IdeaStream Week 19
Stay Brave and Strong
And loving and kind
Hello beautiful people,
Life is for living, loving, and having fun. Isn’t it? We’ve been in isolation so long now I’m beginning to forget what it was like to be out. Yesterday while walking the dog (an allowed activity) I took a detour so I could walk down the high street. I wanted to see what was open and what was still closed. The bike shop was open, but most of the restaurants were still closed. Then I noticed the cutest signage atop our local cinema. It read: ‘Coronavirus, you will not kill cinemas… we will be back!’
Cheered me up no end!
So this week my IdeaStream theme is Loving Kindness. Now we’re deep, deep into lockdown, we need it more than ever.
The next person you see, say these words silently in your mind: May you be well; may you be happy; may you be at peace.
Wishing you peace, happiness, and health.
Writer’s Prompts
Poetry Salvage
Write a poem with these ten words.
- Loving
- Kindness
- Peace
- Happiness
- Health
- Wellness
- Freedom
- Meta
- Disease
- Open
- Embrace
A deep bow to Marilyn Flower for her earth-positive poem Homage to Resilience on a Global Scale
Haiku Challenge
Write five related haikus about loving kindness
Limerick prompt
Our limerick starter this week is:
A boy from Dublin was loving and kind
though isolation was much on his mind….
NO entries to our limerick comp last week, so I wrote my own!
An Unlikely Scene For Fiction Writers meets Subject Mash-Up
Choose one or all of these characters to write a story about. Or, pick one subject to write on exclusively, or two subjects/keywords to smash together in an article, essay, or fiction story.
- A diary farmer gets rid of his cows to start making shoes from kale.
- A woman joins one twelve-step programme too many…
- Rebecca, an inner-city school teacher, gets a visit from a group of pupils during the lockdown
- Roger emigrates to Japan, forgetting to tell his family.
- A space ship with five hundred humans aboard gets lost on its way to Planet 9
- Luke, a fireman, starts a new career as a transvestite teacher
- The Caribbean sea begins to empty…
- Remember the movie Carrie? Rewrite the ending