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Profitable Content Repurposing

How to Dramatically Increase Your Traffic From the Same Content

Yes, from the same content…

PresenterMedia with Permission

Sure you can get lots of highly qualified traffic from Content Marketing. But do you know how to dramatically increase your traffic from just one article? Here are some powerful repurposing strategies for doing just that.

More Traffic from the Same Article

There are 2 sources of traffic you want to consistently generate: getting those who have never heard of you to visit for the first time and getting those who have heard of you and may even be on your list to return frequently.

Let’s take a closer look at how to repackage and repurpose the same article to get both types of traffic.

Repeat Visitors

Here are 2 strategies for getting repeat visitors from the same article:

Your blog — Repurpose your article over on your blog and announce it to your email list and on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. You are letting people know you have more free info for them and you are inviting them to return to your blog to get access to it and consume it.

Your email — You can also announce to your email list that you have a new article on your blog. This is taking great care of your list community and I just don’t get why everyone doesn’t do it!

First-time Visitors

Medium — Get as many articles as you can up on Medium and it’s publications like Illumination. Millions of people visit a month, and you want to cash in on that traffic. Plus you get other people’s traffic (OPT) when someone uses your article on their website, blog or newsletter.

Video Articles — Take the very same article and create a video article. Use Camtasia or CamStudio to create a screen capture video of the major points of your article while you talk about them. Then upload it to YouTube which is currently the 2nd most trafficked site in the world.

Do these things only if you want dramatically increased traffic from each and every article.

P.S. — Wanna know how I repurpose so much of my content in just moments? Easy answer: Templates. And I reveal 3 of them in this mercifully short webinar replay.

Grab the mercifully short webinar replay right here.

Content Repurposing
Writing Tips
Content Marketing
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