avatarSufyan Maan, M.Eng


The author conducted a 30-day experiment of not using shampoo to challenge the conventional hair care routine and explore the natural health of their hair.


The article titled "I Did Not Shampoo My Hair for 35 Days" presents the author's personal journey of abstaining from shampoo for over a month. This experiment was prompted by the idea that excessive shampoo use might lead to an overproduction of natural oils and other scalp issues. The author, who had previously relied on a three-step hair care routine involving shampoo, conditioner, and styling products, sought to understand the effects of these products on hair health. Throughout the challenge, the author observed changes in their hair's texture, oiliness, and overall appearance, noting improvements in hair health and a reduction in itchiness and dandruff. The article also delves into the history of hair care, the psychology of cleanliness, and the influence of the multibillion-dollar shampoo industry on consumer habits. The author concludes that moderation in shampoo use, tailored to individual hair and scalp needs, is key to maintaining healthy hair, and encourages readers to consult dermatologists for personalized hair care advice rather than following commercial trends.


  • The author believes that the frequent use of shampoo can strip the scalp of its natural oils, leading to an overcompensation of oil production.
  • There is a skepticism about the necessity of the conventional three-step hair care routine (shampoo, conditioner, and styling products).
  • The author suggests that the shampoo industry may exaggerate the need for their products through advertising, influencing consumer behavior.
  • The article posits that over-washing hair can result in dryness, breakage, and an increase in dandruff due to the removal of protective oils.
  • It is the author's opinion that a simple rinse with water can often be sufficient to clean the hair without the need for chemical-laden shampoos.
  • The author emphasizes the importance of understanding one's unique hair and scalp conditions and advocates for a personalized approach to hair care.
  • The historical perspective provided in the article implies that contemporary hair care practices are not the only or necessarily the best way to maintain hair health.

I Did Not Shampoo My Hair for 35 Days

Shampoo is a lie?

Photo by Element5 Digital

What is good hair? It can be anything to anyone. Good hair is healthy hair, whatever you perceive that to be. — IM

I came up with the idea of not using shampoo for 30 days to observe whether my hair’s health improved.


Well, for me, shampoo is just a chemical to remove dust from the hair.

The scalp produces natural oil, which can be damaged by using shampoo. After using shampoo, I use a conditioner to restore the shine of the hair. Wow!

After doing the first two steps (hampoo+conditioner), my hair looks pretty fluff.

Fluff, fluffy, please look at the picture below to understand the fluffy part. My cat is super fluffy. That's what my hair looks like after conditioner.

Image by Author: Kiwi (my kitty)

To give my hair a style, I need to apply a product; else, it would just be fluff all over my head.

So far, I have used three products.

i) Shampoo to reomve the oil from hair

ii) Conditioner to restore the shine and fluff

iii) hair gel, spray, and/or Fiber/pomade to put the oil back

I love to use Fiber by American Crew (amazon affiliate link), which is again based on oil.

Now, did you see that I use the shampoo to remove the protective oil from the scalp, conditioner to put some shine, and again put the oil back on the scalp using another product (pomade/fiber/gel)? Lol

The idea of this 30-day challenge is to get rid of all the parts: shampoo., conditioner, and oil.

Note: This 3-step process is based on my opinion, and it might be different on your skin type. I am telling you what I observed after not using anything for 31 days on my hair except water. Let’s jump on and try to understand why I did this no shampoo challenge.

No shampoo challenge?

I read an article that shampoo might cause harmful chemicals to accumulate on your scalp over time.

As you use a lot of shampoos, your scalp will start doing all kinds of abnormal stuff, producing too much oil; that’s another major reason our scalp is too greasy all the time.

No shampoo is part of my 30-day challenge to build sustainable healthy habits. So far, I have completed 15 30-day challenges, including the no-shampoo experiment, in the past five months. Here is the list of my experiences and learnings if you would like to read them.

How often should you wash your hair?

There is no defined number you should use shampoo or wash your hair per week.

Everyone has a different natural oil production process, which is based on several factors: genes, skin condition, environment, etc.

According to experts, here are the 5 signs you can see if you are washing your hair too much!

a. Excessive washing or shampooing can break your hair easily

Hair is also more fragile when it’s wet, so combing or brushing while it’s wet and aggressive towel-drying can also lead to breakage. Dr. Shah, Dermatologist

b. You are seeing flakes.

A healthy scalp is just as important as healthy hair. It should be free of dirt and oils but also not too dry.

c. More oily hair

You might see your hair is oily. I know it's counterintuitive. It may cause the scalp to believe that it needs to reproduce the oils, causing the natural scalp oil system to overproduce them.

d. Got frizz

According to the dermatologist, if you see frizzy hair, skipping shampoo can help domesticate frizz.

e. Your hair lost shine or bouncy look

If your hair is lacking luster, it may be the result of over-washing. Dr. Shah

Please consult with your dermatologist before doing this challenge. Everyone has a unique skin.

How big is the shampoo industry?

According to Statista, the global shampoo market is around $100 billion. Here are the biggest shampoo companies: Loreal, P&G, & Unilever.

These multibillion-dollar companies use 3D advertising to convince you that your hair is unclean, oily, and unhealthy to market their products. And the best solution is to get our shampoo.

Surprising facts about dandruff

Research shows that washing your hair each day can cause to get excessive dandruff because excessive shampoo can dry out the scalp.

We all know that the biggest reason to get dandruff is dry skin.

It’s possible you are using excessive shampoo or washing your hair daily and cleaning out all the natural oil from the scalp, which is causing dry skin.

As per my 30+ day challenge, you should not use shampoo every day, and it will resolve so many hair problems. A simple rinse will remove all the dust without using any chemical (shampoo).

I’m not sure where to draw the line between using shampoo and merely rinsing. It’s a delicate balance, and this experiment, I hope, will help you understand your hair’s health.

Here are some bizarre and interesting facts about hair.

Historical hair care facts

  • In the early Renaissance era, the hair gel recipe, around 1300, used lizard tallow blended with swallow droppings.
  • Women used to condition their hair with dead lizards boiled in olive oil.
  • Mona Lisa loved a bit of lizard tallow in her hair.
Image Source: Wikipedia
  • In the 1600s, at the time of Queen Elizabeth I, women set their hair with lard. History tells us that women used to sleep with nightcaps because the smell of lard would attract rats in the night.
  • Hydrogen peroxide was used to bleach hair back in 1867.
  • From 1870-to 1890, Henna was most popular to cover gray hair. It was pretty common in England.
  • Until the 1860s, red hair was considered ugly.
  • Hair curling using heated tongs or rag rolls was popular in the 19th century.
  • Hot tongs were used to make the frizzle bangs in the 1870s.
  • Most women often suffered burnt because of poor control of heating a curler over a candle flame.

World’s first commercial shampoo

Not long ago, people did not wash their hair. The shampoo concept appeared back in 1927 (liquid shampoo) invented by Hans Schwarzkopf.

What 30-day no shampoo can do to your hair

  • I conclude that self-cleaning hair in this modern world is a myth for my skin type. Just use a good shampoo in moderation. Reasonable shampoo means which is suitable for your skin type and hair. Please consult your dermatologist to find the best product.
  • I also learned I don’t need to use shampoo often. I used to shampoo my hair every time while taking a shower which I had 4–5 times a week.
  • I noticed that my hair was looking way healthier after 3 weeks without shampoo. My hair became oily quickly when I used shampoo almost every day.
  • I noticed that the itchiness had gone, but if I do not take a shower within 48 hours, I notice that my scalp is itchy. I believe it is dust, and it is extremely dependent on my lifestyle (hiking, running, etc.).
  • Another fact, I observed no hair smell at all, I mean no fruity, coconut, etc. Just hair!
  • Hair does not smell bad as long as you rinse it.
  • I also tried the cold shower challenge, and it was really helpful not to use shampoo; I’m not sure if the shampoo or the cold shower helped my hair look more healthy (volume).

The bottom line

If your hair is done properly you can get away. with anything. — Iris Apfel

The final verdict is everything is cool in moderation. I need to use shampoo to get rid of the extra oil from the scalp.

I do not care if you use shampoo daily or not at all. All I’m saying is, please do not buy the product based on 3D commercials. Companies are doing nothing but selling the product and making more profit. Here are a couple of things you can consider to improve your hair health.

  • Visit your dermatologist to find the best product for your hair.
  • After not ushing shampoo for more than 30 days, my hair became more greasy. I believe it depends on the lifestyle. My lifestyle is pretty active and that could be one of the reasons.
  • I learned that I could use shampoo at max once per week to have healthy shining hair.

Our desire to look good in society also makes us use more skin products. In the end, cleanliness is very personal; it’s your duty to decide what it means to you instead of following the commercial trap.

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