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My “Best of” Content Repurposing

Content Repurposing

Repurposing your content opens up a whole new world

PresenterMedia with Permission

The first time I discovered the power of repurposing was when I was a counseling psychologist writing a weekly relationship column for the local newspaper.

It would come out in the paper on Monday. Early Wednesday morning I would go over to the #1 Soft Rock Morning Show radio station and do one segment on the column live and record one for Friday.

Do you know how much it would have cost me to get 6 minutes a week on the #1 Soft Rock Morning Show radio station completely focused on my business? And I was getting it for free as a guest.

Then once a month I was the “Good Morning Family Therapist” on the local NBC affiliate.

Print, radio, and TV, all from one piece of content.

And all those off-line content repurposing strategies work 100x better online. Discover how in the columns below:

Why Grind When You Can Repurpose? Even if Gary Vaynerchuk Says You Should…

It annoys me when all I hear online is the mantra of “grind, grind, grind” when the reality is NO NO NO!

The only thing grinding 24/7 is good for is sausage. Are you a sausage?

Discover a better way below:

Content Repurposing — 21 Ways to Get Your Information in Front of as Many Hot Prospects as Possible

Why repurpose in only one way when there are nearly limitless ways to repurpose your content?

Here are 21 ways to get your information in front of as many eyes as possible:

Repurposing with the Article-a-_____ Strategy

From one-a-day to one-a-month, there’s power in the “article-a-_______” strategy.

Get started today:

How to Quickly & Easily Get More Out of One Piece of Content than You Ever Thought Possible

Be careful with this one. Because one you do it, you’ll be hooked for life!

Check it out for yourself:

Jeff’s Content Repurposing Quote of the Day

Besides being a good article about repurposing, it’s also a great template for content creation.

STOP Repurposing!

What?!? Stop repurposing!?!

YES! Stop doing it the wrong way…

How to Repurpose a Single Piece of Content into a $997 Course

One of the coolest things about this strategy is that you can do it with every single piece of content you create.

2 Great Ways to Repurpose Your Content

Most people have never thought of repurposing in this way.

See if you think it’s worth a try:

How to Dramatically Increase Your Traffic From the Same Content

One of the best benefits to repurposing is being about to get high quality traffic any time you want it.

And doing from the same content is just icing on the cake!

How to Build a Strong Web Presence with Content Repurposing

Content Repurposing when done right helps you get found and even stand out in a noisy online world.

3 Great Ways to Repurpose Your Content

Ebooks, Newsletters, and Blogs! Oh My!

The Universal Laws of Content Creation, Repurposing, and Profit

Which one will you take action on before your head hits the pillow tonight?

I really do hope these “Content Repurposing” pieces have helped you a lot. Feel free to leave your comments. I promise I respond to everyone myself. You can also highlight the parts you like, and clap for each article.

Watch this space for new weekly installments of “Content Repurposing” content.

Content Repurposing
Content Strategy
Writing Tips
Content Marketing
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