Make Money on Medium
Chapter 15: Building a Following with Publications (Sf)

Chapter 15 discusses how using Publications helps you build a larger following faster.
Medium has 60 million monthly readers. Not everyone will be interested in what interests you. Hence, the creation of Publications. Publications are a way of reaching a target audience.
A Publication on Medium is like Facebook or LinkedIn Groups. Publications are groups of people that share the same interest. With over 200,000 Publications, finding like-minded people who enjoy discussing what you enjoy reading and writing is easy.
You can search for Publications using Topics such as Entrepreneurship, Freelancing, Writers, Blogs, History, Horror, Nature, Theater, Storytelling, etc.
Chapter 15 talks about joining Publications, submitting stories, removing stories, leaving a Publication, and the strategy behind starting your Publication.
The book chapters are hyperlinked for easy access. Click on the title that interests you most.
Table of Contents, Foreword, Introduction, 1: What is Medium, 2: Navigating Your Homepage, 3: Getting to Know Your Homepage, 4: Exploring the Profile Picture Drop-down, 5: Searching for Stories from Your Homepage, 6: Navigating Your Story Homepage, 7: Writing/Editing Great Stories, 8: Jazzing Your Stories with Images & Embeds (Sf), 9: Publishing Great Stories (Sf), 10: Managing Your Stories (Sf), 11: Tunning Your Account Settings & Preferences (Sf), 12: Getting More Email Subscribers (Sf), 13: Using the Help Center to Get Answers (Sf), 14: Gaining Your First 100 Followers (Sf), 15: Building a Following with Publications (Sf), 16: Earning Money at Medium (Sf), 17: Continuing to Gain Followers (Sf), 18: Boosting Your Brand with a Newsletter (Sf), Appendix A: Locate Commands Fast, Appendix B: Top70 Most Popular Topics, Appendix C: Top 50 Medium Publications, Appendix D: Keyboard Shortcuts, Glossary.
You might check my recent interview conducted by Dr Mehmet Yildiz, chief editor of Illumination Integrated Publications, on Medium, introducing me and my book to the writing and reading community.