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Grifters, Liars, Tramps, and Thieves: What Has the GOP Come To?

Illustration by BSIENKART (with permission from artist)

I saw the other day that folks in the MAGA cult are ever more entrenched because they have to make up some cockamamie story about how Bill Barr and Ivanka are both puppets telling a lie that the Pinocchio King has instructed them to tell. While I understand that you can not defend a lie with the truth, isn’t there a cut-off point where you kind of have to admit that the lie you believe just ain’t so? I get that there are people who say they believe that the moon landing didn’t really happen. I get that there are people who deny that the Holocaust took place. But I also understand that people like that are mentally challenged, to put a politically correct spin on it.

It is not my intention to degrade folks for what they believe is true. I think that there are a great many MAGA devotees who really and truly do not know better. They have no ability to discern the difference between truth and fiction. They might well believe that Game of Thrones is based in historical fact. They might well believe that there really are Desperate Housewives hanging out somewhere in New Jersey. They might even believe that Pinocchio King actually had some kind of power to fire people on the Apprentice. If he did, he did it with the concert and approval of his advertisers, that’s for sure.

I can’t fault people for what they believe is true due to their lack of education or understanding of how government works. However, I do have to raise an eyebrow about the media folks who report outright lies as news. I don’t really care or even care to know that Marge is running her mouth on a right wing radio show. Why broadcast such stupidity? I can understand that we need to know how desperate she is for attention but can’t we call it that? Why do we have to digest such hogwash as if it were really important? She isn’t important and therefore nothing she says is important either. I don’t care how important she thinks she is. She doesn’t even have any committees she’s a part of. Money for nothing, got to sell them refrigerators and colored TV’s.

Is it really national news that Lauren asked if Jesus would have died on the cross had he had an AR 15? That would be like asking if Gandhi would have been assassinated if he’d had a colt .45. Or reporting that Mickey Mouse had an illicit affair with a broom which resulted in thousands of more brooms being produced to the point of broom over population. Pure Fantasia. Next we’ll be hiding under our beds because of a caravan of hippos dancing in tutus crossing the Mexican border.

Really? I don’t care if I never hear the Sultan of the Lago claim that he really won the election again in my life. Who cares? Well, there is Mikey Lindell. Who is clearly of sound mind. He of the Goofus plan to airlift pillows to the dingbat truckers in Canada who were too stupid to protect themselves from Covid by wearing a mask. What would it take for folks to understand that kind of stupidity is not news any more than it’s news that the MAGA Shaman was a wimp who couldn’t handle jail food. You certainly could see that coming, right?

No folks, I have had it with the media treating idiots like they have a right to be heard. They don’t. Marge talking smack about how the January 6th detainees are political prisoners is not news. It’s sad. It’s misinformed. It’s the height of stupidity but it is not news. It does not have a bright glow. It is dull. That’s up there with Ginni Thomas talking about putting the Biden crime family on barges at Gitmo. How is that deemed to be intelligence? What does that have to do with inflation, for example? What does it have to do with voting rights?

For me, I don’t care if the Sultan of the Lago goes to jail or not. If he were to end up in the hoosegow I’m sure he’d take over. Let him alone and ignore him in his self-exile there at the golf course. That would be worse than jail for him. When a baby falls down while learning to walk, you encourage the baby to get up and try it again. But you don’t give attention to the hurt unless the hurt is serious. The Sultan has not had any serious hurt. He lost. So? He wasn’t what the people wanted. So? He didn’t have any policies except to make money for the Sultanate. He surely did not give a hoot for us peasants. He just wants us around for his continuing need for our cash.

What’s even worse for me than the media trying to pretty up that liar by reporting on how goofy he is today is the generic church that has gone from a place of God to worshiping a devil in disguise. If God is watching as they all seem to think, then he surely is not pleased with this bunch becoming liars to support a liar. In the King James Version of the Bible, I read it says in Exodus 20:16 “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.” Excuse my French all you Evangelicals, what in the hell are you people doing backing this liar? Maybe you’d want to attend to the church building fund and leave governing to the government. You know, “give unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s and give unto God that which is God’s”. It just is not your business if the government executes murderers and it is equally not your business if women abort their unwanted pregnancies. That is something for government to decide. No matter what they decide.

It is your business to provide moral and spiritual guidance to the people who trust you, however. I’m sure all of you are aware that what Jesus did to piss off the Romans and the Jews was he went into the temple and upset the money changer’s tables. So, I have a question for all of you proponents of WWJD. Would he approve of your infatuation with the dollar? Would he approve of your tacit approval of a liar? How about your backing of a thief? It isn’t that you folks don’t know better, it’s that you’re part of the problem but not part of the solutions. You should be ashamed of yourselves. You have become non-relevant. You have the Good News of the gospel and have opted to make that idea which could order society into a laughing stock simply because you don’t really believe the value of what you have. This is not a Protestant or a Catholic or even a Christian or Muslim or Buddhist problem, it’s a problem for religion. Has religion lost its significance for allegiance to The Dark Lord? Then maybe it’s time for religion to be replaced by honesty and practical common sense. It’s either that or religion must claim its power and return to moral leadership. That leadership is sorely lacking in the Evangelical movement (which is also part MAGA) to the point one must wonder which is more important, being MAGA or being Evangelical?

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