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The Twin Flame Comes For One Thing

And it’s not to be with you

(Photo: Canva Pro)

The Pain

You ever felt a deep, intense connection with someone that defied logic and explanation?

I met someone I believed to be my twin flame. Twin flames are said to be two souls that have a special connection, like a mirror reflecting each other.

My twin flame and I share a beautiful unique bond. We’ve known each other since childhood, and no matter where we ended up, we always seemed to cross paths again.

It wasn’t always romantic or defined. We simply knew each other, and it was casual until it wasn’t. Suddenly, there was an undeniable force drawing us closer.

But just as quickly as it developed, that same force would pull us apart. He would turn his back and run and I would always chase after him wanting him back.

It was a painful thing.

Whenever he turned his back, it triggered deep emotions within me. It made me realize I had unresolved abandonment issues. It was overwhelming to face, but I knew I needed to heal.

One time when he turned his back again, I made a different choice. Instead of following him as I always did, I turned my back and walked away.

I needed so desperately to heal and be free because the constant game of cat and mouse was exhausting.

He walked and I walked away.

I let go and it was time to come home to myself.

The path of the twin flame is not always easy but it serves a purpose.

The Awakening

One night, overwhelmed with sadness and fearing I would always feel that way, something shifted.

I stood in front of the mirror, looking at my reflection, feeling sorry for the person staring back at me.

I couldn’t deny the pain I felt, the feeling of falling apart, and the desperate need for the person who turned his back on me.

It terrified me. I had given my energy and power and now I had none.

In my terror, something changed within me. Something had awakened and another had been activated.

I heard myself talking to me.

I spoke words of encouragement and gave motivation to myself.

I felt an incredible surge of energy coursing through my veins.

Suddenly, a switch flipped.

I knew that the only way to truly move on was to fully embrace and feel everything that was coming up. And a lot was coming to the surface. I had to deal with them one by one.

Everyone that I put aside, I started to feel better.

I allowed myself to cry, wail, and release all the pent-up emotions. It may sound sad to you, but crying was a healing process.

Each time I cried when I felt like crying, it felt like I was letting go and taking something back — my power.

As I did so, a dormant force within me was awakened — an inner beast that was fierce, driven, and unstoppable.

I had activated beast mode.

It was a state of intense focus and determination. Almost like I was tapping into qualities associated with animals — like strength, agility, and relentless pursuit of my goals.

My focus shifted to developing a relationship with myself. My higher self. The one who spoke words of encouragement and made me feel really good.

I love myself

Activating “beast mode” after emerging from the darkness was an incredibly empowering experience.

I integrated the lessons and wisdom gained from those experiences. It became about transforming pain into power and using hardships as catalysts for growth.

I felt empowered. I felt guided and loved.

I prioritized self-care, nurturing, and taking care of myself. It was a completely new experience for me — being in harmony with myself.

I had a clear vision of what I wanted to achieve and was willing to put in the necessary effort to make it happen.

I felt whole and immensely empowered, to the point where I no longer gave attention or energy to those who had turned their backs on me.

I let them go.

I realized I didn’t need anyone else to feel good. I feel really good inside.

For the first time in years, I feel amazing. I promised myself I would make sure nothing and no one takes my power again.

After this awakening, I had to rethink the purpose of the twin flame.

Through the painful process, we gain a greater understanding and love for ourselves.

The Purpose

I didn’t realize it then, but I understand now.

The connection with the twin flame serves as a catalyst for personal growth and self-discovery. It pushes us to activate beast mode — the turning point where we say, “Enough is enough.”

Now it wasn’t about relying on someone else; it was about loving and empowering myself.

My twin flame played a significant role in helping me reach that realization and when I did, my past no longer defined me.

Activating beast mode was thrilling, but once I did, it felt uncomfortable to cry.

I felt too empowered to allow tears to flow. I never wanted to go back to feeling weak. I would feel the tears welling up within me and I would try to suppress them.

I felt as if crying meant I was still sad or longing for my twin flame. However, my higher self reassured me that it was okay to cry.

Crying meant I was acknowledging and dealing with my emotions, and in turn, becoming even stronger and more empowered by the energy of that emotion.

I am no longer the woman crying out to the darkness. I am on my feet and feeling grounded.

I see myself, and now it doesn’t matter who cannot see me. I love myself, and now it doesn’t matter who cannot love me.

I take care of myself, and so I am okay.

Who do I have to thank for this?

My twin flame. 🤍

The purpose of the twin flame is not to be with you romantically although we can never help it. It’s an attraction from opposites. Two sides. Two faces. Two ways. But it’s one soul.

The purpose is to walk away so you can walk home to yourself. They don’t want to be with you so you can learn to be with yourself.

The ultimate purpose of the twin flame is to help you find union within yourself. Once you’ve found union within yourself, you are in union with all things.

And that is the reward when you use your pain for your own good.

The twin flame comes for one thing and it’s not to be with you. It’s to help you be with yourself so you can activate beast mode.

The End

The universe works in mysterious ways; it’s fascinating.

My twin flame, oh how I love him, came to help me level up and reach a state of empowerment. Now I love who I am and I provide the love I need for myself.

Things do work out for our good if we let go and let it be. Then we can just be. Once you can be with yourself, your twin flames' work is done.

They will turn and see the transformation that has occurred within you and decide to keep walking or come back to be with you. Then you can choose to say yes you want to be with them or no you’re good, wishing them great love on their journey either way.

© 2023 Kimberly Fosu.

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Spiritual Education
Twin Flame
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