3 Types of Destiny Helpers That Are Assigned to You
And how to invoke them to come and help

1. Divine Connectors
These are people who come to help you get on the right path. They come to connect you to the path of your destiny. They come to give you access to things that are inaccessible to you. They come to open the door from inside so you can get in. Or they come with the key when the ones in your hands aren't working.
They come to help you out of the pit you find yourself in.
You cannot judge a divine connector by outward appearance. Do not be so concerned about the vessel through which your message is being delivered that you miss the message. Look at the size of the heart that beats in his chest at its own pace.
In the physical form, they are ordinary people who have no power to change your life but can connect you to those who can. They may not be able to help you themselves, but they can introduce you to those who can.
A divine connector can be anybody. It can be the rich or poor. The old or the young. Wise or foolish. They are often the strangest of people. It can be the regular person on the bus who tells you about a job he heard of and you go to check it out and you apply and land the job of your dreams! It may even be your child who taps you on the shoulders and urges you to pray three times a day. And that prayer is the one that saves your household from a tragedy that is about to occur.
You have to pay attention and listen or you’ll lose focus and clarity.
When you’re confused, you lack discernment. Discernment is necessary to receive help from divine connectors because they come in forms that aren’t easily receptive to the mind.
It is humble people who can receive help from divine connectors since the proud are quick to dispose of the person because they do not look a certain way to be taken seriously.
When it comes to divine connectors, God can choose and use anybody.
Do not be so concerned about the vessel through which your message is being delivered that you miss the message.
2. Men of Influence
There are times you may arrive at the gate to find that it is locked and you need someone who is already inside to unlock it. The man who opens the door is the man of influence sent to let you in.
You may be in a situation where you do not have the power to speak for yourself but you may be connected to a man who has so much power they speak for you and get you out of the situation.
Sometimes, building a track record for yourself will take a lifetime. It’s difficult to reach higher heights on your own. You sometimes need someone to pull you up. There are people who are able to rise so quickly because they have someone pulling them up. They gain access to opportunities with ease.
Don’t despise people of influence. Do not feel bad or jealous about their success. Their names are great, and their voices have power. They hold a key that can open the door you stand before. They can guide you to the right opportunity by giving you access to their wings and leveraging their credibility.
Develop respect for the men of influence in your life. Submit to greatness and open yourself up to receive, too.
There are times you may arrive at the gate to find that it is locked and you need someone who is already inside to unlock it. The man who opens the door is the man of influence sent to let you in.
3. The Gifted
A nation with foolish people is doomed to fall, but a nation with gifted people is destined to thrive.
There will come a time when you need more than a divine connector to help you go from where you are to where you want to be. The men of influence will pull you up to reach higher heights, but there will come a time when you need spiritually gifted people in your life to help you see beyond what your eyes can see.
Gifted people help you see far. They help you dream big dreams and help you make sense of your dreams and visions. They help you become your greatest self and they show you so much love, you grow and flourish.
You need gifted people to help you think at the highest capacity of your mind to unlock the next level of the game of life.
The most successful people know better. They would rather pay a gifted person a large sum to do something well the first time than pay the average person a small sum to do a job that may need to be redone at a later date because it was not done well.
With their ability to quickly come up with ideas and solutions, the gifted make your life easy as they ease your burdens. They help you understand things more clearly by helping you lift the fog that creates confusion.
Gifted people are destiny helpers assisting humanity as it evolves. They use their gifts, skills, and talents to help people succeed. They help you achieve your purpose and get ahead in life with their presence in your life.
When you pray, ask for gifted people to come into your life, along with divine connectors and good men of influence who will point you down the right path and pull you up to higher heights to accomplish all the things you came here to do.
Ask to be sent men and women who will speak for you and open doors for you. Ask for those who will pull you up when you’re struggling to reach the top. And ask for those who will point and connect you with every good thing.
Gifted people help you see far. They help you dream big dreams and help you make sense of your dreams and visions. They help you become your greatest self and they show you so much love, you grow and flourish.
© 2022 Kimberly Fosu. All rights reserved.
Note: This article is only meant to provide spiritual guidance and lighthearted content.
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