avatarBin Jiang


The author reflects on their progress after two weeks on Medium, detailing their stats, challenges, and strategies for growth.


The article "My First 2 Weeks On Medium: Here’s My Progress" is inspired by Carl Jeffers' article on Medium stats. The author shares their journey since joining the Medium Partner Program on November 15th, including their views (833), comments received (3), number of stories posted (18), followers gained (65), and earnings ($3.15 in the first 15 days). They discuss the impact of changes to Medium's stats page, their engagement through commenting, and the time invested (approximately 50 hours). The author also notes their success in breaking even with their Medium membership and provides updates on their continued growth strategies, including insights on gaining followers and increasing profile traffic. They conclude by inviting readers to subscribe for updates and acknowledge the challenges in replying to comments.


  • The author finds the older Medium stats page more encouraging than the newer version.
  • They believe commenting is an underutilized feature on Medium that can significantly grow one's following.
  • The author values the experience and learning gained from their Medium journey, emphasizing the importance of consistent effort and engagement.
  • They express a sense of accomplishment in breaking even with their Medium membership costs.
  • The author advocates for the effectiveness of non-traditional growth hacks and engagement strategies on Medium.
  • They are open to sharing their insights and learning from the Medium community to adapt to platform changes and improve their performance.

My First 2 Weeks On Medium: Here’s My Progress

This article format is inspired by Carl Jeffers’s Article “My First 2 Weeks On Medium: Here’s My Stats

The Original Article that inspires me to create this one. Above.

My Progress below:

Photo By Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

I’m putting my full focus back on Medium after 2 weeks spent on X, (it is surely toxic in a way)

I joined the Medium Partner Program on November 15th, here are my progress:

Views: 833

Image of Older version Medium Stats page.

I notice The Stats page has changed recently, good thing I took a screenshot during 1st of December.

Image of New Medium stats page.

The older stats page encourages me but the new one discourages me without a doubt. (not sure which one is accurate anymore)

(this is me reacting or anyone when facing changes but I’ll adapt quickly)

Comments: 3

I have got like just 3 comments on my blogs, I’m pretty sure that is pretty bad meaning my post were hard to understand or no part that any one can resonate.

Story posted: 18

I posted 18 blogs over the course of my first 2 week period, the plan was to keep going at this pace but my consistent started to dapple between Medium and X. Which another 2 weeks later I only posted 6 additional articles.

Followers: 65

Image of audience stats on Medium.

Join Medium November 10th, after writing and posting an article daily, I join Partner Program on the 15th of November, I obtain 65 follow for the month of November.

I too was happy with the follower part but most of my following came from commenting on other article on Medium, (talk a bit about that at the end)

My target was 100 for the first 30 days as well and I actually hit it, despite that I was not as consistent at posting, yet were still sending out comments daily, I think that is why I was able to hit 100 follower with a different forms of effort.


I remember the first 4 pennies I earn on Medium, it was a true aha moment for my content creation journeys.

And it was only day 5 after joining Partner Program. (that felted great, regardless that is is 4 cents only)

Image From X Post on 11/19/23

Here is how much I made in my first 15 days on Medium:

Image from Partner Program earnings page.

So for 15 days in November I earned $3.15, which is not enough to pay for my membership for the first month, but I have 15 days more to make up the difference.

2 weeks later, it happened that is when I wrote a post yesterday about “A Month on Medium. I Broke Even. $5 Membership Cost, Still Exceed 0.09¢”

I’m back to 0 basically, but the experience that was given by these action and late night thoughts are sinking in as I now can no longer sleep without writing something down and share it.

Commenting is the part I felt that it is not being utilize by Medium writer and reader.

Commenting on Medium as of 12/18/23.

Image from story page.

If I am not commenting on something I read, I feel either I did not grasp anything from it or I just didn’t understand enough to say a few sentence about what I read. (the plus is that it grows following just as fast or even faster if your post are not getting much views)

After all

I put in about 2–3 hours for the days that I posted. About 30 minutes a day for commenting.

Or you can say about 50 hours of input into 18 post and getting 65 follows in November, of course the 15 days that pass made it all happen due to nature of each reader’s time frame is different and go on Medium different time of the day.

The goal of this post is to share my progress and my current thoughts on how I should approach the next phase of scaling.

Thanks For Reading till the end.

If you put in some kind of meaningful work, then this post should make you feel that you’re not alone.

We all know that most of us started from similar situation but where we end up is total based on our choices that we made during the process.

As of today, I only have 5 comments in total. I’m sure that is dozen of area I need to improve on, hope to hear some from the reader starting from this post. (12/19/23)

Thanks, Bin.

Result as of 12/22/23 (nowhere compare to Carl Jeffers but it is sure a good start)

Image of story stats on 12/22/23 at 1:30 pm EST.

Updated 12/20/23

I added a Post on how I went from 0–100 followers (for new member or ones that want some more insight on this topic)

Updated 12/21/23

I didn’t expect to write the one below this soon but I did anyway.

Updated 12/22/23

If growth is lacking you on Medium, might find some answers here.

Updated 12/23/23

Example of next level growth hack on Medium.

Updated 12/24/23

Claps # does effects earning adjustments.

Updated 12/25/23 (update after this one can be view on my profile, thanks for reading)

How I increased my views by 20x within 6 days.

Remember to Subscribe to receive email update on every post I publish.

For those who has commented, I was not able to reply on some of them (showing an error not sure why) (updated 12/28/23)

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