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A Simple Guide to Driving Negative Spirits Out of Your Life

Knowledge is power

(Photo: Moondance)

I. The Doors Left Open

If you open a window in your house to get some fresh air and you forget to close it, you may hear the buzzing sounds of mosquitoes and other flying insects that have come into your house through the window you left open. When a mosquito enters, it will not say let me just go and perch over there quietly and not bother the owner of the house. It will annoy you with its buzzing sounds, bite you all over your body and make you itch and sick. If you left a door open, a rat or a mouse or a crawling animal could come in and chew all your stuff leaving a mess for you to clean up. Demons and negative spirits work the exact same way. You don’t have to invite them in. They just need an open door or window to come and bother you.

Demons and negative spirits come where they have access. Where there’s an open spiritual door or window. There are also other ways that demons gain access to your life. Here are 3 ways:


People are born with demons as gifts because the demonic blueprint is embedded in their DNA, in their blood, or active in their system just as diseases and other things can pass through the blood from the mother to the baby in the womb or through breastfeeding. Demons and negative entities can pass through the bloodline from one generation to the other. People die but demons don’t. They are spirits. When a person dies, the demon that lives within them doesn’t die with them. They find the person closest and takes access. And just like any generational cycle, this cycle may continue until someone becomes aware and breaks the curse or end the cycle by casting out those demons.


Demons and negative entities can invade the space of a person through sexual abuse and other forms of abuse that renders people powerless. Demons are the most sexual beings in all the land. They look for those with very high libidos to possess. They are into perversions and all forms of sexual immorality. This is typical of the incubus and succubus spirits that take people as spiritual wives and husbands without their knowledge and frequently have sexual relations with them in their sleep. Demons use the weakness of a person like porn, masturbation, and fornication, and they exploit those weak places and moments to gain control of the person’s life. Demons use the one who sexually abuses another and very unfortunately the demons transfer into the one being abused. It’s not fair. The devil doesn’t play fair!


Willful participation in acts and arts such as the dark occults, evil witchcraft, and things that are demonic can open doors for demons to enter a person’s life. Taking part in demonic rituals and blood oaths, reading demonic books and playing demonic games, using things of demons, talking to the dead, and making deals with the devil can all allow demons and negative entities to enter one’s life. Demons can also enter the mind through certain music with the energy of demons behind them. They can enter where the spirit of fear is. Horror movies aren’t innocent. Demons can also enter through sex with people who have demonic attachments, through porn, masturbation, etc. This is why you have to be mindful of who you have sex with. Many things are transferred through Sex. Many things!

II. The Spirit of Fear

There are many energies and spirits in the spirit world. Some can be light or of the light and some can be dark or of the darkness. Just as on earth, there are people who are good and pure-hearted and others who are not so good and are very mean human beings. There are darker energies and there are lighter energies both in the spirit realm and the earthly realm.

Fear is a spirit. It’s a bully spirit, and just like a bully, you must stand up to it. A bully won’t stop because you’re ignoring, hiding, or trying to be nice to him. It won’t stop bullying you until you say enough is enough and stand up against it.

Fear is a spirit but God has not given us the spirit of fear but the spirit of power, love, and a sound mind. This is the reason why demons always want to make their way into the mind of man and corrupt it so it is no longer sound. Then it comes in and destroys.

The earth is a school. We come to school to learn so our souls can evolve. We never come here to want to die before our time. Most of what seems like suicidal thoughts are demonic attacks. Wishing you were dead is never natural no matter how hard life is. It’s a matter of not having a sound mind. Those who commit suicide are innocent victims of tormenting spirits.

Many times, the spirit of fear is playing in the background of our souls and we don’t even know it. All bondage and oppression have fear as a root. Anything that controls you is a form of bondage. Porn, masturbation, lust, drugs, all of it. Anything that puts a weight on you or condemns you is a form of oppression.

You may think you are just really angry, really sad or frustrated, or spiritually depressed but the reality is you are probably scared with a spirit of fear. Fear has entered your being and has taken a hold of you.

Today, many people in the world are facing greater fear than they have ever faced in their lifetime. There is a crisis on the earth and everywhere you look, you are being reminded of that. There’s an abundance of fear-based messages, stories, and doomsayings all over the place that is messing up our minds. None of it is without reason. You gotta be able to see through it.

This is why most of the Bible teaches us to fear nothing. The Bible says, “fear not” 365 times. That is one fear not for everyday because God knew the dangers of being fearful. Fear is a crippling spirit. Other variations of fear are timidity and cowardice.

You’re human. Throughout your lifetime, you will continue to experience fear. Despite this guarantee, you cannot allow it to control you. There will always be something to be afraid of. How you react or respond matters.

III. Demons in Dark Places

We have to understand that not every bad thing is demonic. Sometimes human beings do really bad and sometimes evil things all on their own but most times, evil spirits play a part.

This is not a subject to scoff at or downplay. It’s a topic to have knowledge of so you know when it's happening.

This is a world of polarity. Where there is good, there is evil. If God is real, the devil is, too. Where there is fear, there is love. Darkness is just as real as light.

Demons are very real and they walk the earth right now not with red faces and horns. No. You won't be able to see a person and see the demon within them unless maybe you had spiritual eyes but demons are here. They are your friends, family, and neighbors. They walk amongst us as regular people doing regular things and most even frequent the church and sing and praise and pray. Why? So you suspect nothing. The devil is smarter than you think.

Demons are here but just because a demon gains access to your being doesn't mean you must give them a room to stay. No. You must drive it out.

Many religious and spiritual practices are used out there to drive out demons and remove negative energy; some of them are so silly it doesn’t even feel real. Like exorcisms. Movies make exorcisms seem unreal but they work. These types of movies create so much fear in people that it does the opposite of helping people face their fears in order to conquer their demons. It instills fear and opens doors. Nothing is as it seems.

Fear is like fuel for a demon. It gives it more and more power. It feeds it and makes it grow stronger and stronger while making the victim grow weaker and powerless. Do you think the media knows this?

It does.

Demons possess people and use them to do work for the darkness. The person may or may not be aware of it and deliverance or an exorcism is often used to drive them out.

According to Britannica, an exorcism is an adjuration addressed to evil spirits to force them to abandon an object, place, or person; technically, a ceremony used in both Jewish and Christian traditions to expel demons from persons who have come under their power. Also according to them, deliverance is the state of being saved from something dangerous or unpleasant.

The only way an exorcism, deliverance, or energy clearing works is if there is power and authority. There has to be more powerful and stronger energy than the demon or the denser energy. This is why exorcism and deliverance services are done by authority figures like priests and shamans with power and authority. If you need one, ask for help.

IV. Power and Authority

Jesus of Nazareth drove out demons and he did it not with a lot of words. He did it using very few words, and the demons had to leave. How? Jesus has no fear of demons. He has power and authority over them coming directly from the Kingdom of God. Before Jesus ascended into heaven, he called the twelve together and gave them power and authority over all demons. He gave people the authority to drive out demons in his name. The name of Jesus is as powerful as the one saying it.

“I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.”

Those were Jesus' words. So this means that you can perform your own deliverance, exorcism, or energy clearing if you have the power and authority. With power and authority and a belief, you can rebuke and drive out demons and evil spirits with very few words and a powerful intention in Jesus’s name.

How do you gain that power and authority? Well, it takes becoming a disciple, going before Christ, sitting down at his feet, and learning from him. If you don't believe in Jesus, fear not. There are other ways.

Resist the devil and he will flee.

We live in a world where many people are waking up and coming strong in their personal power and authority. People can clear negative energy from themselves and drive demons out. You no longer need to sit around and wait on someone to come and save you. You don't need to wait on a religious or a spiritual figure to come set you free.

Sure, you can still get the help of someone who is experienced in the field to help you do the cleansing and clearing but if you have power and authority and you can believe in what you're doing, you can do it yourself. You have to recognize your power and authority. You have it. You were born with it. You have to stop entertaining the spirit of fear and gear up to step in your power and use it.

There is nothing to be afraid of in the spirit realm if you have power and the more you come into your power, the more you realize this.

VI. Rebuking Demons and Evil

There are many good-hearted spiritual people who are not at all religious but have immense power and authority that comes from a Source deep within. There are spiritual people who are sovereign and fearless and can rebuke demons with their own power and authority through energy-clearing techniques.

These energy-clearing techniques can also be used to clear out negative energies and spirits alongside the power of words that reinforces personal sovereignty as spiritual beings. These techniques are aimed at transmuting dense and dark energies into the light and getting rid of unwanted energies in your presence. Here are 3 things that can work to remove negative energy.

Prayer and Mantras

You don’t have to be religious to pray. You don’t have to be spiritual to say a mantra. You just have to be a human who understands that there is a power higher than you that could help if only you ask. A prayer is an effective tool in spiritual warfare. While demons can stand shallow prayers, a powerful prayer said in spirit and in truth, with the strongest intention is enough to make the enemy get out. When you pray in the spirit, you aren’t praying with your mind or with your own intelligence. You are allowing the Spirit of light to pray and intercede for you.

Sacred Smoke

The sale of incense and sage is a business that the enemy is working so hard to destroy. The sage plant is going extinct. How? Hmm. There’s a thing going on in the media where some religious people are saying that using sage to smudge is witchcraft. You will see many titles like “Ex-witch or ex-satanist warns against the use of sage.”

Again, nothing is as it seems these days.

If you don’t know what’s going on, these things will throw you off your spiritual path and leave you confused not knowing what to do. It almost threw me off my path in the beginning. I was so worried because I use sage. I would hate to displease God. But sage? It’s a plant. An herb that was created on the third day along with basil and parsley. How could it be evil? It bothered me a lot and got me riled up. All I wanted was the truth.

So I prayed in spirit and in truth and asked God to tell me what was the truth. He answered, “Nothing I created is evil but the person who uses it for evil.”

Whenever you hear someone saying that sage is evil or witchcraft or something along those lines, take a hard look into their eyes piercing through their soul. You will see that they are not who they say they are.

Watch out for false prophets. Many of them are here deceiving people and taking away their power.

Sage is a powerful plant to use when fighting negative entities. If these false prophets can preach to you to quit using them, then demons can come and stand. Don't fall for any of it.

If anyone says sage is evil, again look deep in their eyes. You may find that they are just lost sheep afraid of displeasing God but here’s the thing: God does not care whether you burn sage or incense. He cares more about your intentions behind the action and also the contents of your heart. So you have nothing to worry about if your intentions for using sage are pure.

Sacred smoke removes negative energy and spirit attachments.

Demons just like mosquitoes will enter because you left a door open. The sacred smoke from sage is like smoke from a mosquito coil. It drives them out!

But remember: You opened a spiritual door that let a demon in. You can’t shut the door without first driving whatever demon is present out. There would be no way for them to go back where they came from. Before you use sacred smoke to drive out negative spirits, open all the physical doors and windows.


Again, false prophets on YouTube are saying that only witches and Satanists use crystals. Their argument is why use a crystal — a created thing — to fight demons when you could call the creator to come and do it for you.


A person could call on God to get up from his heavenly throne and come drive out lowly demons but why would I want to bother God when he has the devil himself to worry about? Why disturb God when he’s given you everything you need plus the power and authority to fight?

And besides, the heavens are decorated with beautiful crystals according to the book of revelations. I doubt that God would decorate the heavens with something that is of the kingdom of darkness. Unless the Bible can’t be taken seriously?

I don’t think so.

The word is alive and active.

Use crystals. Black tourmaline or black obsidian. Or clear quartz. It repels negative spirits. Crystals are powerful things created by God but whether or not your crystals work depends on you. And nothing God created is evil. Everything is good if it is accepted with thanksgiving.

Thank God for beautiful healing and protection crystals and shame on the false prophets and teachers who are demons in disguise. We see right through their tricks!

Now that you've driven the demons out, don't forget to shut the door to never open again!

VII. Freedom to Do Your Lightwork

Why do demons bother people? I believe it’s all about life purpose and soul missions. God has a calling for your life and demons and a spirit of fear will hold you back from fulfilling that calling. It removes your focus from what you’re being called to do.

Your fear can create doubt in your mind making you doubt the path you’re on and make you wonder if it’s the right one. It can even make you doubt whether God would call someone like you.

Don’t entertain such thoughts! Capture rebellious thoughts and order them to obey you!

As souls, we come to the earth with a purpose. We have a mission to fulfill and we know exactly what to do to fulfill it. God knows this and the enemy knows it too.

God wants more light to cover the earth. The enemy dwells in the shadow of darkness and wants more darkness over the earth. Most people with a mission to bring light to the planet will encounter these demons. The work of the demons is to stop you from doing your work. It's to stop you from doing your lightwork.

And if you are fearful, you cannot stand. It's a fight and you’ve got to be strong. Put on the whole armor of God, so that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.

You’ve been given the power and authority. You know what to do to get rid of mosquitoes and demons. Identify the open door and close it. Stop doing strange spiritual things just because people are doing it. Close the door and bolt it shut!

When you do, do not rejoice because you’ve driven out demons and gotten evil spirits to submit to you. Rejoice that you are living the truth and that your afterlife is secure.

© 2022 Kimberly Fosu. All rights reserved.

Note: This article is only meant to provide spiritual guidance and lighthearted content.

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