avatarSufyan Maan, M.Eng


The author shares their personal experience and results from a 33-day flossing challenge, emphasizing the importance of daily flossing for dental health.


The article titled "I Floss My Teeth for 33 Days — Here Are the Results" under the categories of Dental Floss | Health | Lifestyle, details the author's journey with a 33-day flossing challenge. The author, who has completed over 15 habit-forming 30-day challenges, aims to highlight the significance of flossing alongside brushing to maintain oral health. The piece outlines seven critical reasons for daily flossing, including the prevention of plaque buildup, gingivitis, cavities, tooth loss, periodontitis, other diseases due to poor mouth health, and serious infections. The author flossed once a day, preferably before bedtime, and used a basic Micro Mint Dental Flosser. The results of the challenge were positive, with improved dental cleanliness and confidence, though the author notes the importance of not flossing too hard to avoid gum damage. The article concludes with advice to start flossing, even if not perfectly consistent, and to consult a dentist for bleeding gums or gum disease.


  • The author believes that flossing is a crucial part of dental hygiene and should be done at least once a day.
  • They suggest that enjoyment and seeing benefits are key to turning a challenge into a sustainable habit.
  • The author admits to a past mistake of using their teeth to open bottles, which led to dental issues.
  • There is an emphasis on the importance of embedding habits into one's daily routine for long-term adherence.
  • The author remains brand-agnostic regarding dental products, suggesting that individuals choose what works best for them.
  • The article implies that the timing of flossing (before or after brushing) is less important than the act itself.
  • The author promotes their own content and encourages readers to follow them and consider a Medium membership via their referral link.
  • They share a personal anecdote about bleeding gums in the first week of flossing, which stopped with regular flossing.
  • The author endorses an electric toothbrush by Philips, suggesting it contributes to their dental hygiene routine.
  • The piece concludes with a reminder that building new habits takes time and patience, and that one should not be too hard on oneself during the process.

Dental Floss | Health | Lifestyle

I Floss My Teeth for 33 Days — Here Are the Results

You don’t have to floss all your teeth… Just the ones you want to keep! — Unknown

Photo by Lesly Juarez on Unsplash

Let’s start with the fact:

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) study, only 30% of Americans floss daily, and 32% never floss.

As you may know, I am doing +30 day challenges to build healthy and productive habits. But the most critical factor is to build sustainable ones.

Why take the +30 days challenge?

Well, the challenge has two primary goals.

i) To build a sustainable healthy, and productive habit

ii) You cannot build a habit if you are not enjoying it. Therefore, a challenge is a kind of test.

I am proud to say that so far, I have completed +15 30-day challenges, and here is the list if you would like to explore more about my experiential journey.

Brushing our teeth is just a healthy habit built in our unconscious brain that each morning we just pick a brush and start cleaning our teeth. However, when it comes to flossing, it’s the complete opposite.

I used to floss regularly after each dental appointment but did not continue after a week.

I have perfect teeth, except for one. I cracked that one tooth in 2012 while attempting to impress people at a party by opening a few bottles with my teeth. Concurrently, I felt a crack in my tooth; long story short, the filling started, followed by a root canal and a broken head.

I still have that tooth, but it is constantly monitored by my favorite dentist, who frequently sends me to a root canal expert. I know it’s ridiculous. I’m ashamed I tried to open the bottle with my teeth, but that was a lot of fun tho.

Why should you floss daily?

Here are the top 7 reasons you should start flossing every day.

1. Plaque and tarter buildup

2. Gingivitis (a common form of gum disease)

3. Cavities

4. Tooth loss

5. Periodontitis (a severe gum infection that can lead to tooth loss and other serious health complications.)

6. Poor mouth health can cause other diseases

7. Serious infections

I never skipped a day of flossing. When I begin a new +30 challenge, I believe I have developed muscle memory. It’s simply embedded in my system, and my brain tells me it’ll take 30 days, and if you don’t like it, that’s fine, but if you enjoy it and see benefits, you should keep doing it.

How often should you floss?

According to my dentist, everyone should floss at least ONCE a day.

I used this basic Micro Mint Dental Flosser with fresh mint flavor. You can buy at your local grocery store or Amazon(affiliate link). At Amazon, it has more than 70000 reviews, and it’s only $4.22.

What is the best time to floss?

According to American Dental Association (ADA), you can choose the time that fits your daily routine.

I personally did this challenge right before bedtime. Some people love to do it in the mornings.

Should you brush or floss first?

Aha, I would you to ask which came first: The chicken or the egg?

I will leave this debate to you. But here is the tweet by the famous astrophysics, Neil deGrase Tyson.

Let’s not complicate this +30 days challenge; I did it some days before cleaning my teeth and some days after. But most likely not before cleaning my teeth.

Did I see floss results after +30 days?

Flossing is so important. Brushing does not get in between your teeth, but flossing will. — Linda Harkins

Short answer: Yes

I would start to say that starting a +30 days challenge is way better than doing nothing. In this case, it’s highly recommended to at least try it. Let’s jump on the results.

  • Mostly I floss before brushing my teeth; therefore, I can rinse away the debris while brushing my teeth. Please buy a basic flosser like this and see if it works for you.
  • I posted a NOTE on my bathroom mirror as a reminder to floss. Therefore, I flossed every day, and it’s still there.
  • I saw a bit of blood in the first week in my gums, but I didn’t see anything after regularly flossing my teeth.
  • I also felt more confident that my teeth were more clean and shining. I don’t know if it’s the actual flossing of the teeth or the mental shift.
  • I learned that don’t floss too hard; you might damage the teeth.
  • That’s why flossing multiple times a day is not recommended by dentists.
  • I was too hard on my teeth the first week that I accidentally pulled hard on the gum tissue, which caused bleeding.
  • I’m a huge fan of Philips products and recently bought this electric toothbrush. You can buy using my link on amazon or at your local electronics store. Set the timer for two minutes, and you are done for the day.

The bottom line

The biggest reason most people fail is that they try to fix too much at once — join a gym, get out of debt, floss after meals and have thinner thighs in 30 days. — Marilu Henner

To sum up, just start even if you missed a day or two; it’s okay. As the quote says, don’t go hard on yourself. I know it’s pretty hard to build a new habit. Let’s recall.

  • According to dentists, floss regularly (at least once a day)
  • Flossing may be done at any time of day or night. It makes no difference.
  • Floss before brushing your teeth or after; all good!
  • I did not mention any dental paste because everyone has different tastes and millions of options to buy. Please consult your dentist or buy any regular product at your local store.
  • Please see your dentist if your gum is bleeding after flossing or has gum disease.

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