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The provided content discusses the importance and impact of the throat chakra on communication and self-expression, detailing how to recognize and heal a blocked or overactive throat chakra to achieve balanced energy flow and truthful expression.


The article "The Throat Chakra: We Struggle to Express Ourselves When This Chakra is blocked" delves into the significance of the throat chakra within the chakra system. Located in the center of the neck and associated with the color blue, the throat chakra governs communication, creativity, and the ability to speak one's truth. The text explains that blockages in this chakra can lead to difficulties in expressing emotions, resulting in feelings of powerlessness and misunderstanding. Conversely, an overactive throat chakra may manifest as excessive talking, gossiping, and a lack of empathetic listening. To strengthen and balance the throat chakra, the article suggests practices such as mindful speaking, journaling, singing, and affirmations, emphasizing the importance of speaking with honesty and kindness. By aligning the throat chakra, individuals can communicate more effectively, release past traumas, and foster a sense of confidence and connection with themselves and the world.


  • The throat chakra is crucial for authentic self-expression and is seen as a bridge between the spiritual and physical realms.
  • Life experiences can cause emotional blockages in the throat chakra, leading to challenges in communication and emotional regulation.
  • An overactive throat chakra can result in negative behaviors such as gossiping, insensitivity, and a tendency to dominate conversations.
  • Balancing the throat chakra involves not only speaking truthfully but also listening actively and reflecting on one's words before speaking.
  • The article posits that affirmations, singing, and other forms of self-expression can help heal and strengthen the throat chakra.
  • Letting go of past hurts and forgiving those who have wronged us is essential for maintaining a healthy energy flow through the throat chakra.
  • The article suggests that a balanced throat chakra contributes to a more harmonious interaction with the world, free from the fear of judgment and the need for external validation.


The Throat Chakra: We Struggle to Express Ourselves When This Chakra is blocked

How to unblock and strengthen the throat chakra

Blue is associated with purity and therefore connects with the concept of truth. (Photo: Peter Lomas on Pixabay)

What Is The Throat Chakra?

The throat chakra is the fifth chakra. It is associated with the color blue and located in the center of the neck. It relates to the air element through sound.

It is one of the uppermost chakras which are considered the most spiritual. It acts as the “bottleneck” serving as the passageway of energy into the “bottle” (the body.)

Energy from the universe enters through the upper three chakras (crown, third eye, and throat), moves through the middle chakras (heart, solar plexus, and sacral) pushing down dense energies in the body to exit through the root chakra.

The throat chakra is associated with the highest truth and connects the ethereal and spiritual realms to the physical and material world.

It powers our originality, our individuality, and our ability to freely and truthfully express ourselves. It is the energy that makes our voice unique and enables us to speak with wisdom and honesty.

The throat chakra is responsible for communication, listening, and the creative expression of our thoughts and ideas. It works closely with the sacral chakra to bring our creative ideas to life.

It controls the dialogue that takes place in our heads.

The throat chakra is associated with purity, thus connects with the concept of speaking our truths.

When The Throat Chakra is Blocked

Life experiences may cause us to hold on to emotions that get stuck in our energy system, blocking the flow of energy in and out. Until we heal the past and release these emotions that hold us back, life stays the same and things don't work out the way we want them to.

When things don’t work out the way we want them to, we become easily upset about the way they’ve turned out.

When we are upset, we often say we’re “choked up” or “lost for words” not knowing the right things to say.

Because of this, the throat chakra is seen as the seat of our emotions. When we feel an emotion, we express it. The throat chakra controls our ability to express those emotions.

A blocked throat chakra may make us feel powerless. We can’t express ourselves and our feelings effectively. When we do, we are often misinterpreted, and we feel misunderstood.

We become shy, insecure, or anxious around others which can lead to excessive fear of speaking. We fear we may say the wrong things, or get our thoughts mixed up.

We fear we will be judged, mocked, or ridiculed for the things we say so we may choose not to speak at all.

A blocked throat chakra can manifest as excessive secretiveness.

Because the throat chakra controls the voices in our heads, it’s easy to find our thoughts flooded with negativity when this chakra is out of alignment and so we may engage in negative self-talk and self-criticism.

The throat chakra can become overactive. An overactive throat chakra leads to too much talking and no listening!

We complain endlessly. It can lead to gossiping, talking too loud and aggressively, dominating group discussions, talking over others, and interrupting them.

When the throat chakra is overactive, we have no filter whatsoever. We blurt things out and say them without taking time to think about how our words affect others.

We become mean, critical, hurtful, and ruthless. We don’t need to be any of these things to speak our truths.

We are not able to keep our word and our promises; we tell big and small lies, and we lose our ability to keep the secrets that have been entrusted to us.

How to Strengthen The Throat Chakra

Like all chakras, a blocked or overactive throat chakra can be healed, unblocked, and balanced.

A balanced throat chakra frees us from the fear of judgment or the need for approval and validation from others.

To strengthen the throat chakra, we must speak our truths no matter what. We must learn to express ourselves through our highest “selves.”

We must know when to speak and when to listen! A person with a well-balanced throat chakra pauses to think and reflect on what they say before they say it.

We must learn to give ourselves a few moments before speaking or responding. This isn't easy, but with practice, it can be done.

Meditate by focusing on a blue, vibrant color and visualize this energy spinning healthily in your throat. Let that guide you whenever you are working on healing the throat chakra.

Practice mindful self-expression by journaling. Write down important things you’d like to express to others before it’s time to express them. Or you can try saying them out loud in the mirror.

If there was a situation where you failed to get your point across clearly and you carry the guilt, write all you wish you'd said in that situation, read it out loud, and then get rid of it along with the guilt.

Words are spells so use affirmations. Affirmations are a work of intention and a powerful way to push your throat chakra into alignment. It all lies in the thoughts you put behind your intention.

Sing loudly and feel your vocal chord vibrate with energy. Singing is a powerful way to get the energy flowing through you. Turn on your favorite music and sing it out loud in the shower, in the car, or whenever you feel like it!

Humming, chanting, and reading also work in strengthening the throat chakra.

Talk openly and truthfully with close friends and family. The heart chakra lies right underneath the throat chakra, so channeling the heart’s energy and speaking in a heartfelt way is an excellent way to strengthen and balance the throat chakra.

Drink pure water. Water cleanses all things so drink lots of water to cleanse the throat.

Not only does water help keep you hydrated and keeps headaches at bay, but it allows healthy energy to flow up and down your energy system.

Let go of the past. If you were judged, mocked, or made fun of in the past for expressing yourself, forgive, and let it go.

If you couldn’t say everything you needed to say in an important conversation and you regret what wasn’t said, let those go too.

Letting go is difficult, but holding on to things that hurt you in the past only leads to resentment, guilt, and anger — all of which contribute to an imbalance in the energy system

An overactive chakra can be balanced. The truth from your highest self will always come across as kind and compassionate. If you struggle with an overactive throat chakra, ask yourself these three questions before you speak:

  • Is what I am about to say true?
  • Is what I am about to say necessary?
  • Is what I am about to say kind?

If the answer is no, hold your words. Don’t say them until you can answer yes. When you answer yes, set a strong intention to allow others to talk without interruption.

The highest form of listening involves giving the other person our full attention and being active in the conversation. Listen without rushing to respond. Listen with the intention to understand and make sense of what is being said.

Slow down when you speak and stop in between just to reflect on what has been said so far and what still needs to be said.

If you have a habit of lying, set an intention to be open and honest with all you say. If you gossip about others, stop the habit because it blocks your power. If you are overly critical of others, ask yourself what it is in you that you are trying to project.

Final Thoughts

When your throat chakra opens up and aligns with the other chakras, you have more confidence and you communicate by speaking your highest truths without fear.

You become at ease with the energies all around you, and you are more at ease with yourself and the world.

Throat Chakra Affirmation: I know when to speak and I know when to listen.

This article is the fifth of seven guides to unblocking and strengthening the Chakra system. Stay tuned for the next one which will be on the Third Eye Chakra.

Previous articles in this series:

The Root Chakra: Life Is a Struggle When This Chakra Is Blocked

The Sacral Chakra: Creativity is Lost When This Chakra is Blocked

The Solar Plexus: Our Power is Taken Away When This Chakra is Blocked

The Heart Chakra: We Don’t Feel the Love in Our Hearts When This Chakra Is Blocked

Third Eye Chakra: We Struggle to Perceive the Truth When This Chakra Is Blocked

The Crown Chakra: We Feel Disconnected From the Universe When This Chakra Is Blocked

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