avatarJohn Worthington


The author criticizes people who blindly follow a dishonest politician and calls them fools for ignoring his lies and deceit.


The author begins by recalling his father's advice that fools' names and faces always appear in public places, and then goes on to criticize a dishonest politician and the people who follow him. The author points out that this politician has a history of dishonesty, from lying about grabbing women by the genitals to bankrupting casinos, and yet many politicians still support him. The author argues that these politicians are making fools of themselves by acting as if they are friends with a person who has no idea what power is. The author also criticizes people who believe this politician's lies, despite evidence to the contrary, and calls them fools for ignoring reality.


  • The author believes that the politician in question is dishonest and has a history of lying.
  • The author thinks that politicians who support this dishonest politician are making fools of themselves.
  • The author criticizes people who believe the politician's lies, despite evidence to the contrary, and calls them fools for ignoring reality.
  • The author believes that people should be honest with themselves about reality and not pretend to

WTF, Bro??!

Illustration by BSIENKART (used with permission from artist)

My dear old departed daddy used to tell me from time to time thatfools’ names and fools’ faces always appear in public places”. Over the last year I’ve had reason to consider what he was saying to some depth. From the time that dishonest guy was in the White House until last weekend when he was dangling pardons for the apparently foolish people who did his dirty work on January 6, 2021, there has been a seemingly endless stream of fools who are trying to get up on his hay wagon.

Before I go on any further, I have to lay something of a foundation for you to understand why I’m saying what I’m saying. That dishonest guy has always been dishonest. Everyone knows that. From the time he told the guy on the bus that the way to seduce women was to grab them by the pussy and a bunch of old white ladies got all excited by the mere prospect, he’s been a whole lot less than honest. He’s apparently done things that anyone else would have already been in jail for. I mean who gets by with telling the government one price for your property and telling a lending institution another price for your property. Who even gets to say what your property is worth?

How many casinos have you, for instance, ever taken into bankruptcy? The last time that kind of thing happened the guy responsible just disappeared. In the movie version he disappeared into a corn field somewhere in Nevada. But we have a bunch of politicians trying to act as though they can lie to the government the same as some guy who bankrupts casinos. There’s that cute little girl from Georgia who doesn’t do anything at all, but wants desperately to get reelected so she can spend another term doing nothing. There’s the handsome guy from Florida who is probably going to jail for having sex with a minor. There’s the ex-mayor of New York who has bent over backwards and for all I know, forwards, to do the bidding of a man he knows from his time as mayor to be highly suspect.

Think about this. That guy has never had a platform other than to make money for himself. His tax breaks for folks with lots of money were designed with he himself in mind. He lied all through the primary season about how he had nothing to do with Russia, while he was in fact, doing his dead level best to kiss Vlad’s behind with his very own penthouse in the New York guy’s wantabe tower in Moscow. Vlad didn’t need a pee tape to have something on the New York guy. He had his lawyer on tape begging for the deal and the lawyer’s boss on international tv denying that his own lawyer was there negotiating a deal for the tower. That was at the very beginning. It has not gotten better since then.

Look folks, these are all things we know about. You don’t suppose that there’s lots more we don’t know about, do you? You see, I don’t think you have to know it all. The only thing you really have to know and understand is that once a program is written it becomes the rule of our life until it is recognized and changed. I have yet to see any change in the Ex guy. The only thing I see is that program which allows him, or commands him to lie, is still at this moment in full force. There’s no sign of that program being abated in any fashion at all. While I can understand the attraction of being close to power, whatever that is, I can not understand making a fool of oneself in order to act like one is friends with a person who has no actual idea what power is.

I don’t think that anyone who lies does their best to sound like a liar. I think they do their best to sound like they are the picture and personification of pure and holy innocence. It’s a practiced art. You know how practiced it is. You had to practice to lie to your mom and dad the same as all the rest of us. I know I damned sure did and I know that I’m not alone because I watched my kids do the same thing. But it is expected that as we mature that we put away childish things and act like the grown adults that we actually are.

When I hear interviews on some of the shows I see every now and again of people who are claiming to not trust anyone who is not named Trump, I have to wonder what happened to those poor folks. Did they not notice that guy lies about everything? What on earth would make anyone believe that when his mouth opens and shuts it’s a prayer book? I can’t wrap my head around that one. He’s truly one of those people that you know when he’s lying when you can see his lips moving.

That’s where I think he’s making a terrible mistake. I’ll grant you that the folks who show up to his talks are probably pretty much on the foolish side, but I don’t think he has really calculated that Biden won more votes than he did, because Biden, as he put it, didn’t try to sell any malarkey. Since that election we’ve not heard anything other than malarkey from the Ex. I don’t care how sincere he is when he says things like, “we won the state,”. No, he and we did not. I don’t care how righteous he sounds when he claims that prosecutors are racists and doing something illegal. They’re neither. He knows that and so does anyone else who is not a damned fool.

Common sense is all you need to understand that the people who tried to stop the peaceful transfer of power in January of 2021 were the kind of folks who would sit at Nancy Pelosi’s desk and write a note telling her that they were there. So, it’s hard for me to understand why folks like the Senator from Texas or the good folks of Wyoming or the new governor of Virginia or even the house minority leader, would bow and scrape to someone who’s only claim to fame is his astounding ability to convince good people that he’s one of them. Talk about your wolf in sheep’s clothing.

So look, I know that a bunch of you who may read this will be highly offended that I’m calling you fools. I don’t blame you. You should be offended. But you shouldn’t be acting the fool, either. You should be empathetic enough to be honest with yourself about reality as you know it to be. It can only be deemed foolish for you to know something to be true and then pretend that you don’t understand the truth or even the context in which that truth is shown to be what it is. So, all I can say to those of you who may be offended is, if the shoe fits then wear it.

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