Tip Of The Day — Day 12 — The benefit of a time limit
This is part of a series of daily tips for writers which is published to share ideas and suggestions on our craft. Everyone will have different advice on how to write, so the tip below is just a personal selection which I hope you will find useful, and do share any of your own in the comments.
Many of us tend to drift though life, putting important things off until the last minute. In the words of Douglas Adams:
“ I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.”
Maybe I shouldn’t judge others by my own standards: our attitude to deadlines may depend on our own approach to life. Some people are very good at always hitting their targets on time. Just not me.
It seems to be a facet of human nature to procrastinate, and as the old saying goes, procrastination is the thief of time.
So if you have a project to complete, incorporating deadlines for each stage, and certainly having a final target date, can be invaluable to help us focus and achieve more.
Rather than hear deadlines whooshing by, give your article or bestseller a deadline: you never know, you might actually meet it!
I hope you found this article useful, and do share any tips of your own in the comments.
Previous tips:
Day 1- The Notebook
Day 2 — Mind your language — learning new words —
Day 3 –Quotations
Day 4 — Dictionary and thesaurus —
Day 5 — Location —
Day 6 — Planning —
Day 7 — Reverse engineering success —
Day 8 — Choosing your subject —
Day 9 — Do your own research —
Day 10 — Niches for Riches —
Day 11 — Layout —