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The Heart Chakra: We Feel No Passion When This Chakra Is Blocked

How to strengthen and align the heart chakra

Green carries the vibration of growth, new beginnings, health, renewal, harmony, peace, and love. (Image: Peter Lomas on Pixabay)

The wisest people in ancient cultures knew that all living things carried a life force energy within them that fuels and moves them. They called this energy — that aligns and spins through the spine — the chakras.

The seven chakras power the physical, mental, emotional, and energetic body. They control all aspects of our wellbeing.

When in alignment, we feel healthy, fulfilled, and at peace. When out of alignment, our energies are all over the place (literally).

The heart chakra is the middle of the seven chakras and therefore links the upper and lower chakras. It connects the higher energies (the heavens) with the lower energy (the earth).

This article is the fourth of eight guides and in the three previous articles, we learned about the root, the sacral, and the solar plexus chakra.

What is The Heart Chakra?

The heart chakra is the fourth chakra and is located right above the heart.

It is associated with the color green and relates to the air element. It is powered through the breath that we take.

The heart chakra is the core of our being. It is the primary source of most of what happens in our spiritual lives because it is the heart that allows us to connect to all.

The heart acts as the center of integration and healing. It fuels our love, kindness, and compassion.

We associate love with the heart because real love comes from the core of our being deep beneath the surface.

The heart chakra is the seat of our personality. It is what makes us have compassion for ourselves and others.

The heart is what prompts us to stop and help someone in need.

When The Heart Chakra is Blocked

All chakras — if not paid attention to — can become too weak or overactive.

When the heart chakra becomes overactive, we lose our personal boundaries and make unhealthy choices all in the name of love.

We put the needs of others before our own. We give our love away to others, neglecting ourselves in the process.

We put people, places, and things on pedestals, therefore making everything else our priority instead of ourselves.

Life can send us a lot of heartbreak to teach us lessons about ourselves and the world, and it's hard to not let these lessons mess with our hearts.

When the heart chakra becomes weak, we struggle to love ourselves. When we struggle to love ourselves, we struggle to love others.

We build a big wall around our hearts and we refuse to allow anybody in to see who we really are. We feel the need to guard and protect ourselves in order to not get hurt.

When this goes on for too long, we feel out of touch with our bodies.

We become numb to the pain in our hearts and we, therefore, neglect our physical, mental, and emotional bodies. We engage in negative self-talk and negative thinking that lowers our self-esteem and self-worth.

The spiritual body becomes the last thing on our minds when our heart energy is struggling to spin in alignment with the heavenly energies.

In relationships, a blocked chakra may manifest as a fear of intimacy, jealousy, being closed off, codependency, or excessive isolation.

We may hold grudges against those who hurt us, and we refuse to forgive them and ourselves.

How to Strengthen The Heart Chakra

Past pain and trauma that aren’t healed throw our heart energies out of alignment and blocks it from receiving divine energy.

It isn’t easy for us to knock down the walls we built around ourselves when we didn’t feel safe. Strengthening the heart chakra is knowing that we are safe and protected at all times.

It is knowing that when the external environment is too much for us to handle, we can retreat inwards where there is peace and love.

We must accept, acknowledge, and come face to face with the pain that we feel. We must sit with this pain no matter how much it hurts.

When we accept our pain and learn the lesson it came to teach us, we open up our hearts, and whatever we are struggling with dissolves.

The moment we acknowledge the pain, honor it, and surrender them to the universe, our hearts begin its healing process. And when we are no longer afraid of the pain, we take our powers back.

The moment we let it all go is the moment it all comes to us.

Because the heart chakra relates to the air element, it is literally and symbolically recharged through breathing in that good prana.

Simple breathing exercises help us connect to our hearts.

When times are crazy, it is easy to forget how good it feels to just slow down and breathe in air. We forget the wonders of simple 10-minute meditation.

When we can sit still and bring our attention inwards, we expand our hearts and transmute all the pain inside of it.

Self-love and self-care activities will strengthen a weak chakra.

Activities such as taking a luxurious bubble bath with essential oils and candles burning with our favorite music playing in the speakers is an act of self-love.

Treating ourselves to a wonderful massage, or simply being there and showing up for ourselves — especially when there is no one there — is an act of self-care and a powerful way to recharge our heart chakras.

It all comes down to giving ourselves the love we wish to receive from others.

When we care and ‘love on’ ourselves, we can love and care for others. The compassion and love we feel for ourselves spread to those around us.

When we commit to doing this, we push our heart chakra back into alignment and it receives energy from the upper and lower chakras so we feel connected to ourselves and all that is around us.

We exchange energies between the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies and we live a harmonious life.

We appreciate life in all of its glory and we see the beauty in everything, even when the world is in crisis.

A person with a strong and balanced heart chakra radiates love, warmth, joy, harmony, and peace, and it is therefore easy for them to attract their heart's desires, manifest their wildest dreams, and experience a healthy and abundant life.

Final Thoughts

The heart chakra doesn't just control matters of the heart, it is the chakra the transcends our old identity and goes beyond the limitations of the ego and mind.

It opens us up to compassion and acceptance of all that is — just the way it comes.

When we live life from the heart and engage in activities that feed our hearts, our heart energy becomes stronger and more powerful.

Heart Chakra Affirmation: I am grateful for all the challenges that have helped me transform and open up to divine love.

This article is the fourth of seven guides to unblocking, strengthening, and aligning the Chakra system. Stay tuned for the next one which will be on the Throat Chakra.

Previous articles in the series:

The Root Chakra: Life Is a Struggle When This Chakra Is Blocked

The Sacral Chakra: Creativity is Lost When This Chakra is Blocked

The Solar Plexus: Our Power is Taken Away When This Chakra is Blocked

The Throat Chakra: We Struggle to Express Ourselves When This Chakra is blocked

Third Eye Chakra: We Struggle to Perceive the Truth When This Chakra Is Blocked

The Crown Chakra: We Feel Disconnected From the Universe When This Chakra Is Blocked

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