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MAGADoodle Dandy & the Duplicitous Denial of Responsibility

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It never ceases to amaze me how devious, sneaky, duplicitous, unsavory, camouflaged and disguised some members of Congress are. Worse than that, there is a whole class of politicians who campaign on whining and whining and whining. Worse still is they have no shame. That Brazilian drag queen is the most flaming example, I suppose, but MagaMike is right up there in the running for Shameless Charlatan of the Month. Of course, honorable mention goes to that Sweet Lil Ole Peach from down there in Georgia. Can’t remember her name but she might have blue hair. Markwayne came close but he has yet to have developed a sustainable style to be a true Shameless Charlatan. Old Page Dog Matt is in the throes of being shunned for screwing up everything and everyone in Congress. And for Page Dog’s stupidity, we are all saddled with MagaMike The Christian Soldier who will bring God’s wrath down on us all because HE is pissed that MagaMike was the best that Congress could do.

You see, I never understood that whining was an actual political plank. It kind of looks like if your base supports you as you whine about how you’ve been mistreated, misunderstood, spindled, and mutilated because people don’t like you and didn’t vote for you because they unfairly claimed they would never vote for you. You need a new base. The one you got is worn out. I just do not understand how whining about that water under the bridge or that spilt milk is going to be a reason to vote for someone. But then the entire conservative movement is rancid with magical thinking.

I do not wish to infer any disrespect to the Almighty here but has anyone considered how busy He must be? I mean, He has at a minimum one entire universe and according to some, multiple coexisting and commingling universes to keep on track. Don’t you think that we could at least keep our own lives on track without screwing around with other people’s tracks? How hard could that be? Let’s all give God a break today, whaddayasay.

What is chillingly amazing is that there is a huge subset of Evangelical folks who like the Republican Party aficionados show no sign of ever having reviewed their own criteria for internal consistency in thought. There are a number of examples in the news but MagaMike is a wonderful one. He has actually said that separation of church and state doesn’t really mean separation of church and state. It means that religion can override the state. Yeah, my head hurt to even write that. But then MagaMike is also all about making sure to protect us from God’s wrath. He thinks God is about to do something. I think MagaMike is accusing God of being a Democrat.

I have to wonder if God Boy MagaMike and Coach Washout have considered that praying and reciting an incantation is pretty much the same thing. I’m pretty sure they just may not. If they were to understand that even the process is the same, would they still be able to say with all that certainty that God’s mad because some women decided they were not ready to have another kid? Mikey thinks that he can solve unemployment by breeding babies for the Theocracy. Not only that, he appears to believe that he has special knowledge reserved just for him about how to appease God so God doesn’t treat the good old US of A as heathen godless sinners and smite that ungodly country with plagues and pestilence. As if the Head Cry Baby MAGA himself isn’t plague and pestilence enough. Can’t MagaMike see that he is part of God’s punishment on us? Then why else is MagaMike so heavily invested in an Ark “theme park?” Does he have hopes of surviving a flood of investigations like his hero Don Lardo? What is it now, 91 and counting? And that doesn’t even take in the tax evasion thing in New York.

If there was ever a time for someone to suck it up and deal with reality, this would be it for all the MAGAdoodles. The word responsibility has responded as its base. My eye responds to light and the Doc knows I’m alive. My knee responds to that little rigger hammer and I know I have reflexes. If I’m actually responsible, then I do not take responsibility, I accept responsibility because I f — king did it. If I lost then I lost. If I went to the capital because I believed Don Lardo then that’s on me. It’s on him for lying to me but I should have known better. Right? If you make a mistake then you own up to it so you don’t make that mistake again. Denying that something happened because you don’t like how that event makes you feel is precisely the reason you claim it. If you deny it, you’re going to do it again and again with the same results. Einstein claimed that was crazy behavior. He could have been right. He did think about things.

The issue here that is most bothersome to me is there are a whole lot of politicians who say they want to stop all abortions, arrest protesters, gerrymander voting districts so equal representation is not possible, and arm as many minorities as possible in the hopes they will knock each other off. All the while, they smile and say how pro-democracy they are until they have to give up some of their ideals so the other side has the motivation to give up some of his ideals. That kind of defines the job of any politician though, doesn’t it?

I wonder if it would be wise to post something somewhere where people, especially politicians, can read that Mr. Smith didn’t really go to Washington. It was just a movie. It didn’t really happen in real life. I know that data point is going to break some minds but it’s still true. I wouldn’t want to take on Chip Roy or Markwayne over this but even they might learn something if they could listen to what other people want as opposed to vilifying anyone who does not share their limited points of view. There’s nothing wrong with the points of view of those two distinguished gentlemen but that does not mean they are not limited. I mean, really! That a couple of good old boys from distinctly isolated communities are trying out their perceived power antics to do what exactly? Stop child poverty? Stimulate the economy? Protect women from slavers? Broker peace in either or both of the world’s major current conflicts? No, none of the above. They’re going to embody Mr. Smith's anaconda they’re already in Washington. The saints preserve us.

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