avatarSufyan Maan, M.Eng


The author documents their experience of drinking 3.78 liters of water daily for 30 days, detailing the physical and mental benefits observed.


In a personal experiment aimed at improving health and well-being, the author committed to consuming 3.78 liters of water every day for a month. The journey began with challenges such as frequent bathroom visits, especially during the first week, but gradually transformed into a routine with noticeable health benefits. The author experienced increased energy levels, improved digestion and bowel movements, and heightened mental alertness. By the end of the 30 days, the author had not only met their goal but also established a habit that significantly enhanced their daily performance and mood. The article serves as a testament to the transformative power of adequate hydration and encourages readers to incorporate similar practices into their own lives.


  • The author believes that water is essential for various bodily functions, including heart health, weight loss, athletic performance, and cognitive function.
  • They suggest that the amount of water recommended by the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (15.5 cups for men and 11.5 cups for women) is beneficial for health.
  • The author emphasizes the importance of tracking progress, as demonstrated by the use of a one-gallon motivational water bottle with measurements.
  • They posit that drinking sufficient water can lead to increased stamina, better mood, and overall improved health.
  • The author advocates for the habit of drinking water, especially first thing in the morning with lemon, to aid digestion and cleansing.
  • They share the opinion that the benefits of proper hydration, such as increased energy and mental alertness, can reinforce the habit of drinking water regularly.
  • The author promotes the idea that sharing personal experiences with health challenges can inspire and inform others, as evidenced by their series of 30-day experiments and articles on health and productivity.

I Drank 3.78 Liters of Water Daily for 30 Days

4 things happened in 4 weeks

Photo by Daria Shevtsova from Pexels

Water is imperative to live. Water makes up 45–75% of your body weight. It is vital for heart health, weight loss, athletic performance, and cognitive function.

According to research, boosting your water intake can have various health benefits.

Yet, the amount of water you need is debatable, and drinking too much can harm your health.

How much water is enough?

According to the research report by the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, an acceptable daily fluid intake is as follows:

  • 15.5 cups for men per day or 3.7 liters (125 ounces)
  • 11.5 cups for women per day or 2.7 liters (91 ounces)

Weekly Recap: 16 cups per day for 30 days

I tried to drink 3.78 liters of water per day last year, but it never worked. This year, I promised myself that instead of drinking a gallon of water for 12 months. Let’s break it down into small goals and track weekly progress.

Water bottle with measurements to track the progress

I bought this one-gallon motivational water bottle (amazon affiliate link) with measurements to track my water intake from Amazon to give it another try.

The water bottle is available in many colors. Below is the one I purchased.

Image by Author


The first week was hard; I went to the washroom almost every hour. I was even getting up at night multiple times in the first week. I barely drank 3 liters in the first couple of days.

Every time I went to the washroom, I mentally prepared myself that it was the process of cleaning my kidneys. I also felt I was not productive enough during the first week because of the washroom breaks.

Finally, on day 7, I finished 1 gallon of water. I felt super happy!


I finished the 3.78 liters 4 times in week 2. Significant progress! I was still preparing my body to absorb more water.

Drinking water is like cleanse the system, fill up, decrease your calorie load and improve the function of all your tissues. — Kewin R. Stone


Every day, I drank 3.78 liters. I felt proud of myself since I was hitting my goal every day. I didn’t use the washroom as often as the first week. In fact, I was feeling more hydrated and energetic than usual. I was in a fantastic mood.


I felt like drinking a gallon of water was a part of my routine; my stamina increased. I kept the motivational water bottle at my desk because I work from home. I drink it throughout the day, including during meetings.

If I calculate the 3.78 liters of water consumed over the course of 30 days, I was able to finish the bottle only 18 times; the rest of the days around 3 liters.

Success rate — 60%

Here are the 4 things that happened physically and mentally in 4 weeks.

Energy level increased, especially during exercise

Have you ever heard the phrase “it quenches your thirst”?

Well, the proverb is correct. During my workouts, I did not become dehydrated. Physically and mentally, I was feeling more energetic after the second week.

Body water waste and regular bowel movements

Water assists digestion and aids in the removal of waste. Drinking 3–4 liters of water daily will help with constipated bowel issues.

Tip: I have been drinking a warm glass of water with lemon first thing in the morning since 2016. It always helps me to start my day.

Increases mental alertness

Study shows that our brain, which is only 2% of the body weight, consumes around 20% of the body’s energy. Drinking adequate water provides enough oxygen to be delivered to your body’s cells.

I am feeling more active throughout the day, especially in the 4th week.

Bottom line

Drinking adequate water on a daily basis is paramount for excellent health. In fact, I am getting famous among family and friends as a “water doctor.” Because I always recommend drinking at least 3 liters of water each day.

I’ll publish a new article about my 3.78-liter water intake journey each month. It wasn’t easy to drink a gallon of water for the first 10 days, but I can see how it might become a sustainable habit.

As soon as you start seeing the benefits, it will become a habit.

Thank you for reading, following, and clapping.

Disclaimer: Please note that this article is not health advice. It is for information purposes only. The content reflects my review of credible sources from scientific papers.

As a new reader, please check my holistic health, productivity, and well-being stories reflecting my reviews, observations, and 30+ days of experiments (29 completed so far) to build a sustainable healthy lifestyle.

After 30+ days of challenges to living a healthy and productive life, I wrote my experiential journey. Here are the links for easy access.

3.78 liters of water per day for 30 days, 20+ Squats per day for 30 days, Reading challenge for 30 days, Coffee, Sugar, 2-minute plank daily for 30 days, 20 Push-ups daily for 30 days , Walk 10,000 steps daily for 30 days, Long Walks, Power Nap, Extra Virgin Olive Oil daily for 30 days, No Shampoo for 30 days, Cold Shower for 30 days, 10,000 Steps, Skincare routine for 30 days, Meditation daily for 30 days, Mental Break, Sit-ups, Matcha, 2-Bananas daily for 30 days, Tim Feriss’ Morning Routine for 30 days, Floss daily for 30 days, Lukewarm Lemon Water daily for 30 days, Stretching daily for 30 days

I also wrote about general life philosophy. Here are the links for easy access.

Mental Health/Brain Damage, Hiking, Cofee (New Research), Technology, Healthy Lifestyle, Life Lessons, Productivity, Learning, Money

Disclaimer: My posts do not include professional or health advice. I only document my reviews, observations, experiences, experiments, and perspectives to provide information to create awareness. This post may contain affiliate links.

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