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The provided content is a comprehensive guide on the solar plexus chakra, detailing its significance, symptoms of imbalance, and methods for strengthening and aligning it within the body's energy system.


The article "A SIMPLE GUIDE TO THE CHAKRA ENERGY SYSTEM" focuses on the solar plexus chakra, the third chakra located in the stomach/chest area, which is associated with personal power, self-esteem, and motivation. It explains that a blocked solar plexus chakra can lead to feelings of powerlessness and indecisiveness, while an overactive one can result in controlling behavior and a lack of empathy. The text outlines practices such as sungazing, yoga, meditation, and affirmations to balance this chakra, emphasizing the importance of a healthy solar plexus chakra for confidence, purpose, and overall well-being. The guide is part of a series aimed at understanding and aligning the seven primary chakras for a harmonious mind, body, and soul.


  • The solar plexus chakra is crucial for an individual's sense of personal power and identity.
  • A balanced solar plexus chakra is essential for feeling confident and purposeful without being arrogant.
  • Past traumas can negatively impact the solar plexus chakra, leading to ongoing emotional and behavioral issues.
  • Activities that engage the body, such as exercise, are beneficial for aligning the masculine energy of the solar plexus chakra.
  • Affirmations are presented as a powerful tool for reversing negative thought patterns and restoring chakra balance.
  • The article suggests that living in tune with the energy that flows within us is key to maintaining mental, physical, and spiritual harmony.
  • The guide encourages readers to engage in practices like sungazing and yoga to strengthen the solar plexus chakra.


The Solar Plexus: Our Power is Taken Away When This Chakra is Blocked

How to strengthen and align your solar plexus chakra

Image by Peter Lomas from Pixabay

The entire universe is made up of energy and our bodies are no exception. The solar plexus (celiac plexus) is a complex system of radiating nerves and ganglia located in the pit of the stomach in front of the aorta. It is part of the sympathetic nervous system and therefore responsible for fight-or-flight.

The solar plexus chakra is located in the solar plexus.

The study of the chakras originates in Eastern spiritual traditions that consider the seven primary chakras as a person’s life force or prana — the energy that moves us.

In the two previous articles, we learned that the first chakra, the root chakra is responsible for keeping us safe and grounded on earth and the second chakra, the sacral chakra is the spot where our creativity lies and it rules all things sensual and sexual.

What Is The Solar Plexus Chakra?

The solar plexus chakra is the third chakra located in the stomach/chest area. It is a masculine fire element associated with the color yellow. This chakra is powered by the sun.

Like the sun, the solar plexus is our main source of energy. It rules our passion, ambition, and our desires and it is the main source of our vitality. It represents our personality, our identity, and also our ego. It governs our freedom, our choices, and how authentic we are around others.

The solar plexus chakra controls our motivation, determination, and willpower. It rules how confident we are and the view we have of ourselves. It gives us a sense of purpose here on earth.

It is associated with the gut and therefore controls our gut feelings. When something in our life isn’t right, we feel it in our stomach — in our solar plexus. In reality, this is the source of our personal power and is the force that propels us forward and upward.

When The Solar Plexus Chakra is Blocked

All chakras can become weak or overactive. When the Solar plexus is weak or blocked, our personal power is taken away from us by a person or situation. When our powers are taken away, we feel weak and powerless. We lack purpose and a clear sense of direction in life.

We become afraid, insecure, and indecisive because we have no control over our life. This can seriously affect our self-confidence, our self-esteem, and ultimately our social life. When this goes on too long, we grow a victim mentality because of the constant feeling of helplessness.

When this chakra is overactive, we have an excessive need to control our lives and it may even extend to the need to control the lives of others. We become aggressive, quick to anger, and we may micromanage situations. We lack compassion and empathy and we lose a sense of who we are all in the name of power. We misuse this power by being greedy, manipulative, and controlling.

Many of our past traumas become stuck in the body and continue to affect our thought patterns and behaviors until we heal it.

How to Strengthen The Solar Plexus Chakra

A strong solar plexus chakra is the fuel that drives us. When the solar plexus chakra is balanced and aligned with the others, we call and take our power back. We feel powerful and we use this newfound power to propel us forward. We exude confidence without being too arrogant. We are self-motivated and we gain a clear sense of purpose.

Because the solar plexus chakra is powered by the sun, sungazing is an excellent way to strengthen and bring it back into alignment.

Practicing yoga postures with mindful breathing helps release physical, emotional, and spiritual tension from the solar plexus.

Meditating and visualizing that all seven chakras are aligned and moving as it should is a work of intention and a powerful method to work on any chakra.

The solar plexus chakra is associated with masculine energy therefore any activity that makes us move the body is a great way to push this chakra in alignment. Exercise helps create an individual sense of strength, courage, and power.

Affirmations are also a great way to set powerful intentions for balance to be restored. By repeating affirmations, either out loud, in our heads, or by writing them down, we help reverse negative thought patterns and replace them with better feeling thoughts.

Any activity that can help us begin to heal the trauma stuck in our bodies can be a path to healing the past and restoring balance to the chakra system.

Final Thoughts

Ancient cultures knew that all living things carry a life force within them that carries them where they needed to go. This life force powers the physical and emotional aspects of our being. When all seven of them are in line and in alignment, we feel healthy, fulfilled, and at peace.

When one or more of them is out of alignment and therefore blocked from receiving energy, we experience emotional turmoil and physical distress. Being aware of this and living in tune with the energy that flows within us helps us maintain harmony throughout the mind, body, and soul.

Solar Plexus Chakra Affirmation: I feel my power.

This article is the third of seven guides to unblocking, strengthening, and aligning the Chakra system. Stay tuned for the next one, which will be on the Heart Chakra.

Previous articles:

The Root Chakra: Life Is a Struggle When This Chakra Is Blocked

The Sacral Chakra: Creativity is Lost When This Chakra is Blocked

The Heart Chakra: We Don’t Feel the Love in Our Hearts When This Chakra Is Blocked

The Throat Chakra: We Struggle to Express Ourselves When This Chakra is blocked

Third Eye Chakra: We Struggle to Perceive the Truth When This Chakra Is Blocked

The Crown Chakra: We Feel Disconnected From the Universe When This Chakra Is Blocked

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