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The webpage discusses the concept of spiritual gifts, their distribution, identification, and usage according to Christian beliefs, emphasizing that every individual possesses at least one such gift.


According to the webpage, spiritual gifts are unique abilities bestowed upon individuals by God, intended for the betterment of humanity and the edification of others. These gifts vary widely, from prophecy and healing to teaching and encouragement, and are apportioned according to the Holy Spirit's will. The article suggests that while some gifts may be more evident, others might require deeper exploration and understanding. Identifying one's spiritual gifts can be facilitated by self-reflection, feedback from others, and even online assessments, although the latter should not replace divine guidance. The text also underscores the importance of using these gifts with love and for the greater good, rather than for personal aggrandizement, and it notes that spiritual gifts are distinct from natural talents. The development and application of these gifts are described as a lifelong journey, with the ultimate aim of serving and uplifting others in alignment with the fruits of the spirit.


  • Spiritual gifts are diverse and given to each person according to the Spirit's discretion.
  • Some spiritual gifts, such as teaching and serving, are straightforward, while others like discernment and wisdom may require more introspection.
  • Individuals are encouraged to seek divine guidance to understand and develop their gifts, rather than relying solely on man-made tests.
  • The article posits that spiritual maturity is not measured by the possession of extraordinary gifts but by how much one's life is controlled by the spirit of God and how well one exhibits the fruits of the spirit.
  • The use of spiritual gifts should be motivated by love for God, others, and oneself, and not for personal gain or recognition.
  • The article suggests that spiritual gifts are meant to be shared and used for the benefit of all humanity, not kept to oneself.
  • It is implied that a spiritual coach can assist individuals with questions about their spiritual gifts and abilities.
  • The author encourages engagement with their content on various platforms, including Twitter, Instagram, and email lists, and offers opportunities for personal coaching sessions and patronage.

Godly Mystics

The Spiritual Gifts and How People Get Them

The abilities beyond you

Every person has at least one spiritual gift. (Photo: mohamed Hassan)

Gifts and Abilities

A spiritual gift is a special ability God gives to each one of his people. It is given to us to use to build humanity up and strengthen the people.These special gifts are distributed by the spirit of God as it sees fit. He distributes them to each one just as he determines.

Scripture lists many gifts throughout several passages in the bible. Some of the gifts are prophecy, healing, wisdom, knowledge, discernment, teaching, serving, encouraging, miracles, giving, leading, and others.

While these gifts are all so different, they are given by the same Spirit.

Many of these gifts are easy to understand, while some may take a little more time to learn about. For example, the gifts of teaching, giving, encouraging, and serving are self-explanatory. Yet, truly grasping what it means to have discernment and wisdom might need more learning.

Knowing Your Gifts

These gifts are given to you, and you don't have a choice. Ask God to help you know and use your gifts for greater purposes.

It's not hard identifying your gifts. Chances are, you may already know.

If you don't, ask yourself:

What is the Spirit of God telling me? What do I enjoy doing? What have I done that has made a huge difference in someone’s life? What do others tell me I’m good at?

Others may see your gifts before you see it. Ask those around you what they think you're good at.

There are also many tests on the internet to help you figure out what your gifts are. However, these tests are man-made and were never meant to replace divine guidance.

Here are a few more thoughts to help you figure out what your gifts are:

If you learn something and can’t wait to tell the world about it, you’re a teacher. If you proclaim God’s truth to humanity without fear, you’re a prophet. If people come to you to feel soothed and comforted, you’re a healer. If you enjoy looking into the stars, you’re a curious human. If you lift people up regularly, you’re an encourager. If you live to give to those in need, you’re a giver. If you turn pain into purpose, you’re an alchemist. If you pray on behalf of others, you’re a pastor. If you deliver messages, youre a messenger. If you dream dreams, you’re chosen. If you’re different, you stand out. If you’re positive, you’re uplifted. If you see visions, you're called. If you're sensitive, you're Spirit.

When you find your gifts, you may feel that it comes naturally to you. You do it as taking your next breath. And that’s how a gift works.

Spiritual gifts are not your natural skills or talents. It's an ability that is beyond you.

Understanding Your Gifts

Spiritual gifts develop over time. Learning about them and how to use them is a lifelong process. You will keep learning ways to develop your gifts.

It's always better when you seek the Spirit that gave you a gift. Its life changing if you seek with your heart and soul. Seek to understand. Seek to see the bigger picture.

Be led by Spirit. Take every inspired action. Feel blessed to have your gift and use it well.

Having an extraordinary gift does not mean we are better than those who don’t have them. Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought.

Having a cool gift doesn’t make us more spiritually mature. Maturity is how much of yourself the spirit of God controls. It’s how well you walk in the fruits of the Spirit.

The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against the fruits of spirit, you work in resistance to Spirit.

There will be times when you will be called to offer healing words to others while you yourself feel hurt and broken inside. There will be times you will be called to give the last of what you have to a person who is starving. There will be times when you've had the worst day and yet someone is still needing you to build them up.

You do it.

You do it by choosing to do what you've been called to do despite your current struggles.

Using Your Gifts

Knowing you have a gift is amazing. You get to change lives. You get to be a hero. You get to help, serve, teach, heal and encourage other people.

But it's all for nothing if you don't have love.

If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, but I do not have love, I am nothing. If you have faith that can move mountains and you do not have love, you have nothing. If you give all you have to the poor and give over your body to hardship but you do not have love, you gain nothing.

A love for God, your neighbor, and yourself is the motivator behind your gift and using them.

Take the gift of helping others as an example. If you see someone in need, you help. You do it because it's who you are and what you do to help. If you don't help, you're being selfish with your gifts.

If you have the gift of prophecy and you don't deliver a message promptly when it's given to you, that's hoarding your gift. Hoarding your gift could lead to a person going down the wrong path and losing their way.

If you only do what you want with the gift given to you, that’s not love.

Spiritual gifts are not meant to be kept to ourselves. They’re a gift for all of humanity.

If yours is to encourage, then give encouragement even when you feel down. If yours is to lead, lead like the powerful leader God has called you to be. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy when the spirit of God speaks. If your gift is serving, then serve like you're the least of them all. If your gift is teaching, teach without holding anything back. If you have the gift of giving, then give generously.

Note: This article is only meant to provide spiritual guidance and lighthearted content.

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