avatarSufyan Maan, M.Eng


The author completed a 35-day plank challenge, starting with a 2-minute daily plank and progressing to hold the position for 4.5 minutes, noting improvements in core strength and endurance without significant visual changes in muscle definition.


The author embarked on a 35-day plank challenge, performing a 2-minute plank every day with the goal of strengthening their core. Despite initial struggles and failing to maintain the plank for the full 2 minutes in the first week, the author gradually increased their plank time, eventually reaching 4.5 minutes by the end of the challenge. The challenge was part of the author's series of 30-day habits aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle. While the author did not achieve visible abs, they reported a stronger core, improved back strength, and enhanced overall fitness, suggesting that consistency in simple exercises can lead to significant health benefits.


  • The author believes in the power of small, sustainable habits for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
  • They advocate for the 2-minute rule to overcome procrastination and build habits.
  • The author found planks to be an effective and convenient core exercise that requires no equipment.
  • They recommend maintaining proper form while planking to avoid discomfort and maximize benefits.
  • The author suggests that even without visible changes, consistent planking can lead to a stronger core and improved physical performance.
  • They experienced increased stamina and willpower as a result

I Did a 2-Minute Plank Every Day for 35 Days

No, I did not get the abs but 4 things happened in 4 weeks

Photo by Nathan Cowley from Pexels

If you ever get a feeling that time is moving too fast, put yourself in a plank position, and you will realize that it’s not moving at all. — Sanjay Yadav

I believe in developing little habits and sticking to them in order to live a healthy life.

The idea for this year is 30-day challenges. I’ve completed four 30-day challenges so far and am sticking to two of them: drinking 3–4 liters of water and reading 20+ pages daily.

The most recent is to do a plank for 2 minutes each day for 30 days.

Before we get into the weekly plank results, I’d want to mention that I’m a passionate hiker who enjoys spending as much time outside as possible.

Winters are harsh where I live, making it difficult to go on a hike or sometimes even impossible to get groceries during snowstorms.

I was looking for something to do pretty much anywhere. I have done plank exercises in the past but never consistently for 4+ weeks.

Did I fail?

Yes, I failed to plank at the same time each day. However, I did the plank for at least 2 minutes within 24 hours. Most of the time, I do my 10–to 15-minute stretching regime before lunch.

I’ll share my findings and suggestions if this is the right exercise for you in this 4-week plank challenge.

Why 2-minute?

I am a huge fan of the 2-minute rule to build sustainable habits. I incorporated this rule to overcome procrastination.

For example, making the bed first thing in the morning, before even going to the washroom, has become a habit.

I decided to do the plank for 2-minute to overcome the inertia. As I said, I did not do the plank at the same time each day but to build a habit to live a healthy life.

If you see something that needs doing, and it can be completed within two minutes, do it immediately. — Osei Bismark

Do you need equipment?

Plank is the simplest but the most effective core exercise. The best part is that you need nothing to do a plank except your body weight.

This king exercise can be done anywhere and at any time.

How did I track the time?

Keeping a stopwatch handy to track your progress is a good idea. I used my iPhone to start the stopwatch and kept my eye on the screen.

As Nike says, Just do it!

Plank Guinness World record

According to Guinness World Records, Danial Scali shattered the previous (8 hours, 15 minutes, and 15 seconds) plank World record after keeping the plank position for 9 hours, 30 minutes, and 1 second. He set the new record for the longest plank. That is insane, but it may inspire someone.

Let’s dive into the exploring part!


I struggled to keep my posture straight for the first week. My elbows and upper body even felt like they were trembling.

I mentally prepared myself to hold the plank position for at least two minutes. I was able to hold a plank position in about 40–70 seconds.

When I googled it, I discovered that 40 seconds or more in the first week is a good indicator to keep moving. However, I miserably failed to meet the 2-minute objective for at least the first four days.

I must say everything is hard at the beginning. It’s my fourth 30-day challenge of the year, as I mentioned. When I first started drinking 3.78 liters of water every day for 30 days, I failed miserably.

Eureka! On the 7th day, I did a 120-second plank. My elbows and upper body did not tremble as much as they had in the first few days.


I began to push myself a little harder in week two because I had already achieved the 2-minute goal. I tried to surpass the 2-minute goal but failed. However, I managed to meet the minimum 2-minute target every day.

My abdomen felt like it was on fire, just like when you do crunches. I also noticed that my back was becoming stronger and more in shape.

On day 14, I also attempted to do an extended plank, but it felt extremely difficult.


I never suspected that I wouldn’t be able to do a 2-minute plank exercise in week 3. I was actually hitting the 2.5–3.5 minute.

While doing a plank for three weeks, my back was getting in great shape. I started to enjoy the exercise instead of struggle or pain like the first week.

In three weeks, I undoubtedly gained more core strengths.


This week, I went all in and achieved my new target of 4.5 minutes plank. My brain was telling me that I could do more, so I did.

My core, I must say, was becoming stronger day by day. I could even feel my top two abs and the burning was not as intense as it had been in the first three weeks.

I highly recommend taking the 30-day plank challenge if you want to strengthen your back and core.

The key point to remember

Let’s say you’ve decided to try the plank challenge. When doing the plank challenge, I recommend maintaining proper form. Try to avoid any kind of discomfort.

31-day plank challenge chart

Here are the results of my 35-day plank challenge, which you can use as a starting point.

Image by Author

These are the Plank results after 35 days

Plank strengthen your will power and boosts your stamina. Try it, be healthy, be strong and be happy. — Miss Joshi

  • As you can see in the above image, I was struggling to hold the plank position for even 35 seconds, but within 30 days, I was able to hit 4.5 minutes.
  • My shoulders and legs are pretty strong. Most people face difficulty putting weight on their shoulders in plank positions. Maybe that’s one of the reasons I was able to hit 4+ minutes.
  • You can literally do plank anywhere and anytime.
  • I can guarantee that even if you are not able to see physical changes, your brain will definitely give you signals that you have a strong core as you used to be.
  • I saw the top 2 abs and felt that my shoulders and thighs were getting stronger.
  • I go for a run if the weather permits. I felt that my plank exercise was helping me to run more efficiently.
  • I did not see a massive difference in the abs definition.
  • Because I was doing plank during lunch break (working from home), I felt more productive, and it also helped improve my alertness.

The right way to do a plank

Make sure you create a full-body tension to maintain the pasture during the plank time. Here are the 6-things you need to remember while performing this exercise.

  1. Flat-back
  2. Level your butt
  3. Squeeze core
  4. Elbows should be under your shoulders
  5. Contract Lats
  6. Head position — neutral ( I was looking at the stopwatch).

The key takeaways

The plank exercise is also known as the perfect body drill. Planks are a great way to strengthen your entire body while also improving your posture, reducing lower back pain, and preventing injuries.

I didn’t notice any significant body changes, such as abs definition or bigger muscles. However, my core became stronger, which can help to boost overall body health.

The plank is the most basic exercise with numerous advantages. I might not do it daily, but it’s worth it.

To strengthen your core, try the 30-day challenge. Perhaps you should incorporate it into your workout routine. You’ll feel stronger, particularly in your back and abdomen.

Keep moving your body!

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