understand things others can’t comprehend.

You know, see and feel things before others do.

Where others don’t pay attention to the signs and warnings, for you there’s usually a nagging feeling that won’t go away until you do what you’re supposed to do.

Perception is a superpower and so you must be strategic when using this power. You must tread carefully when using this gift.

Because you see, know and feel things before they happen, when something you perceive and predict happens, others may see you as the cause and call you names. Some may say you used your mind to manifest it.

But when you know who you are and the gifts you’re blessed with, you will not worry about the things others have to say about you.

Where people are involved, it’s always best to keep ego in check.

When others attack you, it’s tempting to attack them back, but you’re gifted and can’t allow your ego to rule you. Allow your soul to lead the way and everything will fall into place.

When you keep the ego in the backseat, your way of observation becomes keen. You notice everything. You notice your mind and how it thinks. You try to understand others and why they do the things they do from a place behind the ego. You refuse to judge them. When your soul is leading the way, you can accept people as they are.

When your ego is in check, you can better perceive situations. You can tell who needs help, even when they won’t say it. You become more aware and self-aware.

You talk less and you listen more as you perceive more of the universe around you.

The most empowered empaths work on developing this gift every day, so they can use it effectively to help themselves get further in life and also to assist all of humanity.

You can find the deeper meaning to things others can’t perceive. You can see life in a way others can’t see. You understand things others can’t comprehend.

3. The Gift of Intuition

Empaths are usually highly intuitive individuals who can process the different energies around them deciphering which is good and which to stay away from.

Call it a gut feeling, a hunch or inkling and you’re right.

As an empath, you know when something is off or wrong. You can tell when someone is feeling not so great even when you’re not told. You feel the hurt of a friend’s heartbreak as if it’s happening to you. You know when the day is going to go well and also when something doesn’t feel quite right.

Your intuition becomes a guide that keeps you away from problems and you're very much in tune with yourself.

Since being an empath allows you to feel way more than others, you must develop this gift and use it for good.

You must be strong in your abilities.

Being an empath isn’t for the faint of heart. It takes a lot out of a person and because of that, many empaths see their gift as a curse, but they’re wrong.

Having the ability to feel deeply is a good thing.

Note: This article is only meant to provide spiritual guidance and light-hearted content.

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