The Medium Quick Reference Guide®
Table of Contents
We’re excited to announce the arrival of this new book. Click on the Amazon ad at the bottom of the page.

Foreword by Dr. Mehmet Yildiz (ILLUMINATION Publications)
1: What is Medium
2: Navigating Your Homepage
3: Getting to Know Your Homepage
4: Exploring the Profile Picture Drop-down
5: Searching for Stories from Your Homepage
6: Navigating Your Story Homepage
7: Writing/Editing Great Stories
8: Jazzing Your Stories with Images & Embeds
9: Publishing Great Stories
10: Managing Your Stories
11. Tuning Your Account Settings & Preferences
12: Getting More Email Subscribers
13: Using the Help Center to Get Answers
14: Gaining Your First 100 Followers
15: Building a Following with Publications
16: Earning Money at Medium
17: Continuing to Gain Followers
18: Boosting Your Brand with a Newsletter
Appendix A: Locate Commands Fast
Appendix B: Top 70 Most Popular Topics
Appendix C: Top 50 Publications
Appendix D: Keyboard Shortcuts
About the Author
You might check my recent interview conducted by Dr Mehmet Yildiz, chief editor of Illumination Integrated Publications, on Medium, introducing me and my book to the writing and reading community.