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How You Should Adapt to the New Medium Partner Program Changes.

Why I’m sharing: “The best thing a person can do is to help another person know more.” A Quote from Charlie Munger. Feature by Mr. Plan ₿’s Post.

Article starts here.

Image By Markus Winkler From unsplash.com

In this post I’m going to showcase all the social evidence that Medium require more than just the ability to write a good and quality post. (think business)

Here are the concepts that you need to grasp.

  1. Need to acknowledge than believe that if the result isn’t there, keep seeking is require.
  2. Understand that you are what you write and what attracts you is what you read. (your core audience is right there looking a the same post as you, interact with them by talking to them in public so others can feel comfortable to reach out because they have a sense of who they are talking to regardless that they never met you before)
  3. Know where your audience are, constantly follow the attention driver in your niche or interests.

There is a reason why engagement points is put at the top.

  1. Engagement points is actually the easiest point to obtain if most of the reads came from the comments that you gave out to begin with.
  2. Follower bonus, which can be obtain the 2nd or 3rd time they read or interact with your or even their post. (that require engagements as well)
  3. Boost bonus, is just a way for Medium team to figure out the up coming viral post by measuring the overall engagement rate as well.
  4. Read-through rate adjustment is the # of reads over 30 seconds divided by number of views (at least try make your first 30 second of the story appealing)
Image from Medium Calculating earnings in the Partner Program page.

What Social Proof do you need to realize we are in an experiment no matter where we go. (please do not give up just because of platforms and market condition changes) Just follow the one that is still producing results and ask your self what do I see and can do in order to improve my situation from their experiences.

Notifications help you aware of all the interacting around your account/content/activities. Please use it to your advantage as a tool

Image of Author’s Notifications page.

Power of Positivity understands very well the idea behind how to navigate around Medium by highlighting, you too get exposure to audience in the same niche. (the ones that does it first do get extra boost of attention from readers, just think of it as an ads, most of the time you will not remember an ads if they only show up a few times, but by the 5th time or so, you can even memorize their slogan with ease that is when you are imbedded with sold to purchase)

My reply (it does not matter what you reply but I will quote Andrew Kirby words on how a content should be structure, he is currently on X more often.)

“When you create content it should be as long as it needs to be but as short as possible.”

Image of Author response to commenter.

Just to sharing a few more comments, I have not reply to them yet. (I’ll most likely reply to them after this post by plugging in this post as well, isn’t that convenient?) (we can’t possible do this for every single notification on follow, comments, claps, highlight and etc. However, having a consistent of some is enough for you to get the content flowing) And you’ll be surprised how fast the result kicks in.

Keep in mind, it does take time and effort on both ends to create a conversation that is worth while. (even if we will only interact once this life time, it is worth it because the power of one and now by building in pubic is the new trending era, if you haven’t see that already, which most likely is the reason you as a writer/reader is over here trying to express your thoughts on life and the processes.)

Comments from a Post: How to Increase Traffic to your Profile on Medium…
Comment from a Post: How to Increase Traffic to your Profile on Medium…

29 Post and 355 Responses (Updated 12/22/23)

Some of your concerns

Since August 2023, I see many post back then complaining that they are seeing lower earning by 60–90% in some cases due to the Partner Program updates. Causing a lot of them thinking about quitting or switching platforms. (I’m here to tell you we can’t reverse that but you can reverse the non result producing action to focus on what is driving your content for improvements first.)

The irony is that post about the Partner Program Update are profiting very well at that time.

People that cannot adapt to changes are leaving for real. (over reliance income on a single platform does hurt, when things switch on you)

This is great opportunities for the new comer and even bigger deal for the existing members with 300 or more following. (leverage your following, don’t just look at the numbers, engage with them already)

Next Article, I would share some deeper thought and what I have tried on how to strategize Engagement on Medium. (this one may take a while)

An special addon article that John Pearce helped me found about commenting is the new frame of work that needs to be add onto your work flow.

Check out how she did it.

Article Ends here.

Some more insights on My Progress and Growth on Medium.

  1. My First 2 Weeks On Medium: Here’s My Progress
  2. How to Increase Traffic to your Profile on Medium. I’m Sure No One have share this before
  3. How I Find the Missing Piece to Gain 0–100 Followers & Beyond
  4. 10 Tasks To Increase Your Views on Medium
  5. How to Get Recurring Reads From Your Audience on Medium. Yet, an Addon for Scaling Your Views
  6. How I 10x my views within last 5 days with one post per day

Consider subscribing so you won’t miss a single post I publish. (ease my time to ask)

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