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The article critiques the GOP's denial of reality and obsession with personal scandals, while highlighting the internal conflicts within the party, particularly focusing on Kevin McCarthy's struggle for the position of Speaker of the House amidst the chaos of the party's dynamics.


The author of the blog post expresses a critical view of the current state of the Republican Party, particularly focusing on Kevin McCarthy's challenged pursuit of the Speaker of the House role. The article suggests that McCarthy, referred to as "Kissing Kevin," has compromised his integrity by aligning with former President Trump and other controversial figures within the GOP. It points out the party's preoccupation with sexual matters, control over personal freedoms, and a pervasive culture of dishonesty. The post also touches on the economic policies of the previous administration, noting the increase in the federal deficit despite tax cuts for corporations. The author argues that the GOP's embrace of alternative realities, exemplified by election denial and alignment with extremist groups like QAnon, is a departure from practical governance and representative duty. The article concludes by offering workshops on reality creation and relationship dynamics, suggesting a need for improved understanding and communication in politics and personal life.


  • The author feels that Kevin McCarthy's ambition for the Speaker role has led him to compromise his values and align with dishonest and controversial figures.
  • There is a perception that the GOP is excessively focused on personal matters like sexual behavior and reproductive rights, attempting to control individual choices.
  • The article suggests that the GOP's denial of election results and embrace of conspiracy theories like QAnon reflects a broader issue of reality denial within the party.
  • The author criticizes the previous administration's economic policies, highlighting the paradox of increased corporate profits alongside a ballooning federal deficit.
  • There is a belief that the GOP's actions, particularly those of Trump and his supporters, are not only dishonest but also politically and morally unsound.
  • The author implies that the GOP's moral compass is skewed, prioritizing power and loyalty over truth and the well-being of the American people.
  • The post hints at a need for better political leadership and representation, with a call to learn from Nancy Pelosi's approach to governance.
  • The promotion of workshops on program theory and dyad relationships suggests the author's view that improved communication and understanding are essential for both political and personal success.

Kissing Kevin McCarthy and the GOP’s Kinky Fixation with Reality Denial

Illustration designed specifically for this blog by BSIENKART (used with permission from the artist)

I almost feel sorry for Kissing Kevin. He has lusted after the position of Speaker of the House for such a long time and it really does not look like he’s going to get there this time through. There are just too many dishonest players in his caucus. Kissing didn’t stand up for himself when he had the chance. He was just too afraid or maybe too dishonest. It doesn’t matter which one. January 6 left a mark on Kissing and he reacted. He actually said what he was thinking. He said it was the Big Guy’s fault just after the event, but then he had to go kiss ass to find his way again. Now he’s beholden to the Grifter-in-Chief and all the Grifterettes the Chief has spawned. All this spawning and ass kissing makes me have to reevaluate what the Chief Grifter meant when he announced that you just “Grab ’em by the pussy.” And then I have to wonder about what pronoun Kissing is claiming for his own these days.

Nope, old Kissing Kevin has himself a real dilemma there in the House of Representatives. To begin with, he has a bunch of people that are just obsessed with sex. They mostly worry about how you’re doing it, but that’s just one talking point. The whole Republican caucus is fascinated about if you dare to be married, if you dare to control your own life and reproductive system. They’ve announced that they want to control you into having children when they say and how they say. I hear that Margie is considering a bill to limit us to doing it in the dark and only in the missionary position. I doubt it’s going to make it into law though, because apparently she wants to head up the surveillance team to do house-to-house inspections to guarantee compliance while performing her My Little Pony act. Little Jimmy from Ohio has written up his very own January 6th report where he blames the whole thing on Nancy. Given the focus of his caucus one might think the boy has an Oedipus complex. Although it is rumored that he is a voyeur when it comes to young men in a locker room, so maybe he swings both ways? More power to him, if that’s what melts his butter.

Here’s the thing: I don’t care if Margie shops Target for butt plugs and dildos. I don’t care if Jimmy gets off on seeing young full-bodied men in a locker room. I don’t even care that the Chief Grifter grabs all his bitches by the pussy. I really don’t care if the entire GOP is interested in the dick pics on Hunter’s laptop. What I do care about is that the Lake Lady is calling herself a “real American” while she tries to sue the State of Arizona to make her a special case and appoint her governor when she didn’t win the election.

I do understand that dishonesty on this level and intensity is something new. No doubt the Twitterverse made most of this dissembling possible or maybe even inevitable, but I absolutely want to see the likes of the Grifter and Margie and even Kissing get what’s coming to them.

As kinky as all that may be, it is not as kinky as the party’s fixation with reality denial. The supposed leader of the GOP denies that he lost the election, cheats on his taxes, claims classified documents “belong to him and he wants them returned”, claims the New York Attorney General is as racist as the Fulton County DA. He even gives a reason. They ain’t white. He even learned to go with everyone else in the Fantasyland collectively known as QAnon. This guy does not know how to be honest about anything. He is so dishonest that he thinks everyone thinks the same as he does. He thinks of himself as a popular tough guy. I think of him as a wannabe Fonzie but he ain’t that decent or practical. I just do not understand the calculation that allows one to sup with Ye and Nicky Crackers. How is that politically sound? More to this point, why would a so-called conservative such as Kissing Kevin ever consider seeking the approval and endorsement from a man who is obviously looking for approval from any daddy figure he can find from Vladdy Putin to Kim Jr.? Clearly the answer to such a dilemma is to investigate Hunter’s laptop. That will remove Dark Brandon from office. No doubt.

You know…The best way to keep cows and pigs and other big farm animals on their side of a fence is to electrify the fence. If it shocks them they soon learn to stay away from it. The fence that the GOP is resisting is not between Mexico and the United States. The fence those folks are resisting appears to be something of a moral issue and it may be one. If it is a moral issue it is not about right and wrong. It appears to be more about being human. During the last administration corporate taxes were cut by a lot. This resulted in the Dow increasing 56%¹. At the same time the federal deficit increased nearly 40% from a projected $10 trillion dollars to $13.9 trillion dollars².

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act³ passed both the House and the Senate. Republicans tend to lean toward the idea that corporations are endowed with human-like qualities which nearly bestow on them non voting human characteristics. But corporations can not respond to human needs. Corporations can only respond to infusions of money. Humans require much more of a varied diet. If it were not for WVA Joe and Kristen from Arizona this corporate human denial would not be so obvious. Who do you think pays for that Yacht that Joe lives on? Certainly not the people from West Virginia. With inflation running high, why could Kristen not vote for an increase of the minimum wage? Well, it seems rather obvious that she was not considering the working people of Arizona.

One good thing that has come out of all this hypocrisy is that the people who actually stormed the Capitol on January 6th are coming to understand the old proverb about 100 rejections being better than one insincere agreement. Grifting Boy knew that he had lost the election fair and square. But his insincere agreement is costing those who believed his insincerity, years of their life and much more in family relationships and monetary costs. For Kissing the costs will necessarily be even higher. Kevin knew when he kissed the ass that he was backing a losing cause. I don’t think he considered that there would be negative fallout which could crush his dream of becoming Speaker. But then Kissing did not think to learn from a master. Kissing held Nancy in contempt for political reasons and just flat missed all her lessons. Maybe the reason is that her lessons were not about politics but rather about practical representation of reality.

Reality recognition seems to be in short supply in some members of his caucus, like with the Freedom Caucus. But the new wannabes like Margie, Matt, Loren and the ghost from Long Island represent a clowder of cats that will not be herded. God help the poor boy.


1. Fox, M. (2021, January 20). Here’s How the Stock Market Performed Under President Donald Trump. Markets Insider. Retrieved December 30, 2022, from https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/stock-market-performance-under-president-donald-trump-dow-jones-sp500-2021-1-1029987163

2. Riedl, B. (2022, May 12). Trump’s Fiscal Legacy: A Comprehensive Overview of Spending, Taxes, and Deficits. Manhattan Institute. Retrieved December 30, 2022, from https://www.manhattan-institute.org/trumps-fiscal-legacy

3. Floyd, D., & Uradu, L. D. (2022). Explaining the Trump Tax Reform Plan. Investopedia. Retrieved December 30, 2022, from https://www.investopedia.com/taxes/trumps-tax-reform-plan-explained/

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Forging Agreement’s newest on-demand workshop is available on Teachable now. Learn more about the ideas that John introduces in his blogs in the Program Theory On-Demand Workshop!

One way to think about how your mind works is to consider it as a biocomputer. It has an operating system and different types of applications and programs that run when called, in similar fashion to a regular computer. The results of this workshop will give you new ways to consider your own beliefs, emotions, feelings and logical thoughts and how you can choose to modify them to meet your own requirements.

The workshop combines a series of on-demand videos with group discussions. Program Theory is taught by John Worthington and Paul Grenci. Contact @forgingagreement on Facebook or Instagram or email [email protected] for more information!

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The most recent online Reality Creation Through the Dyad Workshop has just wrapped up. The Dyad workshop is an exploration into the relationship that exists between two people- any two people. A Dyadic relationship can be with a spouse, significant other, business partner, co-workers, family members, etc. These relationships can be wonderful and challenging all at the same time, but that is the beauty of relationships; traversing the good, the bad and everything in between.

In this interactive workshop, couples/individuals are afforded the opportunity to examine ever so common problems and tried and true solutions that guarantee an ongoing relationship if one is warranted.

This workshop will be happening on a monthly basis and runs over 2 weeks of 4 consecutive evenings. Contact @forgingagreement on Facebook or Instagram or email info@forgingagreement.com for more information!

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