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The article critiques the concept of "alternative reality" as a euphemism for deception, particularly in political and social discourse, and emphasizes the importance of acknowledging and engaging with the real world.


The author of the article reflects on the nature of alternative realities, dismissing them as nothing more than lies dressed up in fancy language. They argue that individuals who subscribe to these fabricated realities often use extreme justifications for their beliefs, as seen in the behavior of those who threaten public officials over the investigation of events like the January 6th insurrection. The article points out the contradictions in claiming divine guidance for harmful actions and questions the religious teachings that might encourage such delusions. It also criticizes the spread of conspiracy theories, like those propagated by QAnon, and the baseless claims of election fraud. The author expresses concern over the influence of politicians who promote these false narratives, likening their followers to the Pied Piper's entranced subjects. The article concludes by emphasizing the inevitability of change and the importance of embracing diversity in thought and culture, suggesting that those who fear change are immature and that the only true reality is the one we all share.


  • Alternative realities are equated with lies, serving to make liars feel better about themselves.
  • The author finds it disturbing that individuals justify harmful behavior by claiming divine instruction, highlighting a double standard in how such claims are received.
  • The article criticizes the lack of evidence behind claims of a stolen election and the irony of those making such claims refusing to take basic health precautions during the pandemic.
  • Politicians and political hopefuls who perpetuate these alternative realities are seen as leading their followers into a dystopian, fascist theology.
  • The author compares established politicians who have abandoned common sense to acid heads from their youth, lost in a bad trip.
  • The article suggests that society benefits from the integration of new ideas and people, using the archaeological site near Guadalajara as an example of successful cultural synthesis.
  • The author challenges those afraid of change to recognize that change is constant and that diversity enriches society.

An Alternative Reality: A Fancy Name for a Lie

Illustration by BSIENKART (with permission from artist)

I’ve been wondering for the last few years — “how do you define an alternative reality?” What is one of those exactly? Where do you go to find one even? They are not daydreams because you wake up from daydreams the moment the teacher calls your name. They’re not a multiverse kind of thing because they supposedly occur in this universe. I’ve run through a few possibilities over those years and at the end of my quest, I think I understand what an alternative reality actually is. It’s a fancy name for a lie. Kind of like calling the garbage man a sanitation engineer. I think it’s just a way to make the liar feel good about him or herself. I doubt that it works all that well.

The weird part about the folks who live in or believe in this alternative reality stuff is that they often use all manner of craziness to justify their position. For example, I heard on the news the other day that some apparently quite nice older lady talked to a United States Senator’s voicemail saying crazy stuff like, “I hope, if it’s God’s will, that you die” or some other just as wacky statement. Who thinks like that? Why do they think like that? Is it catching? And why was the nice lady talking trash to the senator? Because he was discovering the truth about what actually took place on January 6th. That senator has a very young son and people have even threatened him. There is nothing truthful or justifiable in the behavior of that ilk. I don’t think grown adults behave like they’re still in middle school, do they?

I hear people justifying this craziness as though God himself told them to act the fool. I don’t understand that kind of behavior. Why is it if someone claims that God tells them something it’s considered okay but if they say the devil told them something it’s not okay? How is one stance more delusional than the other? I live in a reality where it’s understandable that God is busy and really doesn’t have the time or the patience to put up with that kind of crazy. What I want to know about those people is what church do they attend? What religion teaches anyone to make up alternate realities? This kind of crazy is not a matter of my opinion differing from your opinion. This is more a matter of “go take a step outside and see what’s shaking in the real world.¹”

But in the United States of America, there are large groups of people who claim to live in made-up realities. There are the QAnon goofballs who are searching for the hidden meanings in missives from a non-existent being named Q. This bunch obviously does not have enough to do. There are politicians running for office who spout all the foolishness about the last election being stolen. This one is fascinating because they can not offer any rationale for their stance. I’ve never heard one iota of proof that the election was stolen. I have heard that drop boxes and mail-in ballots are how the election was stolen but that took place during a pandemic when we were all scared out of our wits about how Covid was transmitted and we were all social distancing while wiping down surfaces and even our groceries. But then some of those same people refused to wear even the simplest protection of a face mask? Why? God knows. But they died by the thousands. I suppose that’s one way of discovering if your alternative reality is viable or not. But really?

Then there are a rather large group of political wannabes who seem to be following the Pied Trumpeter off the cliff. This fellow seems to possess a magical flute that lures the rats out into the daylight, leads women astray, and threatens to lead all the children of the village into a dystopian reality where alternatives cannot exist. The only reality in that dystopia is the rule of fascist theology and the Pied Trumpeter rules forever. Do politicians who practice such madness represent free men? I have a hard time understanding how that’s so. I don’t know what those folks are smoking but they ought to open up a window and let some air into the room. That ain’t no way to have fun.

The most curious group of folks who are into the alternative reality scene are established politicians who were at one time considered to be leaders in the nation. They were once even thought to have an innate ability to practice common sense. But alas, they’ve become older and no wiser. They kind of remind me of acid heads from my youth. They seem to be on a really bad trip and just have no idea how to touch back down again. These guys are the real deal rocket men. This bunch may actually believe that there is a majority of people in their constituency who favor Big Brother watching and approving of all action or not. Somehow they have come to think that what they consider right and wrong defines the concepts for all of humanity for all time. Pure madness.

Just to the west of Guadalajara, Jalisco, there is an archeological site that is around 2000 years old². It did not start out in its present form. But the last time it was populated it housed a population who for unknown reasons built conical pyramids, had extensive irrigation canals, grew food year round, and endured periodic influxes of peoples from other lands. It appears that each time there was an influx of new people some of the beliefs and practices of the previous society were incorporated into the new conglomerate of people, and some of the previous society was replaced with newer ideas. It also appears that society as a whole flourished as a result of the influx of new ideas. It also appears that the older ideas also identified the people who lived here no matter their origins. Isn’t that the nature of society?

So I have a question for those who fear the reality that exists in the world and would prefer to return to yesteryear with a hi-ho-Silver. Awaaaay! Why on earth are you afraid of change? Don’t you folks know that the only thing that is really constant is change? Are you really that immature? Come on now. You might be misled but I may not accept that you’re dumb. I have to believe that people understand the freedom to think for themselves must include the ability to know what works for them and for other people. And some nice lady screaming at a US senator is not something that works. Neither is calling someone you disagree with and threatening them and their children. Nothing will grow in that wasteland. No folks, there is only one reality. It’s the one we live in. It includes people from all around the world and all their thinking and quirks, and ain’t that just grand? They don’t want to replace you. They’re all afraid you’re going to change how they think and see the one world they live in. And they have a reason. You will. But please take note that they are going to affect how you live too. Don’t believe me, then how come you go to Taco Bell?


1. John Butler Trio — Good Excuse Lyrics. (n.d.). Genius. Retrieved August 5, 2022, from https://genius.com/John-butler-trio-good-excuse-lyrics

2. Guachimontones — Teuchitlan — Guachimontones Jalisco. (n.d.). Destination 360. Retrieved August 5, 2022, from http://www.destination360.com/north-america/mexico/guachimontones-ruins

Alternate Reality
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