I Drank Lukewarm Lemon (Fresh) Water Daily for 32 Days
What happens if you drink lemon water every day
Keep challenging yourself to think better, do better, and be better. — Robin Sharma
I consistently drank lukewarm water with freshly squeezed lemon juice every morning for 30+ days. Let’s see what happened to my body in the past 4 weeks.
I’m a very active, but I’m concerned about my weight now that I’m in my 30s. I’d always been thin. However, in my late 20s, I began to put on some healthy weight with the help of a fitness trainer.
Now that I’m in my early 30s, I find it much easier to gain weight than when I was in my 20s. Despite my physical activity, I am concerned about my weight.
I am experimenting with 50+ 30-day challenges this year to boost my productivity and health.
One of my friends suggested drinking a tall, warm glass of water with lemon in the morning to keep my energy level up all day.
I have been drinking lemon water first thing in the morning since 2016 but have never been consistent.
After completing nine 30-day challenges, I thought there was a hope to drink warm lemon water consistently to see some tangible results.
It’s not advertising; I actually enjoy shopping at Costco for healthy foods, particularly fruits and vegetables. To do this experiment, I purchased a bag of lemons every two weeks and just stored it in the fridge.
How to drink lukewarm lemon water
I drank the lemon water around 7–8 am. I filled the tall glass of water first thing in the morning, and being a productivity guru, I used the microwave (lol) for 70 seconds at high power to warm up the water, then gently squeezed the half lemon.
Did I miss a day?
Short Answer: No
I made it a point to try anything for at least 30 days to build a sustainable habit. My nine completed 30-day challenges helped me stay consistent.
Why is lemon water so popular?
I could use mangoes, one of my favorite fruits, but why lemons?
Lemons have healthy essential ingredients. For example, lemons have 4.4 times less sugar than mangoes. Lemons have 63% fewer calories than mangoes.
Studies show that lemons have several health benefits.
- Boost your digestive system
- High in vitamin C
- Antioxidant properties
- Good for boosting your immune system
A quick tip: My grandmother used to add small bee honey almost every morning with a pinch of pink salt. BTW, I never saw her overweight in my whole life.
Let’s talk about the importance of warm water with lemon.
Why did I do the 30-day lemon water challenge?
The short answer is to drink more water and boost my energy level all day.
Lemons are super rich in vitamin C, which can help to protect your cells.
Many dietitians suggest drinking lemon water first thing in the morning helps to get rid of extra pounds from your waistline.
As I previously stated, I have been drinking lemon water since 2016, although I have missed a few days or have been too lazy to cut the lemon, warm up the water, and so on.
Every morning, I looked forward to receiving some fresh lemon water. I treated it like a project with a deadline for the last four weeks.
It’s kind of helped me drink more water; I am pretty close to drinking 3.78 liters of water, including food, each day for 90 days.
Here are the top reasons to drink lukewarm water with lemon first thing in the morning
I love water at room temperature, regardless of the weather. I grew up in South Asia, and sometimes the temperature hit 40+ Celcius (104+ Fahrenheit), and I still preferred room-temperature water.
- Lukewarm lemon water can help boost your immune system
- Study shows that it can also help to reduce inflammation
- Lemon water can help to drink more water, which can result in losing more weight
- Lemon water can help to fight infections
- It might help to improve your liver health
- Lemon water can be a great source to fight respiratory tract infections or cure sore throat.
- A great way to get rid of mouth smell
- Lemons contain folate, which is great for your heart
- Lemon water can help to reduce the formation of kidney stones
- I am fortunate that I rarely get sick, thanks to my genes and super active life. Lemon water can help to boost the immune system, which will help you not get sick often.
Side effects of lemon water
In general, lemon water is pretty safe for your body. However, too much lemon water can cause sensitive tooth enamel or migraine issues. I wrote a detailed article on the potential side effects of lemon water. If you like, you can check the following link.
If you have sensitive teeth, you should sip lemon water with a straw and rinse your mouth afterward. If you have any dental issues, please see your dentist before this challenge.
What did I learn from this little 30-day experiment?
Before starting the lemon water experiment consistently, I skipped my breakfast and then gulped a huge lunch, but after consistently drinking lemon water, I started eating breakfast regularly.
I was getting way more hungry within 45 minutes after consuming the lemon water.
After 4 weeks, I also noticed that lemon water pretty much lifted up my mood. I think it’s related to my energy level, as lemon water helps me eat a healthy breakfast to boost my energy.
In the 3rd week, I also noticed that my skin improved a bit; maybe it’s just the water or lemons. I got rid of tiny blackheads from my face.
I also read that lemon water can help to get rid of wrinkles.
I definitely saw a reduction in my waistline, but I don’t know how much, as I did not weigh before the experiment.
I highly recommend drinking lukewarm lemon water on an empty stomach to get the maximum benefits. Thanks
The bottom line
From my experiment, I can share that drinking a lukewarm glass of water with fresh lemon juice each morning has numerous health benefits.
Drinking lemon water first thing in the morning is one of the best ways to hydrate your body after 8 hours of quality sleep.
Stick to the four-week plan; nothing will happen on the first day or even in the first week.
Start small and stay consistent!
As a new reader, please check my holistic health, productivity, and well-being stories reflecting my reviews, observations, and 30+ days of experiments (29 completed so far) to build a sustainable healthy lifestyle.
After 30+ days of challenges to living a healthy and productive life, I wrote my experiential journey. Here are the links for easy access.
3.78 liters of water per day for 30 days, 20+ Squats per day for 30 days, Reading challenge for 30 days, Coffee, Sugar, 2-minute plank daily for 30 days, 20 Push-ups daily for 30 days , Walk 10,000 steps daily for 30 days, Long Walks, Power Nap, Extra Virgin Olive Oil daily for 30 days, No Shampoo for 30 days, Cold Shower for 30 days, 10,000 Steps, Skincare routine for 30 days, Meditation daily for 30 days, Mental Break, Sit-ups, Matcha, 2-Bananas daily for 30 days, Tim Feriss’ Morning Routine for 30 days, Floss daily for 30 days, Lukewarm Lemon Water daily for 30 days, Stretching daily for 30 days
I also wrote about general life philosophy. Here are the links for easy access.
Mental Health/Brain Damage, Hiking, Cofee (New Research), Technology, Healthy Lifestyle, Life Lessons, Productivity, Learning, Money
Disclaimer: My posts do not include professional or health advice. I only document my reviews, observations, experiences, experiments, and perspectives to provide information to create awareness. This post may contain affiliate links.
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