avatarSebastian Goldsmith


The Fun Factory article emphasizes the importance of using humor in writing to engage readers, while also noting the nuances and cultural differences that can affect its reception.


The article "The Fun Factory" advocates for the incorporation of humor in writing as a powerful tool to connect with readers. It suggests that relatable anecdotes can bridge the gap between the writer and the audience, drawing parallels with the comedic style of Michael McIntyre. However, it also acknowledges that humor is subjective and can be influenced by cultural contexts, highlighting the need for writers to be mindful of diverse readerships. The article provides examples of the author's humorous pieces and encourages readers to share their own tips on the effective use of humor in writing.


  • The author believes that appropriate humor can significantly enhance a writer's connection with their audience.
  • Personal stories that resonate with everyday experiences are seen as a key method for engaging readers through humor.
  • There is an acknowledgment that what is humorous to one group may not be to another, suggesting a need for sensitivity to cultural differences in humor.
  • The article implies that humor should be used without resorting to vulgarity or swearing, as exemplified by the comedian Michael McIntyre.
  • The author encourages the sharing of personal tips on humor usage, indicating a community-driven approach to improving writing skills.
  • The article subtly promotes the author's other works by linking to articles that exemplify the use of humor and other writing tips.

The Fun Factory

Tip of the day: Use humour

Photo by Elena Cordery on Unsplash

Appropriate humour is good. If you can make readers laugh you are already on a winner!

Amusing anecdotes from your own life can help the writer connect with the reader if they can identify with sharing similar situations in their own life — that is the technique used by many of the best comedians. Take Michael McIntyre, the UK comedian. His whole routine is built around the little incidents of everyday life we all experience, and he carries the audience with him, without resorting to swearing or vulgarity.

However remember that humour is quite individual, so a family in-joke, or something hilarious to you, may not chime with the reader, so be aware of how different people and their preferences are. Also sometimes cultural differences can lead to a joke that gets lost in translation. This is something I find with the UK and the US — we share the same language but have subtle differences in what we find funny, and appreciation of sarcasm on opposite sides of the Atlantic.

A couple of my attempts at humour are on the links below:

I hope you found this article useful, and any tips of your own in the comments.

Previous tips:

Day 29 — Let it shine

Day 28 — Using synonyms for variety

Day 27 — On drafting and revising

Day 26 — On Medium etiquette

Day 25 — On using informal language

Day 24 — Put a Tigger in your prose

Day 23 — Dedication — time, place, space

Day 22 — On spell-checking, Grammarly and proof-reading

Day 21 — The five unspoken commandments of Medium

Day 20 — George Orwell’s six tips on writing style

Day 19 — The importance of interaction

Day 18 — Replying to comments

Day 17: Engagement

Day 16- Attention-seeking behaviour — the importance of your first sentence –

Day 15 — Keep it snappy — headlines

Day 14- Subject selection –

Day 13 — Making time –

Day 12 — Deadlines –

Day 11 — Layout –

Day 10 — Niches for Riches –

Day 9 — Do your own research –

Day 8 — Choosing your subject –

Day 7 — Reverse engineering success –

Day 6 — Planning –

Day 5 — Location –

Day 4 — Dictionary and thesaurus –

Day 3 –Quotations

Day 2 — Mind your language — learning new words

Day 1- The Notebook

As always, thank you for reading.

Writing Tips
Self Improvement
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