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Practical Repurposing Tips

How to Build a Strong Web Presence with Content Repurposing

Get well known fast in your niche…

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I’ve got really good news for you in this article, whether you are just starting out as a beginner or a seasoned veteran. You don’t have to be found all over the internet to be successful.

The challenging news is that you do need to be found all over your niche. So you could throw up a website and pay Google and Facebook lots of money to send traffic there and hope people visit your website.

I mean, you could do that.

A formula for a strong web presence

Or you could follow this formula:

Content + Repurposed Content = Strong Web Presence (C + RC = SWP)

Here’s how it works:

1) Create 25 articles around a particular topic in your niche — If you are saying to yourself “I could never do that, 25 articles is too many!” then just thank that little voice for the input and then tell it to shut up, because you will be busy creating your articles.

2) Submit these articles to Medium — You’ll get know in your niche, drive highly qualified traffic, and build your list and audience. Then create content for the publication “Illumination” on Medium and significantly multiply these results.

3) Repurpose your article content — Article Content Repurposing is just a fancy way of saying repackage the content of your articles and use it in other places on the internet. Here’s just a sampling of a few of the ways you can repurpose your article content:

  • Blog Post
  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • Video Articles
  • TeleSeminar
  • Webinar
  • Podcasts
  • Facebook LIVE
  • Etc…

When you do this with each article you are quickly creating your own “real estate” on the internet and you will begin to be found all over your niche, and there is your strong web presence.

4) Rinse and repeat — Here is such a simple and powerful tip that I don’t know why more people do not follow it:

When you find something that works really well, do it over and over again

By now I bet you are ready to create some content, drive some traffic and build a strong web presence. Here’s how:

P.S. — Wanna know how I repurpose so much of my content in just moments? Easy answer: Templates. And I reveal 3 of them in this mercifully short webinar replay.

Grab the mercifully short webinar replay right here.

Content Repurposing
Writing Tips
Content Marketing
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