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How I Made $100+ in 6 Days with 1 Post on Medium (An Inside Overview)

Most people will stop at their imagination. (aim for the unthinkable)

Image By Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

In this post, I’m going to break down all the details of this post as much as I can. (there will be a lot of images, the text will support any info that I feel it is important for you to think about)

Believe it or not it has happened. Didn’t woke up to it but rather took the steps and kept going. (posted on on Dec. 21, earning Peak on Dec. 26)

Image of Story Stats Earnings for a post

Fact List. (will be listing key takeaway and things that images can’t explain)

  1. I have less than 200 followers on Dec. 21 (Following does not matter)
  2. 336 people Clapped as of Dec. 28 (Clap Rate: 4683 claps/336 = 13.94 claps per person on average) (this does effect earning)
  3. 138 people commented as of Dec. 28 (Commenting Rate: 138/1300 reads = 0.106 or 10.6%)
  4. Keep in mind Read ratio is just an average which is only good to showcase what happened at the end and not what actually happen during each stage of the post. (therefore, don’t be too comfortable when you see a high overall read ratio)
  5. The post does not just die off, something kill it or it kill itself.
Image of Story Stats of an article.

The reason to mention point 2 and 3 metrics is to understand a post will slow down when these 2 metrics falls.(yet other metrics could not justified so will be using these 2 as a benchmark)

Good thing that I did a review on Dec. 24, the Clap Rate was 21.56 and the Commenting Rate was 27.5% at the time to show the difference of then and now. (this is not true, true, just an assumption the algorithm could just say no this post need to stop, which from Dec 26 to 27 the view has dropped 90% and similarly to few of my other post)

Image of Story stats views up to Dec. 28

Article on what is Clap Rate and Commenting Rate.

A look from the top.

Dec. Story Stats Cut at 12/26/23

The Chart above is very similar to what is call a bull run or a market cycle and exponential in a way. (once the deviation of view to read spread widened (highlight in yellow) by a large amount sign that the algorithm is sending the traffic to non interested audience, which defines a blow off top)

What you should think about.

  1. Put a strategy behind it and test it. (post less is more, in terms of volume not quality) (yet if you are unsure what you are doing then the more you post the more chances that you get is true)(but that’s not what I’m doing)
  2. Clap Rate and Commenting Rate is a factor that we can influence indirectly with effort.
  3. In a way the existing follower does give you bonus points so ask them out to stop by your post as often as needed.
  4. Base case for a viral post (think how can I, not what I want)
  • The larger the issue you solving the bigger the audience base.
  • Stage now: Once post a new Article, Reach out to your recent follower, commenter, recurring commenter, un-reply response, and get as many reads/claps/commenter within the shorts amount of time.
  • Stage 1: 10 reader, 50 claps each, 5 comments. (your following will be interested if the post already get some traction) (people follows people’s actions)
  • Stage 2: Once the post gets over 1K claps, psychology of network effect kicks in and people want to know more, which is a fuel to push the post to the next level.
  • All the above points can be done by commenting and replying to comments, what you say on the comments is key.
  • After stage 2 that is when the algorithm starts to really push traffic to your post. (see the reads chart below)
Story stats of Reads as of 12/28 for one article

A Fun Fact: this post has gain over 100 followers. (so do not worry about following, it is a byproduct of viral post)

Image of Story stats engagement section of a post

Reader’s interests can be use to look further on which topic should you lean towards and if you want to serve those readers.

Image of story stats traffic and reader’s interests

Thanks for reading, now try write and push out your $100 post.

Image by Monstera Production on pexels.com
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