avatarJohn D. Leavy


The Medium Quick Reference Guide®

Chapter 2: Navigating Your Homepage

Become familiar with your homepage layout.

Image courtesy of the author.

Navigating Your Homepage

This chapter helps you get geo-positioned on your homepage.

As you move from page to page in Medium, the modes change. The commands and the format of the pages change. The Medium Quick Reference Guide helps you navigate Medium’s modes and understand where you are and what you can accomplish.

  1. Writing mode: create and publish new stories.
  2. Reading mode: browse and read stories from other authors.
  3. Discover mode: articles curated based on your interests and reading history.
  4. Profile mode: see your articles and the activity on your posts.
  5. Bookmark mode: save articles for later reading.
  6. Notifications mode: see notifications about new followers, claps, and responses to your articles.
  7. Settings mode: manage your account settings.

Logging into Medium places you in Reading mode on your homepage.

Fig. 2.1 — Your Homepage. Medium screen capture by author.

Five sections divide Your homepage. Each one has its purpose.

We’ll talk about the various commands in the chapters where it makes the most sense. For now, here’s a brief description:

  1. Search Medium — You can search for a particular story, theme, author, Topic, or Publication.
  2. Main menu bar — From here, you can see the people you follow along with topics that interest you and new ones you might consider.
  3. Buttons in the upper right — Write a story, Notifications, and Profile Picture tab.
  4. The right sidebar includes Staff Picks, Recommended topics, Who to follow, and Recently saved stories.
  5. Story feed — Stories you follow along with algorithm recommendations.

Returning to Your Homepage


Any page -> Click Medium’s logo

Returning to your homepage is as easy as clicking Medium’s logo in the upper-left corner of any page.

The book chapters are hyperlinked for easy access. Click on the title that interests you most.

Table of Contents, Foreword, Introduction, 1: What is Medium, 2: Navigating Your Homepage, 3: Getting to Know Your Homepage, 4: Exploring the Profile Picture Drop-down, 5: Searching for Stories from Your Homepage, 6: Navigating Your Story Homepage, 7: Writing/Editing Great Stories, 8: Jazzing Your Stories with Images & Embeds (Sf), 9: Publishing Great Stories (Sf), 10: Managing Your Stories (Sf), 11: Tunning Your Account Settings & Preferences (Sf), 12: Getting More Email Subscribers (Sf), 13: Using the Help Center to Get Answers (Sf), 14: Gaining Your First 100 Followers (Sf), 15: Building a Following with Publications (Sf), 16: Earning Money at Medium (Sf), 17: Continuing to Gain Followers (Sf), 18: Boosting Your Brand with a Newsletter (Sf), Appendix A: Locate Commands Fast, Appendix B: Top70 Most Popular Topics, Appendix C: Top 50 Medium Publications, Appendix D: Keyboard Shortcuts, Glossary.

You might check my recent interview conducted by Dr Mehmet Yildiz, chief editor of Illumination Integrated Publications, on Medium, introducing me and my book to the writing and reading community.

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