avatarJohn Worthington


The author reflects on the potential for a civil war in the U.S., critiques the proposed laws affecting women's healthcare, comments on political figures and their actions, and emphasizes the importance of women's voting power in the face of political turmoil and environmental challenges.


The article "Yo Moralists, Women Vote" by John Worthington expresses concern over the prospect of a civil war in America, questioning the motives and potential outcomes of such a conflict. The author criticizes draconian legislative proposals that infringe on women's healthcare rights, drawing comparisons to historical injustices like witch trials. The piece also takes aim at political leaders and pundits, such as "Generala Marge" and "Dark Brandon," for their roles in exacerbating political divisions and for their handling of sensitive information, economic policies, and environmental issues. The author points out the dangers of stupidity in politics, citing a study on the measurement of stupidity, and underscores the significance of women's suffrage in the current political landscape. The article concludes by encouraging readers to engage in the democratic process by voting and by supporting the author's work on Medium.


  • The author is skeptical about the reasons for a potential civil war and doubts the benefits for any party involved.
  • There is a strong critique of laws that restrict women's access to healthcare, viewing them as regressive and harmful.
  • The author views certain political figures, like those referred to as "Generala Marge" and "Dark Brandon," with skepticism and disapproval for their actions and public statements.
  • The article suggests that some politicians are out of touch with the real dangers of mishandling sensitive information and the environmental crisis.
  • It is emphasized that the pursuit of renewable energy and addressing climate change should take precedence over maintaining the status quo of fossil fuel dependency.
  • The author believes that fixing problems is more productive than assigning blame, particularly in reference to the immigration crisis.
  • The article expresses concern over the impact of political decisions on future generations, especially in the context of climate change.
  • The author predicts a swing towards liberal ideologies in upcoming elections, contrary to the current rise of conservative figures.
  • There is an acknowledgment that women's votes will play a crucial role in shaping the political future.
  • The author promotes voter registration and participation in democracy,

Yo Moralists, Women Vote

Illustration designed specifically for this blog by BSIENKART (used with permission from the artist)

I keep hearing about a civil war coming along here pretty quick. I have to wonder: should such an event come to pass, what would the winner win? I suppose if I were a glass-half-empty sort of guy, I’d wonder what exactly is this coming civil war actually about? I can’t really identify anything in particular that would justify wasting an evening discussing the pros and cons that would affect anyone I know. Some of these proposed laws are as barbaric as the inquisition era witch trials. Doctors are prevented by law from providing care for a woman’s health. I don’t foresee a bright future for the dummies who thought they had a better idea on this one, do you? The clowns who drafted this legislation apparently missed that “look before you leap” lesson. If they knew what results they would bring about or not, the ship of state will undoubtedly right itself again.

I get that news organizations need to have something to keep people interlocked with their talking heads. Time of interlock equals income, after all. But it’s also true that the press is a fickle lover. The fifth estate does favor a particularly lovely rose but the more a rose is handled, the more its thorns irritate. This has certainly turned out to be the case for the Rose of Mar a Largo. At first blush, he seemed to merely be eccentric. But as of late he’s starting to be irritating; playing loosey goosey with top secret stuff that just ain’t safe to have. There are people in the world who would not hesitate to kill anyone who possessed that information just to have it. I don’t know about you, but that ain’t all too bright. To have that kind of volatile substance laying around a resort hotel? No danger in that, I suppose. I mean, social media wouldn’t (or maybe couldn’t) spread that kind of hot-off-the-press gossip around the world in seconds, right? And so, who is it that wants to have a civil war over a dummy who can’t even grasp the danger he put his family and his members in just by having that information on the premises?

There was a study a few years back that determined how to measure stupid¹. The conclusion was that someone who destroys and receives no benefit from the destruction qualifies as being stupid. That’s the point I have to wonder what the pundits talking about civil war are smoking. The leaders of this so called civil war are the likes of Generala Marge, Admiring Matt, Jolly Josh and everyone’s favorite coach, Jimmy Jordan. I just can not back Generala Marge’s goofy public statements. I get that she’s living her best life, but it is not as well-considered as say Martha Stewart’s best life. I don’t see how this ends well for her.

J.D. over in Ohio is echoing the Generala’s talking points and it’s not going well. The Lake Girl out in Arizona is so smug. She has reason to be smug but that fake persona she used to move up in the news world out in the desert may not play so well with a more diverse audience. She’ll probably carry the state but one has to feel bad for all the folks who invested in the state. There ain’t enough water and this girl is running in the last election? What could possibly go wrong with that well-considered plan? I don’t know if confidence alone will make it rain. Maybe, but Arizona beware. It still ain’t wise to buy a pig in a poke.

I can understand how folks might very well be really unhappy about the cost of stuff in the store these days. But I also understand that at the end of the lockdown, Dark Brandon got a lot of people some money when money was too tight to mention. He smiled and lied that it would not cause inflation but he knew that it would and he didn’t care. People were desperate and now they have jobs at least and can get on about their lives as best they can. They’re not starting from scratch as they might very well have been without that influx of cash. Landlords were up against it. Businesses closed by the dozen, you remember all that, right? Dark Brandon pulled us out of that dark hole. I have a hard time being on the warpath against someone who pulled my bacon out of the fire, if you know what I mean.

So I can see why some folks would be unhappy with Dark for moving the country in the direction of renewable energy. Especially folks who make a living from oil and associated petroleum products. But then those folks don’t much care for lower gas prices because it hurts them in their pocketbooks. From that context it makes sense to milk the cow until she goes dry. But we have to have energy to continue on the trajectory our forefathers once set for us. We can’t go back in time but we do go forward, so making something again isn’t very smart.

That’s the problem with the conservative mindset. It wants to hold on to the present forever. That just is not possible. Things change. I’ll concede that lately things have been in a state of change more than they’ve been stable. Maybe I’m just now noticing though. But folks, I don’t see how blaming some group that I’m not part of solves anything. I once heard that it’s better to fix the problem than to fix the blame. For example: there is no crisis at the border. There is a crisis in Latin America but that crisis is deep within the heart of Latin America. I’d imagine that if one was interested in fixing the problem one might want to understand the problem, would that not be just plain common sense?

It doesn’t require a massive education to understand that the Mississippi River is as dry as it has ever been. Florida is reeling from a hurricane, Tennessee is still recovering from record flooding. And there are politicians who are complaining about the price of a barrel of oil. And wanting us to consume more. Burning all that fossil fuel does bad things to the atmosphere. It’s rumored that during the lockdown the air in Los Angeles was so pure that it required no chewing at all.

I think most of these issues are no-brainers really. The problem is that you just cannot afford to get stupid people excited. Once their heart beat per minute gets up over 100 they’re not going to hear anything you say. So chill out and watch the public opinion pendulum swing back toward liberal over the next two elections. Even if the likes of Ms. Lake and J.D. win their elections there are going to be honest citizens. Not everyone is a spoiled rich kid from New York. The wannabes might look pretty to the voters next month but some of the candidates really are not pretty at all. Why? Because the MAGATEERS have awakened a political monster. Women vote, you know.


Perissi, I., Bardi, U., & Margulis, L. (2021). The Sixth Law of Stupidity: A Biophysical Interpretation of Carlo Cipolla’s Stupidity Laws. MDPI. Retrieved October 28, 2022, from https://www.mdpi.com/2079-8954/9/3/57/htm

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Make your vote count. Visit vote.gov to register to vote, check your registration, find voter registration deadlines, and more.

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The most recent online Reality Creation Through the Dyad Workshop has just wrapped up. The Dyad workshop is an exploration into the relationship that exists between two people- any two people. A Dyadic relationship can be with a spouse, significant other, business partner, co-workers, family members, etc. These relationships can be wonderful and challenging all at the same time, but that is the beauty of relationships; traversing the good, the bad and everything in between.

In this interactive workshop, couples/individuals are afforded the opportunity to examine ever so common problems and tried and true solutions that guarantee an ongoing relationship if one is warranted.

This workshop will be happening on a monthly basis and runs over 2 weeks of 4 consecutive evenings. Contact @forgingagreement on Facebook or Instagram, @forgeagreement on Twitter, or email [email protected] for more information.

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