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The article criticizes the Republican Party's anti-abortion stance, accusing them of being anti-woman and hypocritical, and arguing that the recent Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade is a travesty for women's rights.


The article argues that the Republican Party is not pro-life but anti-woman, using the recent Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade as evidence. The author criticizes the justices who voted to overturn the decision, accusing them of lying under oath and being hypocritical. The article also discusses the hypocrisy of Christian theology, which holds that there is no reincarnation but believes that Jesus will return to take all those who have been saved during their life to be with him. The author argues that this belief is contradictory and creates inner conflicts for those who hold it. The article also criticizes the double standards of the "Thought Police," who champion freedom of choice for men but not for women. The author concludes by calling for men of good will to come together to defend women's rights and send a clear message to the crazies.


  • The Republican Party is anti-woman, not pro-life.
  • The Supreme Court justices who voted to overturn Roe v. Wade are hypocritical and lied under oath.
  • Christian theology is contradictory and creates inner conflicts for those who hold it.
  • The "Thought Police" are hypocritical and champion freedom of choice for men but not for women.
  • Men of good will should come together to defend women's rights and send a clear message to those who oppose them.

The Republican Anti-Woman Agenda

The Consequences of Dishonest Justices

Illustration by BSIENKART (used with permission from artist)

George Carlin had it right. The Republican Party isn’t pro-life, it’s anti-woman². The opinion written by Justice Alito³ is a vile political statement designed to put women in their place. It is based in belief and not so much law. How do I know? Well, Justice Alito ain’t a woman and therefore his opinion must perforce be based on his beliefs concerning the reality experienced by women. What an arrogant retrograde bigot.

Once again, we are witness to republicans saying one thing and doing another. Every one of the justices forming the majority opinion swore under oaths to those who confirmed them as justices that Roe vs Wade was the law of the land⁶, but here they all are doing something different.

I’m really not disappointed in those justices. I am disappointed in the damned fools who allowed them to visit such a travesty on half the American population. Especially since over 80% of the total population is in favor of the freedom of choice¹. Not that their opinions were hidden from anyone. We all knew they were lying and so did the folks who confirmed them. We all knew they were hypocrites. What we didn’t know was that the democrats who allowed them to become justices were just as hypocritical.

The problem lies in the idea that Christian theology holds that there is no reincarnation. It’s a necessary belief of those folks who contend that when they die they’re going to heaven to be with Jesus, but they cannot accept that all of us may come back over and over again until we get it right. Yet Christians all believe that Jesus is going to return to take all of those who have been saved during their life to be with him. In other words, they all believe that they are going to live again. But they cannot accept that they may in fact be living again at this very moment. The dilemma for those folks is that they are free from sin, but not free to live life. Imagine the inner conflicts for people who think in this manner. They may not accept that they might condone killing a fetus, but at the same time they claim to champion freedom of choice.

Case in point is during the pandemic many of these same anti-abortion advocates championed a maskless stance even in the face of greatly increased chances of contracting Covid and dying. They claimed it was a matter of freedom to choose. But should a woman opt to exercise that same freedom of choice over her own body and the eventual life of a fetus, she will encounter the wrath of the “Thought Police”. The same is true for the right to bear arms. Why does one wish to carry firearms around? Is it not to take life? A gun is designed to kill. And yeah, yeah, I’ve heard the argument that guns do not kill people, but people kill people, but how those people kill is with guns. And I still do not know which came first the chicken or the egg and quite frankly I don’t really care. If you don’t have eggs you won’t have chickens and if you don’t have chickens you can’t possibly have eggs. So, it appears that the easiest solution to a chicken problem is to take away the eggs. That’s just common sense. But it is not common sense to insist that people who cannot afford children be forced to have children.

Again, I’ve heard the argument that women who don’t want to have children shouldn’t open their legs. That seems to make sense except for one little detail. Men who do not want to have children shouldn’t open a woman’s legs. Think anyone is going to argue that point? That’s the problem with the so-called moral arguments of the “Thought Police”. They cannot take into account programming that is not conscious, but rather hormonal. Well, they can for men, but not for women.

The great question of the age is whether as a society we are going to treat women as equal. Not as same, but as equal. If men can choose to walk away from the responsibility of parenthood then women must have the same rights. But in reality they do not. Women are saddled with responsibility for children. Men are not. Even the judicial branch of government tends to award custody of children, and therefore responsibility for children to women. Men are required to bear the financial burden but that is a cheap second in terms of the day-to-day care a child requires. Oh, I’ll readily agree that many men do their best to take on the parenting role but in thoughts concerning abortion men are notably absent.

Dictionary.com defines justice as, “the quality of being just, righteousness, equitableness, or moral rightness.⁴” According to this definition what Justice Alito is proposing is not justice at all. It is questionably moral. And that question revolves around whose morality one wishes to adhere. It certainly is not representative of a justice which treats women equitably. It is a form of righteousness but a false righteousness because it requires that we consider the justice himself as being considerably less than honest or fair. For these reasons the ruling does not have the characteristics of being just.

If the courts are to rule that we all have the freedom to choose we cannot be two-faced about the application of such a fundamental right. If we have the right to carry arms and the right to wear or not wear a mask, then women must also have the right to choose to bring a pregnancy to term or not.

We may not tout religious freedom and then police thinking that is other than what we ourselves believe. We would first have to address what it is which we actually believe and that will always be measured by the reality we create. In the soap opera which the Supreme Court has become, the reality being created is a moral quagmire of purported Christian ethics and questionable moral standing. It is neither legal nor just. It discriminates against all women to the aggrandizement of the conservative ethos.

All of this pain and suffering is coming about due to the smug actions of a single individual. Moscow Mitch McConnell⁵. Because of his one immoral act of discrimination of not bringing Obama’s pick for Supreme Court Justice to the floor for a vote, he alone brought about this travesty of actual thought police populating the court. Mitch has been forthright in saying that he has no red lines and this is certainly an example of what that means for the country. If ever there was a time and a reason for men of good will to come together to defend those who cannot defend themselves then this is that time and that reason. It could not be unconscionable to elect a slate of conspiracy proponents to represent us in congress in the upcoming midterms. It is time that we all band together to bring a halt to the thought police and send a clear and unmistakable message to all the crazies. This shall not be the rule of our land.


1. 80 percent of Americans believe abortion should be legal; 70 percent approve Medicaid Funding. (n.d.). PubMed. Retrieved May 9, 2022, from https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/383496/

2. George Carlin- On abortion and pro life supporters. (2019, April 23). YouTube. Retrieved May 9, 2022, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHRaUUlD00w

3. Gerstein, J., Ward, A., & Alito, S. (2022, May 3). Exclusive: Supreme Court has voted to overturn abortion rights, draft opinion shows. Politico. Retrieved May 9, 2022, from https://www.politico.com/news/2022/05/02/supreme-court-abortion-draft-opinion-00029473

4. Justice Definition & Meaning. (n.d.). Dictionary.com. Retrieved May 9, 2022, from https://www.dictionary.com/browse/justice

5. Kelly, A. (2016, March 16). McConnell: Blocking Supreme Court Nomination ‘About A Principle, Not A Person’. NPR. Retrieved May 9, 2022, from https://www.npr.org/2016/03/16/470664561/mcconnell-blocking-supreme-court-nomination-about-a-principle-not-a-person

6. Sullivan, B. (2022, May 3). What conservative justices said — and didn’t say — about Roe at their confirmations. NPR. Retrieved May 9, 2022, from https://www.npr.org/2022/05/03/1096108319/roe-v-wade-alito-conservative-justices-confirmation-hearings

Roe V Wade
Abortion Rights
Religious Freedom
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