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Content Repurposing Strategies

Content Repurposing — 21 Ways to Get Your Information in Front of as Many Hot Prospects as Possible

What if you used all 21?

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Imagine, if you will, what your life would be like if each time you needed to use your car to go somewhere, you had to create a brand new vehicle from scratch.

Want to go to Starbucks for a cup of over-priced coffee while working on your laptop? Gotta get a car.

Great seats to hear your favorite band? Need a new vehicle.

Off to see the latest popular movie? Hang on, gotta build a car.

Stressful, ridiculous and over the top, right?

Of course. The purpose of a vehicle is to get you to as many places as you want to go, over and over again, right?

So why do we as entrepreneurs believe we need to create a new piece of content each and every time we want or need content?

The Good News

The good news is that you don’t need to recreate content every time. You can repurpose content in many ways.

You have probably heard about repurposing content before. I bet you have yet to grasp and access the full power of content repurposing.

The above example with cars is a little crazy. And speaking of crazy, I bet you are also familiar with the standard definition of insanity:

“Doing the same thing, that does not work, over and over again, and expecting different results.”

Well, I’ve come up with a similar, but much more useful definition of Repurposing:

“Repurposing is Hyper-Sanity — using the same content over and over in many ways and getting fantastic profit producing results.”

Content Repurposing — 21 Ways to Get Your Information in Front of as Many Hot Prospects as Possible

So, are you ready to be hyper-sane and get fantastic profit producing results? Then you are really going want to keep this column within reach. What follows are 21 ways to repurpose your content. You’ll get

7 Text Repurposing Ideas

7 Audio Repurposing Ideas

7 Video Repurposing Ideas

And all from one piece of content.

7 Text Repurposing Ideas

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1) Online Articles — Repurpose your content into a 300–500 word article on a specific topic from your niche. Publish it on Medium and one of it’s publications, Illumination. Medium and Illumination get millions of visitors. You want to be in front of that much traffic.

Photo by Content Pixie on Unsplash

2) Newsletter Articles — Any content you create can and should be repurposed as articles for your newsletter(s).

You can grab old content, update it, and use it in your newsletters. It’s always brand new to those who read it for the first time :-)

Photo by William Iven on Unsplash

3) Blog series — Don’t make the mistake of only getting one blog post out of a piece of content. Create a blog post series. How many blog posts could I get out of this article?

Photo by Yogas Design on Unsplash

4) Email — Start an email off with a few sentences from your content and provide the link to read the rest of the content. I could make it harder for you, but why?

Photo by Ravi Sharma on Unsplash

5) Tweet or Tweet Series — Tweet the title of your content with a link. You can tweet quotes from your content as well, with a link. You can also create a Tweet Series. Include one tip with each Tweet, with a link, of course.

Photo by Glen Carrie on Unsplash

6) Facebook Update or FB Update Series — Create a FB Update with the title of your content with a link. You can use sub-headings from your content with a link. You can also do a FB Update Series, including a link with each update.

Side Note 1: Now you can no longer say you don’t know what to say on Social Media.

Photo by Rashtravardhan Kataria on Unsplash

7) A Compilation Book — Collect several pieces of content or articles around a topic. Deliver them in a small and inexpensive traditional book. Beats the heck out of the traditional business card when you are networking.

7 Audio Repurposing Ideas

Photo by Prince Abid on Unsplash

8 ) TeleSeminar — One piece of content equals at least one great teleseminar, perhaps more. If you have written a 7 Tips Article, then you have the bullets for your teleseminar content already laid out for you.

Photo by CoWomen on Unsplash

9) Podcasting — Your content is your topic for your own show. It’s also your topic as a guest. If you are a guest, you can create questions for the host based on your content. This is a good thing to do, as you already know the answers.

Photo by Ikhsan Sugiarto on Unsplash

10) Audio Recording — Record your content. Then offer it as an audio on your blog or website. This is a great way to bring in the traffic.

Photo by Alphacolor on Unsplash

11) An mp3 — Offer your audio as an mp3 recording, either as a freebie on your site or a downloadable product. I’ll always remember the first time one of my students told me they listen to me at the gym.

Photo by Phil Hearing on Unsplash

12) Audio CD — Use it as a business card when networking or sell it as one of your information products. How about an entire line of Audio CD’s based on your content?

Photo by Meghan Schiereck on Unsplash

13) 24 Hour Recorded Message — It’s amazing to me how few people do this because it is so powerful. Have a prospect dial a toll free number where you deliver 3–5 tips via your recorded voice.

Photo by Product School on Unsplash

14) Signature Speech or Presentation — It’s not the fear of public speaking that messes people up. It’s the fear of not knowing what to say. Not anymore.

7 Video Repurposing Ideas

Photo by Sara Kurfeß on Unsplash

15) YouTube — Take your content and deliver it as a screen capture video on the #2 most trafficked site online. And you don’t have to deliver all of your content in one video. Break up your content piece into several online videos. This increases your overall reach from one piece of content.

Photo by Sara Kurfeß on Unsplash

16) Video Podcast — Create your own video podcast. Yes, video podcast. I mean, why not?

Photo by William Iven on Unsplash

17) Video Training — If you have your training in text only, you are really missing out. Screen capture videos combined with you teaching at a white board have a very high perceived value. Charge accordingly.

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

18) Webinar— You can create your own Webinar by repurposing your content. When you offer several tips in your content, you can create a show around each tip. Hint: your show does not have to be 60–90 minutes long like you see online. You decide how long the show will be.

Photo by Gio Bartlett on Unsplash

19) DVD — Screen capture instructional videos combined with you teaching at a white board are perfect for this. High perceived value. Charge accordingly.

Photo by Museums Victoria on Unsplash

20) Video Sales Letter — Your content can be a great teaser for a bigger information product in a Video Sales Letter. Your content tips are the appetizer for the full meal.

Photo by Josh Kahen on Unsplash

21) TV Appearances — Turn your content into guest appearances on TV. Once upon a time as a family therapist, I was the “Good Morning Family Therapist” on the local NBC morning news show. Great visibility and each show pulled in new clients. Each segment was based on content already created.

You can get all this leverage from just one piece of content. While there are many, many more repurposing strategies, space allowed for only 21.

Side Note 2: Do you think that this article will eventually be repurposed in all these ways? You betcha!

Side Note 3: Which of these 21 Repurposing Strategies can you begin before your head hits the pillow tonight?

Side Note 4: Years ago now, on a teleseminar about 21 Ways to Repurpose Your Articles, I asked my online mentor Tom Antion what would happen if I repurposed every article in some, many, or even all of these 21 ways.

Tom: “You’ll get very well known very fast.”

So I did. And I did…

Will you?

[This article was previously published on JeffHerring.com]

Content Repurposing
Content Strategy
Content Marketing
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