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3 Signs That A New Awakening Cycle Is Beginning

#3. Activating beast mode

(Photo: Canva Pro)

1. Feeling Lost Again

My first awakening happened during a breakup that made me realize that I needed to make changes in my life. I began a journey of self-discovery, exploring the mysteries of the universe.

In those days, I didn’t have a strong connection to God or even to myself. This awakening journey lasted for about two years, and it was filled with both moments of bliss and moments of anguish.

At the beginning of my second awakening, I felt rejected. My heart was broken, and I felt empty to the point where I remember crying out to the darkness, desperately pleading not to be consumed by it. It was during this time that I remembered God and called out to him. He heard me from deep within my spirit and answered my call. This awakening phase lasted for about two years, during which I developed an intimate relationship with God.

My third awakening began and I started my spiritual work. It was an incredible time of spiritual growth and teaching. I wrote six children’s books and “100 Billion Souls.” Throughout that period, I was filled with the Holy Spirit, and I felt a burning fire within me, empowering me to complete every task assigned to me. I could sense God’s presence with me every step of the way. This also ended in about two years.

I found myself at the beginning of my fourth awakening, feeling uncertain about what was ahead. I knew something was coming but the uncertainty of not knowing what the future holds was unsettling. I had lost my sense of direction and felt unsure about the next steps to take. It was like being lost in a maze in the dark after stumbling into it. But I found a path that led to a new place and a new thing was waiting for me.

Spiritual awakenings often begin with a sense of clarity and purpose. However, if you begin to feel lost and confused again as you progress, you may be about to start something new. Especially when it feels like you are in the darkness.

The darkness is where growth and transformation begin.

2. Passing Through The Darkness

Just a few days before my fourth awakening, I was at rock bottom. Once again, I felt lost, empty, and sad. I even became angry at myself for where I found myself. I was unable to gather my strength.

Life was challenging, and nothing seemed to go right. My prayers went unanswered, and I faced rejection after rejection. I questioned if I had let God down.

The sudden shift from feeling great to feeling like a failure overwhelmed me. It seemed as if God had deserted me, and I panicked because I felt vulnerable without his Spirit.

I felt a calling to write a new book, but I was feeling unworthy which made it difficult to even begin.

“Why would God bring me this far only to abandon me halfway?”

I was triggered back into the dark night of the soul, where I had to address and heal my abandonment issues. In the thick of it, I experienced intense emotions, doubts, and a sense of despair. I had no choice but to confront my deepest fears, limitations, and shadows.

Passing through the darkness felt like going through a stormy night after experiencing a period of calm and clarity. However, there was a silver lining: When you are at rock bottom in the depths of the darkness, the only way to go is up into the light.

The darkness was helping me to grow. I did a lot of self-reflection and inner work in the darkness. I faced and healed wounds that had been holding me back. I tackled my abandonment issues and found its roots. I did the work to integrate the shadow aspects of myself.

One night, I heard a voice from within. It told me that it was time. It was time to rise from the ashes and activate beast mode!

When you are at rock bottom in the depths of the darkness, the only way to go is up into the light.

3. Activating Beast Mode

Beast mode is a state of heightened determination and strength after being down for so long. It's the place where people say enough is enough.

It’s the feeling of being driven to pursue goals, overcome obstacles, and make significant changes in life.

My fourth awakening was all about developing a relationship with myself. In the process, a dormant force within me was activated — an inner beast that was fierce, driven, and unstoppable.

Activating “beast mode” after emerging from the dark night was a truly empowering experience.

When I connected with this force within, my highest self, I felt guided and loved. I was prioritizing, nurturing, and taking good care of myself. That was an entirely new experience for me — being in harmony with myself. I felt whole and complete.

I felt immensely empowered, to the point where I no longer gave any attention or energy to those who had used, abused, or mistreated me in the past. I took accountability for the messy situations I found myself in and took responsibility for my life.

Dwelling on the past was no longer my focus. I wanted to clear those thoughts from my mind, and with the help of my higher self, I was able to dismiss them. Even when thoughts lingered in my subconscious, I could observe them like clouds without giving them significance.

It was as if a switch had been flipped within me.

In the days following this activation, I was fiercely committed to my personal growth, building an intimate connection with my higher self, and pursuing my dreams.

I experienced an enhanced sense of clarity and focus. I had a clear vision of what I wanted to achieve and was willing to put in the necessary effort to make it happen. I knew where I was going so it was easy to find my way. When I found the way, there was light and it was no longer dark.

Challenges and setbacks from then became mere stepping stones on my path, rather than obstacles that held me back.

My past no longer defined me. I integrated the lessons and wisdom gained from the dark night of the soul. It was all about transforming pain into power and using past experiences as catalysts for growth.

Activating beast mode is thrilling but I know it doesn’t make me invincible or immune to challenges. Beast mode is a mindset and state of being that empowers me to confront obstacles head-on without fear.

I am no longer the woman on the cold floor, crying out to the darkness. I rose to my feet, stood before a mirror, and gazed deeply into my own eyes. I saw myself and I was filled with joy. I felt strongly the presence of the Holy Spirit I craved. I knew immediately that a new awakening cycle had officially begun!

That was an entirely new experience for me — being in harmony with myself. I felt whole and complete.

You see, everything that happens after awakening — the ugly, the bad, and the good — is meant to bring you back to yourself.

I had some pretty bad things happen to me, but I also had some pretty good things happen to me.

I activated beast mode and it’s the best I’ve felt in a long time.

If you feel lost in the dark, don’t panic. Go stand at the crossroads and look around.

Figure out where you are and where you feel called.

Listen to the subtle small voice and it will lead you where you are meant to go.

© 2023 Kimberly Fosu.

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