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Third Eye Chakra: We Struggle to Perceive the Truth When This Chakra Is Blocked

How to unblock and strengthen the third eye chakra

Purple is associated with spirituality and higher consciousness. (Photo: Peter Lomas on Pixabay)

What is the Third Eye Chakra?

The third eye chakra is the sixth chakra and therefore acts as our sixth sense. It is the highest chakra inside the human body. It is located on the forehead, serving as our foresight.

It is associated with the color purple. Because this chakra is connected to all things, it doesn't relate to a specific element; it relates to all the elements.

The third eye acts as a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms. It is the energy center responsible for our ability to observe and perceive our inner and outer worlds.

It is the seat of the soul and therefore responsible for psychic abilities and mystical senses. It is connected to higher dimensions and the spirit realms. It represents our consciousness and acts as the pathway to enlightenment.

It allows for clear thinking, spiritual contemplation, and self-reflection.

The third eye chakra is the center of vision, intuition, wisdom, insight, conscience, higher consciousness, imagination, visualization, clarity, clairvoyance, discernment, and awareness.

It controls our reality and the things we see and believe in.

When The Third Eye Chakra is Blocked

Past experiences cause us to lose trust in ourselves, the universe, and spirituality. Things happen that cause us to hold on to the past and make us fear what the future holds. These things lead to a blocked, weak, and misaligned third eye chakra.

When the third eye chakra is blocked, it may lead to certain emotional, mental, or spiritual challenges. It leads to cynicism, pessimism, the inability to trust, confusion, inability to perceive the universe, or even believe in a higher power.

The third eye lies dormant with its real purpose locked. We become restricted in our abilities and in our capabilities.

A blocked third eye chakra blocks our psychic senses and inhibits our intuition.

We may struggle to trust ourselves, and it becomes nearly impossible to make decisions without overthinking them. We may even overthink about overthinking. We have a hard time hearing our inner voice and when we hear it, we distrust and brush it off.

We become disconnected from the spirit within us and have a hard time believing in spirituality because we are too rooted in the physical world to listen to a higher power or spiritual guidance.

A blocked third eye chakra leads to us feeling lost in life. We lose our sense of direction and we just can’t figure out what we are supposed to be doing with our life. We become stuck in our old ways without being able to change our perspective or see things differently. We struggle to see the bigger picture.

It may lead to a lack of clarity, confidence, and purpose. Our perception about life becomes fixed and our judgment becomes clouded. We become closed-minded, not believing in anything else other than what makes us comfortable.

We reject and dismiss anything spiritual or beyond the physical world.

When the third eye chakra is overactive, it may manifest as overindulgence in fantasies and psychic matters. We get stuck in the spiritual world and can’t find our way back to the physical world.

It can be disorienting — especially if the root chakra isn't strong — and cause psychological and psychic distress. There is a constant flow of thoughts that can be mentally exhausting. We may feel like we are getting lost in an endless stream of energy download and psychic visions or being bombarded by crazy pieces of information that make no sense.

When this goes on too long, it can lead to delusions, hallucinations, or psychosis. We may struggle to distinguish between what’s real and what’s not. We don’t know whether our minds are playing tricks on us or we are finally losing it!

We become fearful of the things we are seeing with our third eye, things that may be out of this world, unreal and unsettling.

How to strengthen the Third Eye Chakra

As the seat of the soul, a balanced third eye allows us to perceive life clearly. It gives us clarity and insight to live and create a life aligned with our soul’s purpose.

Note: Before attempting to work on the third eye chakra, it’s important that you ground yourself into the earth and firmly anchor yourself in your body. Strengthening the root chakra is key is keeping your grounds while exploring your third eye and its qualities fully. Without being properly grounded, the visions we might get may become too overwhelming and can scare or sweep us off our feet.

To unblock the third eye chakra, we must gain control over the ego that tells us to cut it out with the spiritual nonsense. This isn't to say get rid of the ego — we need the ego to survive — the goal is to keep the ego in the backseat while we take the driver's seat and make the important decisions. Once the ego is calmly seated in the back, we can relax, focus, and become open-minded to seeing reality differently.

Meditation is the fastest and easiest way to relax and calm the mind so we can work on our sixth sense. When we meditate, we commune with the truth in our hearts; we hear our spirit speak and we become in touch with our inner guidance. When we are in touch with our inner guidance, we become focused and can therefore see clearly beyond what our physical eyes can see.

During meditation, bring your attention to the point between the brows and observe what images or thoughts arise.

Visualization is also a powerful way of using the power of the mind to heal and strengthen the third eye chakra. Visualize a bright purple light vibrantly spinning with energy in the middle of your forehead, cleansing the energy center of any stuck, dense, or negative energy.

Sun Gazing is an ancient practice used to help in the opening of the third eye chakra and enhancing its psychic abilities. Sun gazing is staring at the sun during sunrise or sunset when the sun’s light isn’t as strong. The sun's rays are said to decalcify a calcified pineal gland, which is associated with the third eye chakra. You don't need to look directly at the sun. Just soak it in. Sit under it. Write by the window where the sun peaks in. The sun is good for the physical body. Try to get some sunlight especially in these times.

Meditation, visualization, and sun gazing can all be done at the same time to amplify its powers. Try it and see.

Affirmations are another great way to strengthen the third eye chakra. Think positive thoughts and speak positive words over your life to reprogram the subconscious mind to release blockages in the body.

Use strong intentions to declare health over the energy that lies in your spine. Speak healthily and believe in the things that come out of your mouth. Choose good things.

We get most of our energy through the foods we eat.

The third eye won't open or heal if our diet is mainly junk. Incorporating healthy eating and limiting fluoride can help restore balance to the third eye chakra.

Final Thoughts

If your third eye is closed, opening it isn’t something you can accomplish in one morning. It’s going to take a lot of time, work, and unblocking the lower chakras first.

Note: Forcing the third eye to open prematurely can result in a spiritual crisis. If your soul isn’t ready for you to see beyond the physical, it won’t open until you prove you can handle the spiritual. You prove this by showing a genuine interest in spirituality and getting the ego under control. See it as going on an adventure with the mind and soul.

A strong third eye chakra helps us recognize the self-limiting beliefs that hold us back. When we fully connect with its power, we retain mental clarity and are able to see beyond the mind and all its desires, longings, worries, fears, and judgment. We then enter the realms of knowledge, wisdom, and intuition.

This article is the sixth of seven guides to unblocking and strengthening the chakra system. Stay tuned for the next one on the Crown Chakra.

Previous articles in this series:

The Root Chakra: Life Is a Struggle When This Chakra Is Blocked

The Sacral Chakra: Creativity is Lost When This Chakra is Blocked

The Solar Plexus Chakra: Our Power is Taken Away When This Chakra is Blocked

The Heart Chakra: We Don’t Feel the Love in Our Hearts When This Chakra Is Blocked

The Throat Chakra: We Struggle to Express Ourselves When This Chakra is blocked

The Crown Chakra: We Feel Disconnected From the Universe When This Chakra Is Blocked

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