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The Crown Chakra: We Feel Disconnected From the Universe When This Chakra Is Blocked

How to open and strengthen the crown chakra

Violet represents spiritual awareness, imagination, visualization, and wisdom. (Photo: Peter Lomas)

What is the Crown Chakra?

The crown chakra is the seventh and last chakra. It is associated with the color violet and relates to light element. Located at the top of the head, it serves as the bridge to the cosmos. It acts as our center of spirit, intuition, wisdom, consciousness, and connection to inner and higher guidance.

As one of the top three spiritual chakras, it receives cosmic energy from the universe and brings it inside the body where it moves through the rest of the chakras.

The crown chakra governs our interaction and communication with the universe and rules our sense of inspiration. It is our highest potential, responsible for our oneness with the higher self, a deeper understanding of the universe, and a healthy spiritual life.

It acts as the gateway to the higher self and universal consciousness.

When the Crown Chakra Is Blocked

When the crown chakra is blocked or closed, we feel misaligned with the energies around us. We struggle to receive divine messages, energy downloads, dreams, synchronicities, or repeating numbers that affirm we are on the right path.

We feel disconnected from the universe around and inside of us. We believe we’re alone and separate from the whole.

We struggle to connect to our soul, spirit, and our higher selves because we aren’t receiving the life force energy and the opportunities the universe wants to send our way.

We lack hope and see spirituality as a strange thing. We have a hard time believing in spirit. We dismiss any spiritual information and any idea or beliefs that don’t match our own as crazy talk.

We assume our way is the one and only way, and we become stuck in those ways. We reject our spiritual nature and neglect our emotional side.

We become so closed-minded and closed off that we can’t seem to wrap our heads around the fact that there is a higher power.

We forget there are four levels of the body — physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual/energetic — and they must work in harmony for balance to be restored within us.

Because the crown works closely with the root chakra — whose purpose is to release dense and dark energy — when there are issues with the crown chakra, the root chakra suffers because it doesn’t receive divine energy from above to recycle and transmute those dense and dark energies flowing through us.

When we aren’t receiving energy through our crown, the energy moving inside us becomes contaminated and remains inside us, polluting our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies.

When the crown chakra is overactive, it may cause confusion and chaos in our minds and may end up in a mental, emotional, and spiritual crisis where we hallucinate and see things that aren’t there.

We become tired after so much mental and spiritual activity; we feel overwhelmed and sleep all day long wandering about in dreams, daydreams, illusions, and fantasies.

We become obsessed with spirituality and we sometimes spiritually bypass.

How To Strengthen the Crown Chakra

Breathe in that good prana to strengthen your crown chakra. The spiritual and physical are brought together through the breath we take. Breathing in fresh air renews our spirits. We achieve flow states when we remember to breathe. Breathe in with the intention to receive and bring in divine energy and breathe out, intending to release and let go of dense energy. Believe in the energy you are receiving. Believe it contributes to your wellbeing and peace of mind.

Breathing is something we must master by now because we’ve been doing it every second of every day of our lives.

Meditation helps you tap into the energy above you. Meditation will blow your crown chakra open and put it into alignment, making you see things clearly. When we meditate — no matter how we do it — and visualize a bright white or purple flame extending outwards of our heads with our eyes closed, we can tap into divine energy. You may see a bright red flame when you work on your crown chakra because of its divine connection with the root chakra. To supercharge your meditation practice, sit under a source of light or gaze into a candle while visualizing and observe your inner state with your third eye.

Meditation is a practice that can open every single chakra inside the body if you set your intention for it to do so. It’s like praying. It makes everything feel better.

Visualization opens and strengthens the crown chakra. We must be able to visualize the light even when it’s dark and when our eyes are closed. Visualize light or fire with your physical eyes closed and your spiritual third eye open. Focus your attention on your crown and visualize a bright light or purple flame at the top of your head. Visualize all the ways you are connected to the universe. See how it all comes together. Notice how everything is connected. Receive and perceive. Visualize moving around in the darkness of the mind, finding the switch, and finally flipping the light on.

Visualize your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies all working together in perfect harmony.

Use affirmations to strengthen the crown chakra. Engage and bring the throat chakra into alignment by standing in our power and speaking your truth. Strengthen your crown by living and speaking consciously. Speak with honesty and with love. Try affirming meditation. Pray. Speak positive words. Say affirmations and mantras. Try ho’oponopono to help you heal the past.

If you can believe the words that come out of your mouth, then you can relax knowing every word you spoke is making its way to and into you.

Do things that invoke positive emotion in you to strengthen your crown chakra. Meditate in the tub with music playing and visualize your heart expanding in bright green light. Take the best shower of your life every single day — the kind of showers that make you get out rushing to write creative ideas down before you forget. The kind of baths that gives you plenty of “aha moments.” Make the heart happy by listening to your all-time favorite song that fires you up and makes you dance like no one is watching.

Try movement meditation. As you dance, moving up and down and from side to side in slow motion, you are exercising your creative sacral energy to help you bring your dreams to life.

The only way to know why we came to play a part in all of this is by quieting the mind and listening to the heart.

Walk barefoot on the earth. The crown works closely with the root because they are the two chakras that lead energy in and out. When one is blocked, the other struggles to function. Walking on earth and connecting with the earth helps us rid ourselves of toxins, toxic, and negative energies by transmuting and transforming them into love back into the world to allow space in us to receive fresh energy from the crown chakra.

Clear the mind and mess with your thoughts for a change. A healthy crown chakra makes a clear head. When your mind isn’t clear and you are being bombarded with negative thoughts, mess with those thoughts. Observe and see them as things because thoughts are things. When you think of something negative, immediately think of its opposite. If you doubt whether an opportunity will come through, change the thought to what if you get everything you want and more? Mess with negative thoughts by telling them they aren’t true and that they are only made up stories that may never come true.

Just because you think a thought doesn’t make it true.

Try reiki to open and strengthen your crown chakra. Reiki is a useful energy healing method for unblocking blockages in the energy system. Your trusted reiki practitioners focus on the energy that runs from the head to the base of the spine and helps direct it where it is needed. Your healer may check the body to figure out where the energy is stuck. They may use crystals to promote healing in your chakra energy system. You can heal yourself because you are a powerful spiritual being, but if you can’t do it on your own, just ask for guidance.

Detox your body and fast to open and strengthen the crown. If the energy system is blocked or weak, it needs time and space to clear out and flow freely again. Fasting is great for crown chakra healing and spiritual growth. Skip breakfast when you are doing energy healing. Eat light meals, lots of fruits and vegetables.

Drink water like your life depends on it. Your sacral chakra — the home of sexual and creative energy — associated with the water element actually depends on it.

When you fast and feel lighter, your head is light and you can better hear your intuition and inner guidance.

Respect the universe and everything in it. Protect the animals. Don’t abuse the sacred plants. Take care of the water bodies. Respect the earth and the skies. Don’t contribute to the pollution of the air. Bask in the glory of the sun. Admire the moon. Have fun with the twinkle stars.

Acknowledge the divine masculine and feminine within you. Believe you’re part of something way bigger.

As you’re immersed in the cosmic energy all around you, you feel a state of blissful union with all that is and of spiritual ecstasy.

Receive divine energy from up above and around you and put it back out into the world around and below you.

Final Thoughts

An open and strong crown chakra gives us access to higher states of consciousness, massive amounts of cosmic energy, and we feel connected to all things.

All four levels of the body work in harmony to promote balance in our body. We understand we are a body, mind, soul, and spirit and can therefore connect to a higher power, our souls, our hearts, our higher selves, our assigned angels, our spirit guides and animals, our ancestors, Gaia, and the breath we take.

We understand that we are part of something bigger and we live our lives with gratitude, faith, and trust. We feel guided and open to receiving guidance from above with our feet grounded on earth.

We remember who we are, our purpose here on earth, and we boldly step into our role as spiritual people with a mission and duty to serve and help others.

Crown chakra affirmation: Divine energy flows through me!

Previous articles in this series:

The Root Chakra: Life Is a Struggle When This Chakra Is Blocked

The Sacral Chakra: Creativity is Lost When This Chakra is Blocked

The Solar Plexus Chakra: Our Power is Taken Away When This Chakra is Blocked

The Heart Chakra: We Don’t Feel the Love in Our Hearts When This Chakra Is Blocked

The Throat Chakra: We Struggle to Express Ourselves When This Chakra is blocked

Third Eye Chakra: We Struggle to Perceive the Truth When This Chakra Is Blocked

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