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How to Increase Traffic to Your Profile on Medium. I’m Sure No One has shared this before.

A non traditional way to use claps and comments to Grow on Medium.

Image By Pixabay From pexels.com

Before we dive further, (this part is important to determine if you are ready for this tactic) (please try to read this one in one go in order to retain the most info, skipping to the different parts might confuse you.)

Please ask yourself the following questions.

  1. Have you posted consistently for the past 2 weeks but you feel the traffic just isn’t there?
  2. What drives me does not drive you, What interests you in writing, and are you willing and have the extra time to input into this community?
  3. Are you willing to care for others first in terms of providing thoughtful or meaningful replies/comments?

Since most beginner has beginner problems. (our problems reflect the stages we are in)

By answering these questions, will set your mind ready to input a larger amount of focus on the reason why you are on Medium, what you write about, and how you can contribute more or use the Medium claps and comments as a messaging tool (do not try to ask before giving anything in value), since this is a public record, you can build an unlimited amount of goodwill on Medium.

Here’s my example. (Use Claps and Comments as an indicator)

When the stars are aligned that is when the magic happens.

This is going to be in a storytelling format, in order for you to use it in your own way, you would need to understand the below example.

Step 1.

First, you need to have a habit of reading popular post in your niche or interests. Then pick one that you most resonate with and add some insight of yours by commenting on the post. (if you can’t even do that then, you might need to rethink what is your purpose or inner interest that you know something about) You can view that as a short form content of yours that just been release to as many viewer as popular the post gets.

An example of my comment 26 days ago on Alex Mathers Article.

Step 2.

Second, receiving a notification.

Today, I receive a notification that London Steinbeck claps on my comment, which I left 26 days ago. (recall this as a planted seed that is growing) (this claps means, they resonate, understand in some way, accept to interact further or rather they want to interact but does not have the time to at the moment.)

Then you should go review their profile and pick the post you most resonate or that is doing well or you think that will do well.

Image of my notification page.

Step 3.

There is a few take away from this point on, if you commented on something that you do not resonate or understands well, then the next steps will appear to have a weaker effect.

Yet, you can still choose a topic under their stories to comment on. (On both step 1 and 3. if your comment is in any value or your knowledge that created this comment will reflect the effectiveness of this exercise) (if you can see that then there is no limit to your input of trying to get more traffic to your profile)

Image of my comment on London Steinbeck’s Article.

Lastly, by mastering commenting you close the gap of new article not being seen and when commenting on different post, the meaning behind is totally different. (Commenting on Medium is the best form of adding value and giving value)

  1. If you comment on high traffic post, you get exposure.
  2. If you comment on new account post, you’ll most likely get comments and followers if done right.
  3. If you reply to their comment in a way of similar thinking you get true follower that can also expand other forms of relation.

Please don’t just enjoy reading, I hope you can do something with the information you have.

Thank you for reading till the end.

This Article Ends Here.

Finally, a warm warning.

Please do not spam on comments, do it the right way.

An image of Medium email of Medium Violation yet, resolved. A Great Mistake. “Never let a good crisis go to waste”

Some of my best-performing posts on My Progress and Growth on Medium.

  1. My First 2 Weeks On Medium: Here’s My Progress
  2. How You Should Adapt to the New Medium Partner Program Changes
  3. 10 Tasks To Increase Your Views on Medium.
  4. 40x-ing My Reads in 7 Days on Medium. This is What I Realized
  5. How I Made $100+ in 6 Days with 1 Post on Medium (An Inside Overview)


For those who want to scroll to the end and want to see the result first, here is my progress. Will post updates until my next post. (I think it’s working)

Image of story stats on 12/21/23 at 5:30am EST

Slow and Steady (# at this point are for motivation purpose only.)

Image of story stats on 12/22/23 at 9:30am EST

Up coming articles, I’m going to share my thought in relation to the August Medium partner program update that effects member that already have consistency and with some following 300–9K. Since most of these writer has been effective by it in terms of see lower earning after August and have not recover. (articles posted from 12/22 to 12/27)

People that cannot adapt to changes are leaving for real. (over reliance income on a single platform does hurt, when things switch on you)

This is great opportunities for the new comer and even bigger deal for the existing members with 300 or more following. (will explain more on the next my next post)

Some articles where members are unhappy about the new changes.

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