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I Ate TWO Bananas Daily for 35 Days — Here’s What Happened

Why you should include two bananas in your daily meal.

Photo by Eiliv Aceron on Unsplash

Health requires healthy food. — Roger Williams

The bananas challenge was a part of my 30-day challenge to build sustainable healthy habits. In the past few months, I have completed eighteen 30-day challenges, including squats.

Bananas are a very popular food almost everywhere you go on the planet. They are grown in 100+ countries and are the world’s 4th most valuable crop.

They’re delicious when ripe, cooked, dried, or slightly underripe. They’re delicious on their own, but they also go well with ice cream, cereal, and yogurt.

Bananas are also one of the healthiest snacks you can eat, with just the right amount of sweetness to make you forget how much nutrition you’re getting.

Recommended dose by doctors

I asked a couple of doctors in the friends and family circle if there is a recommended dose of bananas a day.

According to my doctor, there is no specific recommended dose. However, almost everyone said bananas are healthy and nutritious fruit that should be included as part of a balanced diet.

Bananas are a great source of fiber, potassium, vitamin C, B6, and other essential nutrients.

The nutrition facts for ONE medium-sized banana (100 grams) are:

  • Calories: 89
  • Sugar: 12.2 grams
  • Water: 75%
  • Protein: 1.1 grams
  • Carbs: 22.8 grams
  • Fiber: 2.6 grams
  • Fat: 0.3 grams

What two bananas a day can do to your body?

I literally observed several health benefits of consuming two bananas a day.

  • As you may know, bananas are a great source of carbs, which can help boost your energy levels. I personally think two bananas are enough with a balanced diet to keep your sugar level at optimum.
  • A medium banana has around 3 grams of fiber that helps to improve your digestive system. I observed it’s the natural remedy to treat constipation.
  • On a deeper level, bananas contain tryptophan, an amino acid that is converted into serotonin. Serotonin improves our mood and reduces stress.

Top 10 benefits of eating bananas according to the latest research

According to the latest research, bananas are incredibly healthy. Here are the top 10 benefits, and if you would like to read the research papers, please click any link.

Did I see any difference in energy levels or overall body while eating two bananas daily for 35 days?

Short answer: Absolute YES

Let’s dive in to explore my experiential journey to eat two bananas per day for 35 days.

It’s just me or everyone who felt the same; after eating a banana, especially before a workout, my energy level boosted significantly. Almost every strength trainer recommends eating a banana before a workout session.

My bowel movement improved. I observed that bananas help a lot to eliminate waste in the morning.

Bananas contain resistant starch. The greener the banana means, the higher the resistant starch.

  • Resistant starch can help to lose weight
  • Resistant starch can help stabilize blood sugar
  • Resistant starch can help to burn fat.

Mother-in-laws remedy

Fortunately, I don’t have constipation due to my highly active lifestyle and healthy diet. But if any of you have constipation or difficulty going to the washroom to do your business? I highly recommend the following remedy.

Eat fresh orange

After that, Consume a large cup of coffee

Yahoo, you will run to the washroom and make sure the windows are closed. You might make a lot of noise.

Did I gain Weight or Loss?

I am an ectomorph, and I have a hard time putting on weight. I did not gain anything in the 35 days while eating consistently two bananas a day.

According to my research, bananas actually help to lose weight if you eat them in moderation. Please look at the nutritional facts. Bananas are a great source of fiber, potassium, and vitamins. It’s also low in calories.

Photo by Alistair Smailes on Unsplash

What is the best banana to eat?

There is no “BEST” time to eat a banana.

According to nutritionists, bananas are pretty safe to consume at any time of the day. However, my favorite time to eat a banana is at breakfast or before a workout. I also love to take bananas for hikes.

Here is the best smoothie recipe I got from Seth Godin. It is a bit customized according to my taste to kick-start my mornings. Here are the ingredients:

Frozen banana

Protein powder ( I use this one — Whey)

Almond milk

Dried plum (3–4; I use this one)

Some walnuts

How many bananas should you eat per day?

Loaded question — I believe everything in moderation is fine.

1–2 bananas a day is a great way to add this highly healthy fruit to your balanced diet.


If you have any pre-existing medical condition, especially sugar-related, I would highly recommend discussing it with your doctor before doing this experiment.

Bananas are a source of natural sugar. As mentioned above, a medium banana has around 12 grams of sugar.

The bottom line

Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live. — Jim Rohn

After completing 30+ day challenges, I asked myself the following questions.

Did the challenge help me live a healthier and more productive life?

Did the challenge boost my energy?

If the answer is yes, I will make it a habit to keep doing it.

In this challenge, eating two bananas a day absolutely helped me a lot to boost my energy levels and overall productivity.

Some days, I will eat one and the other 2. For sure, I will keep eating bananas my whole life.

Keep eating healthy!

Book recommendation: The Healthy Smoothie Bible: Lose Weight, Detoxify, Fight Disease, and Live Long (Top seller — Its Amazon affiliate link)

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