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The article outlines strategies for increasing viewership on Medium by leveraging engagement through commenting, replying, and networking.


The article "10 Tasks To Increase Your Views on Medium" provides a comprehensive guide for content creators looking to boost their visibility and engagement on the platform. It emphasizes the importance of consistent, high-quality posting and suggests various inbound and outbound techniques to attract and retain readers. Inbound strategies focus on strengthening relationships with existing engagers by responding to notifications, claps, and new followers, and encouraging them to view new content. Outbound strategies involve commenting on and clapping for other writers' posts, engaging with followers, and participating in popular discussions related to one's niche. The author also stresses the significance of genuine interactions and content creation, suggesting that these efforts can lead to a substantial increase in views and profile traffic.


  • The author believes in the "first mover advantage" and suggests that being proactive in engagement can lead to better results.
  • Consistent posting of high-quality content is seen as a prerequisite for successful engagement strategies.
  • Engaging with those who already interact with your content is considered more valuable than reaching out to new audiences.
  • The author advocates for personalized communication over direct link sharing when inviting followers to view new posts.
  • Genuine commenting is equated with content creation itself and is deemed crucial for building a readership.
  • The article suggests that commenting on popular posts can be a strategic move to gain visibility in one's field of expertise.
  • Advanced engagement tactics, such as interacting with the followers of those you follow, are acknowledged but not heavily emphasized due to time constraints.
  • The author reminds readers that writing remains the primary focus, with engagement strategies serving as supplementary tools for increasing views.

10 Tasks To Increase Your Views on Medium.

The Art of Commenting and Replies. (Build for Engagement)

Image By Suzy Hazelwood From pexels.com

A beginner to intermediate guideline on how I use comment and replies to attract attention and get views to your profile or articles. (First mover advantage take it or leave it)

A list of action that I do on Medium daily besides writing. (they are not in any order of value) (unless you do what I do or you can’t see what I see)

Prerequisite (for best result this is needed)

Have posted at least 5 higher quality post in the last 10 days. (goal is to reach 1 post a day first) And yes only this one is good enough to get started. (if you do not have consistent in this area then it will be hard to promise yourself to keep going, Remember Traffic to crap to is still crap) (a great content format is to solve your own issue and share the solution mentioned by By Dan Koe)

Inbound (people that is already engaging with you, try to strengthen the relation further)

  1. Check Notifications (if you have none to little, then you can focus on the outbound part first)
  2. Filter them by Responded, Claps, New Follower, Highlights and Subscribed make a list.
  3. Reply to the respond by adding a title of your latest post you want them to view. (if you have a new one coming up, write it and then reply to them) This is your most valuable reader, they already clap and commented before, the chance of them doing it again is high so make sense to ask them to read your latest post.
  4. Claps are everywhere, for claps on your post or your outbound comments. For claps on post, check how many people clapped and how many commented, reach out to the one that clapped but has not comment to either asking their thoughts on that post, or asking to check out a new post and remember to engage during this process by clapping or comment as well.(this does consider outbound)
  5. For the new follower, you would have to know if they have commented or clapped on any of your post before. If not ask them out if they only claps, then ask them to comment as well, since they follow you for a reason. (you can also infuse in your latest post or the post that you want them to read) Please do not paste the link directly as it might turn them off, just put the title of your post and ask for permission for them to visit it. A genuine commenting is require. (the hardest thing you’ll ever do is writing a genuine comment or reply, it is content creation itself and that’s the path you chosen)

For Highlights and Subscribed, I have not even utilize these yet and the result you can see already. (I have no special skill or talent in writing, how you work determines large portion of your success)

Image of Story stats 12–24–23

Outbound (people that you want to engage more with, each of the following is a way you can interact with them, try to find which one works best for your communication style)

  1. Commenting and clapping on other’s post or comments.
  2. Go to your existing following and reach out to your followers about your latest post by doing the above 1. (start from the newest to oldest order)
  3. Reading popular post that relate to what you write or reading that inspires your writing. (comment as many as you can since this is your field of somewhat expertise, this is the seed that you are planting) These comment will be a good traffic source itself just by being on these popular posts.
  4. Claps on your outbound comments, often time, you will receive a lot more claps on your comment on other popular posts you made prior. Yet, you can take the extra steps to reach out to the one that clapped on your outbound comments to engage by commenting on their post and then asking them to checkout your latest post or which one you feel fits best to both of your interest/goal.
  5. This one consider advance, look at who you follow and pick one and go into their following and starts commenting/engaging. (this one I only done a few times, just have not had the time to)
Image of stories as of 12/24/23

There you have it. (the Engagement tool for you to get started)

Just a reminder that writing is still the main focus, yet getting some extra genuine views on the side would be nice, please use as needed.

Merry Christmas,

And hope you like my wish list for you.

Thanks for reading.

Some of my best performing post about My Progress and Growth on Medium.

  1. How to Increase Traffic to your Profile on Medium. I’m Sure No One have share this before
  2. My First 2 Weeks On Medium: Here’s My Progress
  3. How You Should Adapt to the New Medium Partner Program Changes
  4. How I 10x my views within last 5 days at one post per day
  5. What I Learn From My Top 2 Post’s Metrics in Relation to Earnings
  6. How to Get Recurring Reads From Your Audience on Medium. Yet, an Addon for Scaling Your Views
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