
Liam Ireland, a prolific and supportive writer for ILLUMINATION on Medium, shares his writing journey, values, influences, and future plans in an interview, emphasizing inclusivity, diversity, and the power of intellectual engagement without elitism.


The interview with Liam Ireland delves into his motivations for writing on Medium, his commitment to demystifying the arts and promoting intellectual accessibility, and his dedication to inclusivity and diversity. Ireland, who comes from a working-class background, values truth, honesty, and decency in his writing and is influenced by a mix of poetry, literature, and social commentary. He engages with his readers through shared values and a sense of mutuality, and actively contributes to the ILLUMINATION publication, which aligns with his ethos. Ireland also discusses his hobbies, the impact of significant books on his life, his success factors on Medium, and his future writing projects, including a novel and a music album. The interview provides insight into Ireland's writing philosophy and his belief in the transformative power of writing and learning.


  • Ireland appreciates Medium as a platform that welcomes both new and professional writers, fostering a safe and invigorating environment for learning and development.
  • He values the multicultural aspect of Medium, which contributes to a healthy global dynamic.
  • Ireland is passionate about making Shakespeare and other intellectual pursuits accessible to all, especially disadvantaged youth.
  • He believes in the importance of feminist equality and condemns racism, sexism, and homophobia.
  • Ireland's top three books that influenced him are Ted Hughes' "Selected Poems," Robert Tressell's "The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists," and William Shakespeare's "King Lear."
  • His hobbies include reading, writing, outdoor activities, and learning Japanese, although the pandemic has limited some of his physical pursuits.
  • Ireland emphasizes the importance of eclecticism in writing and reading and encourages new writers on ILLUMINATION to learn the platform's editing tools and house rules.
  • He plans to continue exploring and improving his writing, with upcoming projects including a collection of poems and short stories, a novel, and a music album.
  • Ireland's success factors on Medium include a willingness to learn, persistence, and helping others to succeed.
  • He recommends ILLUMINATION to writers looking for a publication that values serendipity, diversity, inclusivity, synergy, and fusion.
  • Ireland acknowledges the technical and aesthetic excellence of ILLUMINATION and its adherence to its mission statement.
  • He expresses admiration for fellow writers on the platform and sees ILLUMINATION as a place where writers can transform and succeed without censorship.

Remarkable ILLUMINATION Writers

Interview with Liam Ireland

Featuring creative writers of ILLUMINATION

Photo by Miltiadis Fragkidis on Unsplash

We aim to cross-pollinate writers and readers to create synergy and fusion. The purpose of this story is to share with you an interview that ILLUMINATION conducted with Liam Ireland.

Liam is an experienced and prolific writer of ILLUMINATION on Medium. Not only contributing to our publication with her inspiring and insightful stories, Liam also supports our publication and writers; engages and collaborates with them meaningfully. Let’s explore the background of this successful writer and poet.

Why do you write on Medium?

I write on Medium because it is such a great platform for writers. What makes it so appealing is that it warmly welcomes new writers and professionals alike. It allows the beginners to mix with the pros. And because of this, the newbies can learn and develop their craft in a very safe, invigorating and friendly environment.

I also love Medium for its inclusivity and diversity. I just love the multiculturalism of it all. That makes for a very healthy global dynamic.

What are your values as a writer?

As a writer, I see my values as very simple really. What I want to do is try to demystify some of the higher arts, life and good prose and poetry. I am dead set against the idea that things intellectual are somehow elitist. That’s because of where I come from.

I am the archetypal poor working-class scruffy kid who got himself a classical education. I want the poorest, most disadvantaged kids to know all about Shakespeare. And this all ties in neatly with the Illumination ethos of inclusivity and diversification.

I think also truth, honesty and genuine sincerity are really important. If a writer has not got any of those then I cannot see how they can be taken seriously. It’s all about trust and trust can only be based on those three principles.

And, of course, a common sense of decency, of what is generally agreed to be right and wrong.

I firmly believe that racism, sexism and homophobia are all totally unacceptable in a civilised society. And feminist equality is a subject very close to my heart.

What are the top three books that effected your life?

The first of my top three books that affected my life is Ted Hughes Selected Poems 1957–1967. This book was the very first book to open my eyes and my mind to the power of words in a poetic form. In fact, that book triggered and informed my poetic senses, and opened my mind up to poetry in general and to the natural world.

I think the next one would have to be Robert Tressell’s The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists which awakened in me an awareness of how the system we all live under works.

And the third book would have to be King Lear by William Shakespeare. This book, this play, marvellously explored the dynamics of a dysfunctional family and their courtiers. There is a lot to learn still from the Bard about how fragile we are as human beings.

What are your hobbies?

My hobbies are reading and writing, walking, learning and self-improvement. I also like climbing mountains, cycling, making music, sailing and surfing.

Unfortunately, due to the corona-virus-crisis, I haven’t had much opportunity for the outdoor physical pursuits. These difficult days it’s mostly writing, walking and learning Japanese.

How do you connect with your readers?

I try to connect with my readers first by my choice of subject matter followed by expressing my values

I try to connect with my readers with a sense of mutuality. Mutual senses of right and wrong, of common decency, of education and upbringing. I try to communicate the importance of personal development and self-improvement, of accepting ownership of a problem.

I also like a sense of humour. I subscribe totally to the concept of one world and I want to spread that phrase. There is but one world and we all live in it. So let’s all help each other to make the best of it for the benefit of all of us.

Why did you join Illumination?

I joined Illumination via the Medium platform. I suddenly started getting these posts from ILLUMINATION and I liked the sound of what was being introduced.

I was very impressed with what was being proposed in terms of serendipity, diversity, inclusivity, synergy and fusion. I thought the dynamics arising from that mixture had the potential to be amazing, especially for writers, not to mention readers.

And how do you find it so far?

I have found that Illumination has far exceeded all my expectations as a high-quality publication and as a platform.

I think it is a technical tour de force, yet one which does not intimidate the user, be they a reader or a writer. It’s all very accessible.

In terms of living up to its promises, I think Illumination has delivered in spades.

And it is wonderful to be a part of such a well-executed project, technically as well as aesthetically, and in upholding is mission-statement.

Who are your top ten writers?

My top ten writers are Dr John Rose, Dr Mehmet Yildiz, Terry Mansfield, Tony Young, Jr., Henery X (long), Geetika Sethi, Adiba Abid, Rebecca Stevens A. 🦋, Danny Oak, Tree Langdon. Can we make that my top twenty so I can include people like Britni Pepper and all the other editors who are also great writers?

What are your top five stories that you want to share with an audience?

I think Terry Mansfield’s story on reciprocity is a must-read for pretty much everybody.

It is especially important for writers to learn how to get on in this writers platform.

Rebecca Stevens did a great story about what it’s like to be in a mixed-race marriage. Being in one myself that story resonated with me.

Dr John Rose wrote a lovely poem about Kayaking, which I also do when I get the chance. That poem put me right back in my ocean-going kayak, it really resonated with me.

Henery (X) long did a wonderful piece about personal development, which is something I’m big on. Henry has got great poetic sensibility and a very fine mind as well as a good heart.

Tony Young Jnr is somebody I look up to. He has a great open-hearted way and a great sense of personal values and sensibility which I admire very much. Read anything by Tony and you will come away feeling renewed. Again, like Henery, a big heart and a very fine mind.

And if I am allowed a sixth choice……

Dr Mehmet Yildiz, who should be number one, but I save the best to last.

Everything good about Illumination is the fruit of a wonderful open-hearted human being with great intellect.

What are the success factors for you as a writer on Medium?

Success on Medium is down to a willingness to learn, to work at it and to never, ever give up. It’s working for me, so it will work for anybody.

I think it’s also very important to try to help others to be successful too. And eclecticism is all part of it. Eclectic in your writing as well as in your reading.

What do you recommend to new writers on Illumination?

I recommend new writers fully appraise themselves with the platform editing side of things to begin with.

I also recommend new writers appraise themselves of the house rules and read extensively from the work of other writers on the platform.

What are your future plans as a writer?

My future plans as a writer are to continue to explore, to learn and to get better at writing every day in every way.

I have a couple of books planned, one a collection of my Medium poems and short stories. Another is a novel, a Dickensian semi-biographical story, which is underway. I also have some new songs to finish writing for a new music album. And I quite like the idea to collaborate with somebody like Akos Peterbencze on a screenplay of Shakespeare’s King Lear in a modern setting. Now that would be awesome. I have to ask Akos if he’s up for it.

Thank you for your valuable time Liam Ireland. We enjoy reading your remarkable stories on ILLUMINATION frequently. Your writing and poetic capabilities are appealing and inspirational to us and many of our readers. We appreciate your wonderful support to our publication, writers, and readers. You are a gem on Medium to be discovered by many more readers soon. ILLUMINATION appreciates your contribution.

You can connect with Liam on his Medium profile.

Here is the creative writer bio of Liam.

We would like to share an excellent story Liam created and attributed to ILLUMINATION.

If you are a writer on ILLUMINATION and want to be interviewed, please send a request via this link with title of “Interview Request”.

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You may check other interviews we conducted with inspiring writers of ILLUMINATION . These stories can provide a great opportunity to know more about our creative writers and connect with them.

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ILLUMINATION is an innovative serendipity platform with optimistic writers, editors, and readers collaborating to create synergy. We have a special collection where we keep our curated stories. The new publication is called ILLUMINATION-Curated.

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You might check more interviews in the attached collection.

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Thank you for reading my perspectives. I wish you a healthy and happy life.

About the Author

Thank you for subscribing to my content. I share my health and well-being stories in my publication, Euphoria. If you are new to Medium, you may join by following this link. A small part of your membership fee will not only support my writing but your reading times can support many great writers on this platform.

I see opportunities endless for readers and writers on Medium. You can join my publications as a writer requesting access via this weblink.

In addition to self-improvement, leadership, technology, and health, I also enjoy writing about essential molecules such as lithium orotate, alpha-lipoic acid, n-acetyl-cysteine, acetyl-l-carnitine, digestive enzymes, magnesium, creatine, choline, hydrolyzed collagen, nootropics, CoQ10, NADH, TMG, pure nicotine, activated charcoal, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B1, Vitamin D, Vitamin K2, and other nutrients for health and fitness.

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