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The provided content discusses the critical role of agile thinking in digital ventures, emphasizing its importance for leaders and teams to deliver quality products quickly and adapt to rapidly changing consumer demands.


The text outlines the necessity of agile methodologies in the context of digital intelligence, particularly within digital ventures. It argues that agility is not just a technological concern but a fundamental shift in organizational culture, affecting all aspects of business operations. The author highlights that agile thinking enables leaders to be more influential, competitive, and productive by allowing them to respond swiftly to market changes. The iterative nature of agile practices is presented as a means to ensure high-quality outputs while facilitating rapid delivery and adaptation. The author also addresses common misconceptions about agile approaches, such as the belief that they compromise quality, and instead suggests that agile can enhance quality when properly implemented. The text underscores the importance of embracing agility to meet the demands of speedy delivery and to maintain relevance in a fast-paced digital market.


  • Agility is a foundational requirement for digital modernization and transformation initiatives.
  • Traditional project management methods are deemed economically unviable for successful digital ventures.
  • Agile methods are associated with a flat organizational structure, requiring multiple roles such as scrum masters and product owners.
  • There may be resistance to agile approaches from those accustomed to traditional business methods, particularly the older generation.
  • The author refutes the notion that agile methods reduce quality, asserting that they can actually increase quality through an iterative focus on checking and improving.
  • A wait-and-see attitude until the end of a massive digital venture project is considered unwise, advocating instead for constant trial and error on a smaller scale.
  • Agile thinking is seen as a prerequisite for digital venture leaders to inspire and motivate their teams, leading to the delivery of fast, quality products and services.
  • The author suggests that older generations have a sentimental attachment to waterfall methods, which may hinder the adoption of agile practices.
  • Embracing agility is not only about technology but also about transforming the mindset and culture of an organization to align with the demands of digital ventures.
  • The author believes that agile methods, when used correctly, can lead to better and more innovative outcomes, as exemplified by their personal story of finding perfection in imperfection.


Digital Intelligence — Chapter 7a

Agile Thinking In Digital Ventures

Photo by David Hofmann on Unsplash

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6a, Chapter 6b, Chapter 7a, Chapter 7b, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20, Chapter 21

Agility is a critical pillar in the digital intelligence framework. In this economic climate, digital venture leaders must think on their feet and act fast.

Leaders capable of thinking and acting fast are more influential, credible, competitive, and productive in the market. Business organizations and customers expect these leaders to work in agility.

These technology leaders relentlessly ask how they can make the technology footprint more intuitive, responsive, and nimble. This mindset is a foundational requirement of digitally modernizing and transforming initiatives.

Whilst dealing with legacy technology footprints, they simultaneously create a vision of well-functioning solutions and put energy into rapid-pace solutions.

It is not economically viable to undertake successful digital venture initiatives using traditional methods. As this point of view became a reality, many business organizations immediately adapted and embraced agility. These organizations matured agile methods for delivering solutions rapidly.

Agility is a particular concern for digital ventures as consumer demands are increasing rapidly and require speedy delivery.

Speed to market is a fundamental requirement for business organizations to survive and thrive. These organizations can generate revenues only by acting and delivering very quickly.

Due to these business requirements, agile methods became the new norm in digital ventures. Products are expected to be released faster than they were in the past. Security updates and bug fixes are required more frequently, almost every day and even hour.

Agility affects all aspects of digital ventures, not just technology. Hence, these ventures’ leaders and workers need to think, plan, develop, and deliver products and services in agility.

As for inheritance from traditional businesses, it is possible to experience some resistance to agile approaches. Therefore, promoting agile to all stakeholders is a mandatory organizational requirement.

As a positive aspect of new ventures with a young workforce, agile is of particular interest to the new generations as they grow with agility. However, the older generation still has a sentimental attachment to waterfall methods. There appears to be some comfort zone created by older generations. Digital venture executives must consider a cultural shift to agility.

The common perception shows that agile methods cut things short and hence reduce the quality. This perception is invalid. Agile methods have a particular concern and focus on quality. These methods, when used properly, can increase the quality. The iterative approach to checking quality more frequently in every iterative milestone substantiates this viewpoint.

It is not logical nor wise to take a wait-and-see attitude until the end of a massive digital venture project. There will always be many unknowns. Only with experimentation and constant trial and error in more minor scales can a product can be delivered fast and with quality.

An agile approach allows the team members to test their ideas gradually. If their ideas fail, the failure would be quick and cheap without risking substantial funds of the business.

This business value needs to be understood well and embedded in the digital ventures’ culture striving for transformation goals and market capital. Venture leaders must be the catalyst for conveying the message and making the necessary cultural adjustments effectively. These leaders are expected to be motivators igniting agility.

Agile methods require multiple roles and responsibilities. The most common ones are the scrum master and the product owner. The scrum master is the equivalent of a project manager or coordinator in traditional methods. Product owners represent the program manager with executive power. Most digital venture leaders play these roles in parallel.

As agile is a flat structure, all other contributors are named the scrum team. These team members come from various technical backgrounds. They deal with user stories, clear backlogs, participate in stand-up meetings, and design iterative solutions.

Agile thinking is a pragmatic approach leading to the success of digital ventures. Those leaders capable of thinking on their feet and leading with agility motivate and inspire the team. Motivated and inspired team members produce fast and deliver quality products and services delighting customers.

I highlighted the importance of agile in this personal story.

Other chapters

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6a, Chapter 6b, Chapter 7a, Chapter 7b, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20, Chapter 21

Book cover by Dr Mehmet Yildiz

ILLUMINATION Book Chapters is edited by Claire Kelly, Ntathu Allen, Karen Madej, Britni Pepper, Thewriteyard, Maria Rattray, Dr. Preeti Singh. If you want to contribute as an editor please contact me.

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Index of ILLUMINATION Book Chapters

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I write about health as it matters. I believe health is all about homeostasis. I share important life lessons from people in my professional and social circles.

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