avatarJohn Worthington


Wannabe Politicians

The Bad Form of Saying One Thing and Doing Another

Illustration by BISIENKART (used with artist’s permission)

I guess I must be old fashioned. I’ve always thought it to be really bad form to say one thing and do another. But the more I listen to this new crop of wannabe politicians I have to wonder. The Vance kid from Ohio probably demonstrates the most blatant of this kind of two-faced wannabe.

Vance was staunchly anti-Trump. He made statements that were not complimentary in any way. He even went so far as to suggest that Trump was America’s Hitler⁸. That just ain’t nice. But these days he’s saying things like Trump was the best president he’s seen in his short 37 year life¹⁰. This is where I have to pause and wonder what is this kid thinking with.

Something that is true for all human beings is that once a program is written in our thinking machinery it becomes the rule of our life until we recognize it and rewrite it. My question to the Vance boy would be what was your epiphany? What did Trump do to change your mind?

I might be picking on J.D. a bit so I have to defend him a little. He ain’t alone. The wannabe speaker of the house ole Kevin what’s his name, lied and said he never done it, but then a recording of him doing it came out². As soon as that happened the Washington two-step began. But this time it sounded like an 18th century reel. Steve had to join in the ruckus to say that what happened never did, but we can all hear the both of them saying what they said. How do you have the chutzpah to tell us we didn’t hear you guys?

The richest part of that whole soap opera is Matty boy coming around to accuse the two party leaders of the congress of lying³. And of course, Marge had to pipe up and put her two cents worth in about what bad boys the two fellows are. But how can Marge have any moral high ground? We all watched her lie about her memory of her very own tweets. Oh my, Marge, have you no shame? No, she doesn’t, but she had the audacity to accuse Jim A of CNN of being dishonest⁶. But I noticed she didn’t want him to actually read the entire text, just up to the part where she wrote she didn’t know about martial law. But she did remind us all of how we were going to lose our country unless we destroy it. The things that go on in some southern belles’ heads, I swear.

And how about Ronnie down there in Florida. He’s gotten pretty big for his britches, don’t you think? He’s going to chastise Disney for just saying that they are not in favor of his “Don’t Say Gay” bill¹. I’m not real sure, but I’m pretty sure that is the same administration which forbade a Florida health official from reporting actual facts concerning the Covid pandemic⁵. I guess the next thing is we’ll have Ronnie’s brown-shirts rounding up people who have any opinion of thought that is not ordained by the state of Florida.

I understand that’s the price of admission to the circle of good fellows that the Orange Godfather endorses. The one and only true litmus test for entry into that god forsaken club is the ability to repeat with a straight face that Donny Boy won the 2020 election. If you can voice that mantra long and loud, you too could become a congress person or even a state legislator. Maybe a governor. If you’re quasi-famous already like Hershel, you could even become a senator. You won’t need a platform, all you need is two or three outlandish theories about something inconsequential. The more off the wall they are the better. That will show your constituency that you’re a good fellow of standing with The Godfather.

We all should be thankful that we live in a country where free speech is encouraged and even protected by law. Otherwise we wouldn’t know who the stupid people are. People who espouse alternative realities are not dependable in the reality the rest of us live in. So what to do about the pied piper of Mar Lago? We can’t just ignore him because he won’t go away. On the other hand this is the guy who suggested that bleach could be introduced into the body as a quick and easy cure for Covid. I don’t think I, for one, am down with having his reality tv management style in the White House for another four years. Especially not with even more wing nuts in the congress and senate.

I should also remind everyone that the XLV was the guy who thought Putin was brilliant for what he gave as an excuse for invading Ukraine⁷. We can all see how that’s working out for Ukraine. I don’t know this but I’ve heard that birds of a feather flock together. Could this be a Donny and Vlad sitting under a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G kind of thing? That would not be a lovely scenario as romantic as it may sound.

What baffles me in all of this, is that the Golden Boy is a loser. There has been nothing he’s touched that has been a success from his steaks to his University to his presidency. He’s lost consistently. Yet there are all these candidates who are vying for his attention and approval. And they are doing their dead level best to out Trump him. How can they lose more than he already has? He’s kind of set the bar. It is historically rare for a sitting president to lose the house, the senate, and the presidency. If we were to elect these wannabe losers who are lining up to lick his boots, we would lose the country to the likes of Vlad or the Saudi princes.

But I keep hearing how down in Washington folks in the know are predicting that the republican ticket is going to win the midterms, no doubt about it. I think they’re the same folks who scoffed at Joe ever becoming president. Yeah, Joe is pretty weak. He’s been showing that with how he’s dealt with the Ukraine invasion. He’s only gotten 40 countries to Agree to sanction Russia⁴ and most of Europe to give weapons to the Ukrainians and we’re not talking pistols and knives. We’re talking missiles and tanks and big stuff like that. I don’t think the Orange Pumpkin would have been able to do that job. He couldn’t even get along with the then Prime Minister of Montenegro⁹. He had to push him out of the way so he could be on the front row of the photo shoot.

I think we all remember that obnoxious kid in high school that thought he knew all about sex. He used words like vagina to show how knowledgeable he was but he was and probably still is a virgin. Joe ain’t that kid. Joe has put his money where his mouth is. If only people in the Grand Old Party could do the same. But then if they did, I would have to look somewhere else for material. You just can’t make this kind of stuff up.


1. Atterbury, A. (2022, April 22). DeSantis revokes Disney’s special status after ‘Don’t Say Gay’ opposition. Politico. Retrieved May 6, 2022, from https://www.politico.com/news/2022/04/22/desantis-disney-special-status-dont-say-gay-00027302

2. Benen, S., & Maddow, R. (2022, May 5). Newest leaked recording does GOP’s Kevin McCarthy no favors. MSNBC News. Retrieved May 6, 2022, from https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/maddowblog/newest-leaked-recording-gops-kevin-mccarthy-no-favors-rcna27436

3. Brooks, E. (2022, April 27). Scalise, Gaetz meet privately after fallout from leaked call. The Hill. Retrieved May 6, 2022, from https://thehill.com/news/house/3469501-scalise-gaetz-meet-privately-after-fallout-from-leaked-call/

4. Funakoshi, M., & Lawson, H. (2022, March 9). Tracking sanctions against Russia. Reuters Graphics. Retrieved May 6, 2022, from https://graphics.reuters.com/UKRAINE-CRISIS/SANCTIONS/byvrjenzmve/

5. Gibson, T. (2021, September 1). Did Florida change COVID-19 reporting to create ‘artificial decline’ in recent deaths? News4JAX. Retrieved May 6, 2022, from https://www.news4jax.com/news/local/2021/09/01/did-florida-change-covid-19-reporting-to-create-artificial-decline-in-recent-deaths/

6. Greene accuses Jim Acosta of being a liar after he asks her about ‘Marshall law’ text. (2022, April 29). The Independent. Retrieved May 6, 2022, from https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/marjorie-taylor-greene-cnn-jim-acosta-b2068264.html

7. Levin, B. (2022, February 22). Trump Calls Putin’s Ukraine Moves “Genius” Because He’s a Sick Man Who Hates Democracy. Vanity Fair. Retrieved May 6, 2022, from https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2022/02/donald-trump-vladimir-putin-ukraine-genius

8. Quay, G. (2022, April 18). JD Vance said Trump might be ‘America’s Hitler’ in 2016 text message. The Week. Retrieved May 6, 2022, from https://theweek.com/2022-election/1012706/jd-vance-said-trump-might-be-americas-hitler-in-2016-text-message

9. Schmidt, S. (2017, May 26). Breaking down Trump’s ‘shove’. The Washington Post. Retrieved May 6, 2022, from https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2017/05/26/breaking-down-trumps-shove-the-internet-debates-and-montenegros-leader-shrugs/

10. Watch JD Vance: Charlie Rose. (2016, October 19). Bloomberg.com. Retrieved May 6, 2022, from https://www.bloomberg.com/news/videos/2016-10-19/jd-vance-charlie-rose

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